[Bps-public-commit] r11939 - in HTML-RewriteAttributes: . lib/HTML

sartak at bestpractical.com sartak at bestpractical.com
Mon Apr 28 21:54:20 EDT 2008

Author: sartak
Date: Mon Apr 28 21:54:20 2008
New Revision: 11939

   HTML-RewriteAttributes/   (props changed)

 r54623 at onn:  sartak | 2008-04-28 21:23:52 -0400
 Pass more stuff to the callback in a hash

Modified: HTML-RewriteAttributes/lib/HTML/RewriteAttributes.pm
--- HTML-RewriteAttributes/lib/HTML/RewriteAttributes.pm	(original)
+++ HTML-RewriteAttributes/lib/HTML/RewriteAttributes.pm	Mon Apr 28 21:54:20 2008
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
         next if $attr eq '/';
         if ($self->_should_rewrite($tag, $attr)) {
-            $attrs->{$attr} = $self->{rewrite_callback}->($attrs->{$attr}, $tag);
+            $attrs->{$attr} = $self->{rewrite_callback}->($attrs->{$attr}, tag => $tag, attr => $attr, rewriter => $self);
         $self->{rewrite_html} .= sprintf ' %s="%s"',

Modified: HTML-RewriteAttributes/t/001-basic.t
--- HTML-RewriteAttributes/t/001-basic.t	(original)
+++ HTML-RewriteAttributes/t/001-basic.t	Mon Apr 28 21:54:20 2008
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use HTML::RewriteAttributes::Resources;
-use Test::More tests => 6;
+use Test::More tests => 8;
 my $html = << "END";
@@ -16,25 +16,28 @@
-my %seen_uri;
-my %seen_tag;
+my %seen;
 my $rewrote = HTML::RewriteAttributes::Resources->rewrite($html, sub {
-    my $uri = shift;
-    my $tag = shift;
+    my $uri  = shift;
+    my %args = @_;
-    $seen_uri{$uri}++;
-    $seen_tag{$tag}++;
+    $seen{uri}{$uri}++;
+    $seen{tag}{$args{tag}}++;
+    $seen{attr}{$args{attr}}++;
     return uc $uri;
-is(keys %seen_uri, 2, "saw two resources");
-is($seen_uri{"moose.jpg"}, 1, "saw moose.jpg once");
-is($seen_uri{"http://example.com/nethack.png"}, 1, "saw http://example.com/nethack.png once");
+is(keys %{ $seen{uri} }, 2, "saw two resources");
+is($seen{uri}{"moose.jpg"}, 1, "saw moose.jpg once");
+is($seen{uri}{"http://example.com/nethack.png"}, 1, "saw http://example.com/nethack.png once");
-is(keys %seen_tag, 1, "saw two tag");
-is($seen_tag{"img"}, 2, "saw img twice");
+is(keys %{ $seen{tag} }, 1, "saw one tag");
+is($seen{tag}{img}, 2, "saw img twice");
+is(keys %{ $seen{attr} }, 1, "saw one attr");
+is($seen{attr}{src}, 2, "saw src twice");
 is($rewrote, << "END", "rewrote the html correctly");

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