[Bps-public-commit] r11680 - in Prophet/trunk: .

jesse at bestpractical.com jesse at bestpractical.com
Fri Apr 11 10:55:18 EDT 2008

Author: jesse
Date: Fri Apr 11 10:55:11 2008
New Revision: 11680

   Prophet/trunk/   (props changed)

 r29596 at 104:  jesse | 2008-04-11 10:54:41 -0400
 * Extracted the replica exporter. started to try to slightly clean up the handle for merge into replica

Modified: Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/Handle.pm
--- Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/Handle.pm	(original)
+++ Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/Handle.pm	Fri Apr 11 10:55:11 2008
@@ -23,25 +23,6 @@
     return Prophet::Handle::SVN->new(@_);
-=head2 integrate_changeset L<Prophet::ChangeSet>
-Given a L<Prophet::ChangeSet>, integrates each and every change within that changeset into the handle's replica.
-This routine also records that we've seen this changeset (and hence everything before it) from both the peer who sent it to us AND the replica who originally created it.
-sub integrate_changeset {
-    my $self      = shift;
-    my ($changeset) = validate_pos(@_, { isa => 'Prophet::ChangeSet'});
-    $self->begin_edit();
-    $self->record_changeset($changeset);
-    $self->record_changeset_integration($changeset);
-    $self->commit_edit();
 =head2 record_resolutions Prophet::ChangeSet, (Prophet::Handle, a resolution database handle)
 Given a resolution changeset and a resolution database handle,
@@ -89,6 +70,29 @@
+=head1 Routines dealing with integrating changesets into a replica
+=head2 integrate_changeset L<Prophet::ChangeSet>
+Given a L<Prophet::ChangeSet>, integrates each and every change within that changeset into the handle's replica.
+This routine also records that we've seen this changeset (and hence everything before it) from both the peer who sent it to us AND the replica who originally created it.
+sub integrate_changeset {
+    my $self      = shift;
+    my ($changeset) = validate_pos(@_, { isa => 'Prophet::ChangeSet'});
+    $self->begin_edit();
+    $self->record_changeset($changeset);
+    $self->record_changeset_integration($changeset);
+    $self->commit_edit();
 =head2 record_changeset Prophet::ChangeSet
 Inside an edit (transaction), integrate all changes in this transaction
@@ -99,14 +103,11 @@
 sub record_changeset {
     my $self      = shift;
     my ($changeset) = validate_pos(@_, { isa => 'Prophet::ChangeSet'});
     eval {
         my $inside_edit = $self->current_edit ? 1 : 0;
         $self->begin_edit() unless ($inside_edit);
         $self->_integrate_change($_) for ( $changeset->changes );
         $self->commit_edit() unless ($inside_edit);
     die($@) if ($@);
@@ -117,25 +118,13 @@
     my ($change) = validate_pos(@_, { isa => 'Prophet::Change'});
     my %new_props = map { $_->name => $_->new_value } $change->prop_changes;
     if ( $change->change_type eq 'add_file' ) {
-        $self->create_node(
-            type  => $change->node_type,
-            uuid  => $change->node_uuid,
-            props => \%new_props
-        );
+        $self->create_node( type  => $change->node_type, uuid  => $change->node_uuid, props => \%new_props);
     } elsif ( $change->change_type eq 'add_dir' ) {
     } elsif ( $change->change_type eq 'update_file' ) {
-        $self->set_node_props(
-            type  => $change->node_type,
-            uuid  => $change->node_uuid,
-            props => \%new_props
-        );
+        $self->set_node_props( type  => $change->node_type, uuid  => $change->node_uuid, props => \%new_props);
     } elsif ( $change->change_type eq 'delete' ) {
-        $self->delete_node(
-            type => $change->node_type,
-            uuid => $change->node_uuid
-        );
+        $self->delete_node( type => $change->node_type, uuid => $change->node_uuid);
     } else {
         Carp::confess( " I have never heard of the change type: " . $change->change_type );
@@ -168,6 +157,16 @@
     return $self->_record_metadata_for( $MERGETICKET_METATYPE, $source_uuid, 'last-changeset', $sequence_no );
+=head1 metadata storage routines 
 =head2 metadata_storage $RECORD_TYPE, $PROPERTY_NAME
 Returns a function which takes a UUID and an optional value to get (or set) metadata rows in a metadata table.
@@ -217,6 +216,10 @@
 =head1 The following functions need to be implemented by any Prophet backing store.
@@ -285,9 +288,29 @@
 =head2 The following functions need to be implemented by any _writable_ prophet backing store
+=head2 The following optional routines are provided for you to override with backing-store specific behaviour
+=head3 _post_process_integrated_changeset Prophet::ChangeSet
+Called after the replica has integrated a new changeset but before closing the current transaction/edit.
+The SVN backend, for example, uses this to record author metadata about this changeset.
+sub _post_process_integrated_changeset {
+    return 1;

Modified: Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/Replica.pm
--- Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/Replica.pm	(original)
+++ Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/Replica.pm	Fri Apr 11 10:55:11 2008
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
 sub register_replica_scheme {
     my $class = shift;
     my %args = validate(@_, { class => 1, scheme => 1});
@@ -601,187 +600,10 @@
 sub export_to {
     my $self = shift;
     my %args = validate( @_, { path => 1, } );
+    Prophet::ReplicaExporter->require();
-    my $replica_root = dir( $args{path}, $self->db_uuid );
-    my $cas_dir           = dir( $replica_root => 'cas' );
-    my $record_cas_dir    = dir( $cas_dir      => 'records' );
-    my $changeset_cas_dir = dir( $cas_dir      => 'changesets' );
-    my $record_dir        = dir( $replica_root => 'records' );
-    _mkdir( $args{path} );
-    _mkdir($replica_root);
-    _mkdir($record_dir);
-    _mkdir($cas_dir);
-    make_tiered_dirs($record_cas_dir);
-    make_tiered_dirs($changeset_cas_dir);
-    $self->_init_export_metadata( root => $replica_root );
-    foreach my $type ( @{ $self->prophet_handle->enumerate_types } ) {
-        $self->export_records(
-            type    => $type,
-            root    => $replica_root,
-            cas_dir => $record_cas_dir
-        );
-    }
-    $self->export_changesets( root => $replica_root, cas_dir => $changeset_cas_dir );
-    #$self->export_resolutions( path => dir( $replica_root, 'resolutions'), resdb_handle => $args{'resdb_handle'} );
-sub export_resolutions {
-    my $self    = shift;
-    my $replica = Prophet::Replica->new();
-    # ...
-sub _init_export_metadata {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my %args = validate( @_, { root => 1 } );
-    $self->_output_oneliner_file( path => file( $args{'root'}, 'replica-uuid' ),    content => $self->uuid );
-    $self->_output_oneliner_file( path => file( $args{'root'}, 'replica-version' ), content => '1' );
-    $self->_output_oneliner_file(
-        path    => file( $args{'root'}, 'latest-sequence-no' ),
-        content => $self->most_recent_changeset
-    );
-sub export_records {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my %args = validate( @_, { root => 1, type => 1, cas_dir => 1 } );
-    make_tiered_dirs( dir( $args{'root'} => 'records' => $args{'type'} ) );
-    my $collection = Prophet::Collection->new(
-        handle => $self->prophet_handle,
-        type   => $args{type}
-    );
-    $collection->matching( sub {1} );
-    $self->export_record(
-        record_dir => dir( $args{'root'}, 'records', $_->type ),
-        cas_dir    => $args{'cas_dir'},
-        record     => $_
-    ) for @$collection;
-sub export_record {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my %args = validate(
-        @_,
-        {   record     => { isa => 'Prophet::Record' },
-            record_dir => 1,
-            cas_dir    => 1,
-        }
-    );
-    my $content = YAML::Syck::Dump( $args{'record'}->get_props );
-    my ($cas_key) = $self->_write_to_cas(
-        content_ref => \$content,
-        cas_dir     => $args{'cas_dir'}
-    );
-    my $idx_filename = file(
-        $args{'record_dir'},
-        substr( $args{record}->uuid, 0, 1 ),
-        substr( $args{record}->uuid, 1, 1 ),
-        $args{record}->uuid
-    );
-    open( my $record_index, ">>", $idx_filename ) || die $!;
-    # XXX TODO: skip if the index already has this version of the record;
-    my $record_last_changed_changeset = 1;
-    my $index_row = pack( 'NH40', $record_last_changed_changeset, $cas_key );
-    print $record_index $index_row || die $!;
-    close $record_index;
-sub export_changesets {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my %args = validate( @_, { root => 1, cas_dir => 1 } );
-    open( my $cs_file, ">" . file( $args{'root'}, 'changesets.idx' ) ) || die $!;
-    foreach my $changeset ( @{ $self->fetch_changesets( after => 0 ) } ) {
-        my $hash_changeset = $changeset->as_hash;
-        delete $hash_changeset->{'sequence_no'};
-        delete $hash_changeset->{'source_uuid'};
-        my $content = YAML::Syck::Dump($hash_changeset);
-        my $cas_key = $self->_write_to_cas(
-            content_ref => \$content,
-            cas_dir     => $args{'cas_dir'}
-        );
-        # XXX TODO we should only actually be encoding the sha1 of content once
-        # and then converting. this is wasteful
-        my $packed_cas_key = sha1($content);
-        print $cs_file pack( 'Na16Na20',
-            $changeset->sequence_no,
-            Data::UUID->new->from_string( $changeset->original_source_uuid ),
-            $changeset->original_sequence_no,
-            $packed_cas_key )
-            || die $!;
-    }
-    close($cs_file);
-sub _mkdir {
-    my $path = shift;
-    unless ( -d $path ) {
-        mkdir($path) || die $@;
-    }
-    unless ( -w $path ) {
-        die "$path not writable";
-    }
-sub make_tiered_dirs {
-    my $base = shift;
-    _mkdir( dir($base) );
-    for my $a ( 0 .. 9, 'a' .. 'f' ) {
-        _mkdir( dir( $base => $a ) );
-        for my $b ( 0 .. 9, 'a' .. 'f' ) {
-            _mkdir( dir( $base => $a => $b ) );
-        }
-    }
-sub _write_to_cas {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my %args = validate( @_, { content_ref => 1, cas_dir => 1 } );
-    my $content     = ${ $args{'content_ref'} };
-    my $fingerprint = sha1_hex($content);
-    my $content_filename
-        = file( $args{'cas_dir'}, substr( $fingerprint, 0, 1 ), substr( $fingerprint, 1, 1 ), $fingerprint );
-    open( my $output, ">", $content_filename ) || die "Could not open $content_filename";
-    print $output $content || die $!;
-    close $output;
-    return $fingerprint;
-sub _output_oneliner_file {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my %args = validate( @_, { path => 1, content => 1 } );
-    open( my $file, ">", $args{'path'} ) || die $!;
-    print $file $args{'content'} || die $!;
-    close $file || die $!;
+    my $exporter = Prophet::ReplicaExporter->new({target_path => $args{'path'}, replica => $self});
+    $exporter->export();

Added: Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/ReplicaExporter.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/ReplicaExporter.pm	Fri Apr 11 10:55:11 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+package Prophet::ReplicaExporter;
+use base qw/Class::Accessor/;
+use Params::Validate qw(:all);
+use Path::Class;
+use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1 sha1_hex);
+use YAML::Syck;
+use UNIVERSAL::require;
+__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw( replica target_path));
+=head1 NAME
+A utility class which exports a replica to a serialized on-disk format
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new
+Instantiates a new replica exporter object
+=head2 export
+This routine will export a copy of this prophet database replica to a flat file on disk suitable for 
+publishing via HTTP or over a local filesystem for other Prophet replicas to clone or incorporate changes from.
+=head3 text-dump replica format
+=head4 overview
+ $URL
+    /<db-uuid>/
+        /replica-uuid
+        /latest-sequence-no
+        /replica-version
+        /cas/records/<substr(sha1,0,1)>/substr(sha1,1,1)/<sha1>
+        /cas/changesets/<substr(sha1,0,1)>/substr(sha1,1,1)/<sha1>
+        /records (optional?)
+            /<record type> (for resolution is actually _prophet-resolution-<cas-key>)
+                /<record uuid> which is a file containing a list of 0 or more rows
+                    last-changed-sequence-no : cas key
+        /changesets.idx
+            index which has records:
+                each record is : local-replica-seq-no : original-uuid : original-seq-no : cas key
+            ...
+        /resolutions/
+            /replica-uuid
+            /latest-sequence-no
+            /cas/<substr(sha1,0,1)>/substr(sha1,1,1)/<sha1>
+            /content (optional?)
+                /_prophet-resolution-<cas-key>   (cas-key == a hash the conflicting change)
+                    /<record uuid>  (record uuid == the originating replica)
+                        last-changed-sequence-no : <cas key to the content of the resolution>
+            /changesets.idx
+                index which has records:
+                    each record is : local-replica-seq-no : original-uuid : original-seq-no : cas key
+                ...
+Inside the top level directory for the mirror, you'll find a directory named as B<a hex-encoded UUID>.
+This directory is the root of the published replica. The uuid uniquely identifes the database being replicated.
+All replicas of this database will share the same UUID.
+Inside the B<<db-uuid>> directory, are a set of files and directories that make up the actual content of the database replica:
+=over 2
+=item C<replica-uuid>
+Contains the replica's hex-encoded UUID.
+=item C<replica-version>
+Contains a single integer that defines the replica format.
+The current replica version is 1.
+=item C<latest-sequence-no>
+Contains a single integer, the replica's most recent sequence number.
+=item C<cas/records>
+=item C<cas/changesets>
+The C<cas> directory holds changesets and records, each keyed by a
+hex-encoded hash of the item's content. Inside the C<cas> directory, you'll find
+a two-level deep directory tree of single-character hex digits. 
+You'll find  the changeset with the sha1 digest  C<f4b7489b21f8d107ad8df78750a410c028abbf6c>
+inside C<cas/changesets/f/4/f4b7489b21f8d107ad8df78750a410c028abbf6c>.
+You'll find the record with the sha1 digest C<dd6fb674de879a1a4762d690141cdfee138daf65> inside
+TODO: define the format for changesets and records
+=item C<records>
+Files inside the C<records> directory are index files which list off all published versions of a record and the key necessary to retrieve the record from the I<content-addressed store>.
+Inside the C<records> directory, you'll find directories named for each
+C<type> in your database. Inside each C<type> directory, you'll find a two-level directory tree of single hexadecimal digits. You'll find the record with the type <Foo> and the UUID C<29A3CA16-03C5-11DD-9AE0-E25CFCEE7EC4> stored in 
+ records/Foo/2/9/29A3CA16-03C5-11DD-9AE0-E25CFCEE7EC4
+The format of record files is:
+    <unsigned-long-int: last-changed-sequence-no><40 chars of hex: cas key>
+The file is sorted in asecnding order by revision id.
+=item C<changesets.idx>
+The C<changesets.idx> file lists each changeset in this replica and
+provides an index into the B<content-addressed storage> to fetch
+the content of the changeset.
+The format of record files is:
+    <unsigned-long-int: sequence-no><16 bytes: changeset original source uuid><unsigned-long-int: changeset original source sequence no><16 bytes: cas key - sha1 sum of the changeset's content>
+The file is sorted in ascending order by revision id.
+=item C<resolutions>
+=over 2
+sub export {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $replica_root = dir( $self->target_path, $self->replica->db_uuid );
+    my $cas_dir           = dir( $replica_root => 'cas' );
+    my $record_cas_dir    = dir( $cas_dir      => 'records' );
+    my $changeset_cas_dir = dir( $cas_dir      => 'changesets' );
+    my $record_dir        = dir( $replica_root => 'records' );
+    _mkdir( $self->target_path);
+    _mkdir($replica_root);
+    _mkdir($record_dir);
+    _mkdir($cas_dir);
+    make_tiered_dirs($record_cas_dir);
+    make_tiered_dirs($changeset_cas_dir);
+    $self->_init_export_metadata( root => $replica_root );
+    foreach my $type ( @{ $self->replica->prophet_handle->enumerate_types } ) {
+        $self->export_records(
+            type    => $type,
+            root    => $replica_root,
+            cas_dir => $record_cas_dir
+        );
+    }
+    $self->export_changesets( root => $replica_root, cas_dir => $changeset_cas_dir );
+    #$self->export_resolutions( path => dir( $replica_root, 'resolutions'), resdb_handle => $args{'resdb_handle'} );
+sub export_resolutions {
+    my $self    = shift;
+    my $replica = Prophet::Replica->new();
+    # ...
+sub _init_export_metadata {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my %args = validate( @_, { root => 1 } );
+    $self->_output_oneliner_file( path => file( $args{'root'}, 'replica-uuid' ),    content => $self->replica->uuid );
+    $self->_output_oneliner_file( path => file( $args{'root'}, 'replica-version' ), content => '1' );
+    $self->_output_oneliner_file(
+        path    => file( $args{'root'}, 'latest-sequence-no' ),
+        content => $self->replica->most_recent_changeset
+    );
+sub export_records {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my %args = validate( @_, { root => 1, type => 1, cas_dir => 1 } );
+    make_tiered_dirs( dir( $args{'root'} => 'records' => $args{'type'} ) );
+    my $collection = Prophet::Collection->new(
+        handle => $self->replica->prophet_handle,
+        type   => $args{type}
+    );
+    $collection->matching( sub {1} );
+    $self->export_record(
+        record_dir => dir( $args{'root'}, 'records', $_->type ),
+        cas_dir    => $args{'cas_dir'},
+        record     => $_
+    ) for @$collection;
+sub export_record {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my %args = validate(
+        @_,
+        {   record     => { isa => 'Prophet::Record' },
+            record_dir => 1,
+            cas_dir    => 1,
+        }
+    );
+    my $content = YAML::Syck::Dump( $args{'record'}->get_props );
+    my ($cas_key) = $self->_write_to_cas(
+        content_ref => \$content,
+        cas_dir     => $args{'cas_dir'}
+    );
+    my $idx_filename = file(
+        $args{'record_dir'},
+        substr( $args{record}->uuid, 0, 1 ),
+        substr( $args{record}->uuid, 1, 1 ),
+        $args{record}->uuid
+    );
+    open( my $record_index, ">>", $idx_filename ) || die $!;
+    # XXX TODO: skip if the index already has this version of the record;
+    my $record_last_changed_changeset = 1;
+    my $index_row = pack( 'NH40', $record_last_changed_changeset, $cas_key );
+    print $record_index $index_row || die $!;
+    close $record_index;
+sub export_changesets {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my %args = validate( @_, { root => 1, cas_dir => 1 } );
+    open( my $cs_file, ">" . file( $args{'root'}, 'changesets.idx' ) ) || die $!;
+    foreach my $changeset ( @{ $self->replica->fetch_changesets( after => 0 ) } ) {
+        my $hash_changeset = $changeset->as_hash;
+        delete $hash_changeset->{'sequence_no'};
+        delete $hash_changeset->{'source_uuid'};
+        my $content = YAML::Syck::Dump($hash_changeset);
+        my $cas_key = $self->_write_to_cas(
+            content_ref => \$content,
+            cas_dir     => $args{'cas_dir'}
+        );
+        # XXX TODO we should only actually be encoding the sha1 of content once
+        # and then converting. this is wasteful
+        my $packed_cas_key = sha1($content);
+        print $cs_file pack( 'Na16Na20',
+            $changeset->sequence_no,
+            Data::UUID->new->from_string( $changeset->original_source_uuid ),
+            $changeset->original_sequence_no,
+            $packed_cas_key )
+            || die $!;
+    }
+    close($cs_file);
+sub _mkdir {
+    my $path = shift;
+    unless ( -d $path ) {
+        mkdir($path) || die $@;
+    }
+    unless ( -w $path ) {
+        die "$path not writable";
+    }
+sub make_tiered_dirs {
+    my $base = shift;
+    _mkdir( dir($base) );
+    for my $a ( 0 .. 9, 'a' .. 'f' ) {
+        _mkdir( dir( $base => $a ) );
+        for my $b ( 0 .. 9, 'a' .. 'f' ) {
+            _mkdir( dir( $base => $a => $b ) );
+        }
+    }
+sub _write_to_cas {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my %args = validate( @_, { content_ref => 1, cas_dir => 1 } );
+    my $content     = ${ $args{'content_ref'} };
+    my $fingerprint = sha1_hex($content);
+    my $content_filename
+        = file( $args{'cas_dir'}, substr( $fingerprint, 0, 1 ), substr( $fingerprint, 1, 1 ), $fingerprint );
+    open( my $output, ">", $content_filename ) || die "Could not open $content_filename";
+    print $output $content || die $!;
+    close $output;
+    return $fingerprint;
+sub _output_oneliner_file {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my %args = validate( @_, { path => 1, content => 1 } );
+    open( my $file, ">", $args{'path'} ) || die $!;
+    print $file $args{'content'} || die $!;
+    close $file || die $!;

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