[Bps-public-commit] r14792 - Prophet/branches/creator/t

sartak at bestpractical.com sartak at bestpractical.com
Tue Aug 5 14:00:58 EDT 2008

Author: sartak
Date: Tue Aug  5 14:00:57 2008
New Revision: 14792


Cleanups in the test file, still have some kinks

Modified: Prophet/branches/creator/t/publish-pull.t
--- Prophet/branches/creator/t/publish-pull.t	(original)
+++ Prophet/branches/creator/t/publish-pull.t	Tue Aug  5 14:00:57 2008
@@ -7,10 +7,16 @@
 use Path::Class;
 use Params::Validate;
+my ($bug_uuid, $pullall_uuid);
 my $alice_published = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
 as_alice {
-    run_ok( 'prophet', [qw(create --type Bug -- --status new --from alice )], "Created a record as alice" );
+    run_output_matches( 'prophet',
+        [qw(create --type Bug -- --status new --from alice )],
+        [qr/Created Bug \d+ \((\S+)\)(?{ $bug_uuid = $1 })/],
+        "Created a Bug record as alice");
+    ok($bug_uuid, "got a uuid for the Bug record");
     run_output_matches( 'prophet', [qw(search --type Bug --regex .)], [qr/new/], " Found our record" );
     run_ok( 'prophet', [qw(publish --to), $alice_published] );
@@ -25,7 +31,12 @@
 as_alice {
-    run_ok( 'prophet', [qw(create --type Pullall -- --status new --from alice )], "Created another record as alice" );
+    run_output_matches( 'prophet',
+        [qw(create --type Pullall -- --status new --from alice )],
+        [qr/Created Pullall \d+ \((\S+)\)(?{ $pullall_uuid = $1 })/],
+        "Created a Pullall record as alice");
+    ok($pullall_uuid, "got a uuid for the Pullall record");
     run_ok( 'prophet', [qw(publish --to), $alice_published] );
@@ -56,22 +67,25 @@
     my $replica = Prophet::Replica->new({ url => repo_uri_for($user) });
     my $changesets = $replica->fetch_changesets(after => 0);
-    diag "Verifying $user\'s first changeset";
+    is(@$changesets, 2, "two changesets for $user");
         changeset   => $changesets->[0],
         user        => $user,
         record_type => 'Bug',
         sequence_no => 1,
         merge       => $user ne 'alice',
+        uuid        => $bug_uuid,
+        name        => "$user\'s first changeset",
-    diag "Verifying $user\'s second changeset";
         changeset   => $changesets->[1],
         user        => $user,
         record_type => 'Pullall',
         sequence_no => 2,
         merge       => $user ne 'alice',
+        uuid        => $pullall_uuid,
+        name        => "$user\'s second changeset",
@@ -84,44 +98,37 @@
         sequence_no => 1,
         record_type => 1,
         merge       => 1,
+        uuid        => 1,
+        name        => 0,
-    my $changeset = $args{changeset};
+    my $changeset = $args{changeset}->as_hash;
-    is_deeply($changeset, bless {
+    is_deeply($changeset, {
         creator              => 'alice',
-        created              => $changeset->created,
+        created              => $changeset->{created},
         is_resolution        => undef,
         is_nullification     => undef,
-        sequence_no          => $args{sequence_no},,
+        sequence_no          => $args{sequence_no},
         source_uuid          => replica_uuid_for($args{user}),
         original_sequence_no => $args{sequence_no},
         original_source_uuid => replica_uuid_for('alice'),
-        changes              => [
-            bless({
+        changes              => {
+            $args{uuid} => {
                 change_type  => 'add_file',
                 record_type  => $args{record_type},
-                record_uuid  => $changeset->changes->[0]->record_uuid,
-                prop_changes => [
-                    bless({
-                        name      => 'status',
+                prop_changes => {
+                    status => {
                         old_value => undef,
                         new_value => 'new',
-                    }, 'Prophet::PropChange'),
-                    bless {
-                        name      => 'from',
+                    },
+                    from => {
                         old_value => undef,
                         new_value => 'alice',
-                    }, 'Prophet::PropChange',
-                ],
-            }, 'Prophet::Change'),
-            # need to account for the merge ticket except in the original
-            # replica
-            $args{merge}
-            ? $changeset->changes->[1]
-            : ()
-        ],
-    }, 'Prophet::ChangeSet');
+                    },
+                },
+            },
+        },
+    }, $args{name});

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