[Bps-public-commit] r15093 - in Pushmi/trunk: . Pushmi-Admin/bin Pushmi-Admin/etc Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Model Pushmi-Admin/share/web/static/css

alexmv at bestpractical.com alexmv at bestpractical.com
Tue Aug 12 14:30:51 EDT 2008

Author: alexmv
Date: Tue Aug 12 14:30:51 2008
New Revision: 15093

   Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/bin/generate-lights.pl   (contents, props changed)
   Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/share/web/static/images/status/blue.gif   (contents, props changed)
   Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/share/web/static/images/status/green.gif   (contents, props changed)
   Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/share/web/static/images/status/orange.gif   (contents, props changed)
   Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/share/web/static/images/status/red.gif   (contents, props changed)
   Pushmi/trunk/   (props changed)

 r35846 at kohr-ah:  chmrr | 2008-08-12 14:30:44 -0400
  * Log viewing window
  * Use new update_on for shorter region update subscriptions
  * Pulsing lights!
  * More code reuse in determining file paths

Added: Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/bin/generate-lights.pl
--- (empty file)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/bin/generate-lights.pl	Tue Aug 12 14:30:51 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Math::Polynomial;
+use Image::Magick;
+use Math::Trig;
+light( "blue"   => -148, 0.4,  0.6, 40,  5 );
+light( "green"  =>  113, 0.55, 0.6, 20, 15 );
+light( "orange" =>   40, 0.4,  0.6, 40,  5 );
+light( "red"    =>    0, 0.3,  0.6, 15,  5 );
+sub light {
+    my ($name, $hue, $min, $max, $steps, $speed) = @_;
+    $hue += 180;
+    $hue /= 180;
+    $hue *= 100;
+    my $base = Image::Magick->new;
+    $base->Read("base.psd");
+    $base->[3]->Modulate( hue => $hue );
+    my $output = Image::Magick->new;
+    for my $v (sinusoid($min, $max, $steps)) {
+        add_frame($base, $output, $v, $speed);
+    }
+    $output->Set(loop => 0);
+    $output->Scale("50x50");
+    $output->Write("share/web/static/images/status/$name.gif");
+sub sinusoid {
+    my ($min, $max, $frames) = @_;
+    my $step = 2/$frames;
+    my @vals;
+    my $val = 0;
+    for (1 .. $frames/2) {
+        push @vals, $min + partial($val)*($max-$min);
+        $val += $step;
+    }
+    for (1 .. $frames/2) {
+        push @vals, $min + partial($val)*($max-$min);
+        $val -= $step;
+    }
+    return @vals;
+sub partial {
+    my ($val) = @_;
+    return -cos(pi*$val)/2+0.5;
+sub add_frame {
+    my ($base, $output, $v, $speed) = @_;
+    my $dup = $base->Clone;
+    $dup->[3] = $dup->[3]->Fx(fit(0,0, 1-$v,$v, 1,1));
+    push @{$output}, $dup->Flatten;
+    $output->[-1]->Set(delay => $speed);
+sub fit {
+    my $out = "";
+    my $poly = Math::Polynomial::interpolate(@_);
+    my $seen = 0;
+    for ( my $p = $poly->degree(); $p >= 0; $p-- ) {
+        my $v = sprintf "%.3f", $poly->coeff($p);
+        next if $v eq '0' || $v =~ /^0\.00/ || $v =~ /e-/;
+        $out .= "+" if $seen && substr( $v, 0, 1 ) ne '-';
+        if ( $v ne '1' && $v ne '-1' || $p == 0 ) {
+            $out .= $v;
+            $out .= "*" if $p;
+        }
+        $out .= "u"    if $p == 1;
+        $out .= "u^$p" if $p >= 2;
+        $seen = 1;
+    }
+    return $out;

Modified: Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/etc/config.yml
--- Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/etc/config.yml	(original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/etc/config.yml	Tue Aug 12 14:30:51 2008
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
     StaticRoot: share/web/static
     TemplateRoot: share/web/templates
+    time_zone: EST
     data_root: %var/data%
     pushmi_bin: /usr/bin/pushmi

Modified: Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Model/Replica.pm
--- Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Model/Replica.pm	(original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Model/Replica.pm	Tue Aug 12 14:30:51 2008
@@ -91,13 +91,17 @@
         YAML::DumpFile( $self->config_file, { username => undef, password => undef, authproxy_port => 11211 });
         open(LOG, ">", $self->log_config_file ) or die "Can't write log config file @{[$self->log_config_file]}: $!";
         print LOG <<EOT;
-log4perl.rootLogger=DEBUG, Logfile
+log4perl.rootLogger=DEBUG, Logfile, Event
-log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout.ConversionPattern = [%P][%r] %c - %m%n
+log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout.ConversionPattern = %d - %c - %m%n
         close LOG;
@@ -168,26 +172,29 @@
 sub file_root {
     my $self = shift;
+    my @others = @_;
     my @parts = File::Spec->splitpath( Jifty->config->app('data_root') );
-    return File::Spec->catfile( @parts, $self->clean_name );
+    return File::Spec->catfile( @parts, $self->clean_name, @others );
 sub config_file {
     my $self = shift;
-    my @parts = File::Spec->splitpath( $self->file_root );
-    return File::Spec->catfile( @parts, "pushmi.conf" );
+    return $self->file_root( "pushmi.conf" );
 sub log_config_file {
     my $self = shift;
-    my @parts = File::Spec->splitpath( $self->file_root );
-    return File::Spec->catfile( @parts, "pushmi-log.conf" );
+    return $self->file_root( "pushmi-log.conf" );
+sub log_file {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->file_root( "pushmi.log" );
 sub svn_root {
     my $self  = shift;
-    my @parts = File::Spec->splitpath( $self->file_root );
-    return File::Spec->catfile( @parts, "svn" );
+    return $self->file_root( "svn" );
 sub cache {

Modified: Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/View.pm
--- Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/View.pm	(original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/View.pm	Tue Aug 12 14:30:51 2008
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 use YAML;
 use DateTime;
 use SVN::Client;
+use Jifty::Event::Log;
 template 'index.html' => page { title => "Pushmi Administration" } content {
     my $replicas = Pushmi::Admin::Model::ReplicaCollection->new;
@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@
     my $data = Pushmi::Admin->svn_info_for( $new->argument_value("url") );
     my $changed
         = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $data->{date} );
-    $changed->set_time_zone("EST");
+    $changed->set_time_zone( Jifty->config->app("time_zone") || "UTC" );
     div {
         { id is 'new_replica', class is 'roundbox' };
         h2 {"Add a new replica"};
@@ -126,14 +127,10 @@
         outs_raw( qq{<script>if (jQuery("#progress-$id")) jQuery("#progress-$id").progressBar($progress)</script>} );
-    # Add a PubSub watcher, if need be
-    Jifty->subs->add(
-        class       => 'ReplicaStatus',
-        queries     => [{ id => $id }],
-        mode        => 'Replace',
-        region      => Jifty->web->qualified_region,
-        render_with => '/fragments/summary',
+    Jifty->subs->update_on(
+        class => 'ReplicaStatus',
+    # Add a PubSub watcher, if need be
@@ -178,6 +175,7 @@
     } elsif ( $replica->status ne "failed" ) {
         h2 {"Replica health"};
+        # XXX: Prettify
         p {
             "Last local commit: r"
                 . $replica->local_revision . " - "
@@ -202,12 +200,8 @@
     } else {
         h2 {"Local replica failure"};
-    Jifty->subs->add(
-        class       => 'ReplicaStatus',
-        queries     => [{ id => $id }],
-        mode        => 'Replace',
-        region      => Jifty->web->qualified_region,
-        render_with => '/fragments/details',
+    Jifty->subs->update_on(
+        class => 'ReplicaStatus',
@@ -215,25 +209,18 @@
     my $id = get('id');
     my $replica = Pushmi::Admin::Model::Replica->load($id);
-    Jifty->subs->add(
-        class       => 'ReplicaStatus',
-        queries     => [{ id => $id, tostatus => "loading" }],
-        mode        => 'Replace',
-        region      => Jifty->web->qualified_region,
-        render_with => '/fragments/progressbar',
-        effect      => 'Appear',
-        effect_args => 10000,
-        remove_effect => 'Hide',
+    Jifty->subs->update_on(
+        class              => 'ReplicaStatus',
+        queries            => [{ id => $id, tostatus => "loading" }],
+        effect             => 'Appear',
+        effect_args        => 10000,
+        remove_effect      => 'Hide',
         remove_effect_args => 0,
-    Jifty->subs->add(
-        class       => 'Inactive',
-        queries     => [{ id => $id }],
-        mode        => 'Replace',
-        region      => Jifty->web->qualified_region,
-        render_with => '/fragments/progressbar',
-        remove_effect => 'Fade',
+    Jifty->subs->update_on(
+        class              => 'Inactive',
+        remove_effect      => 'Fade',
         remove_effect_args => 10000,
@@ -245,6 +232,36 @@
     span {{ class is "progressbar", id is "progress-$id"}; $progress . "%" };
+template 'fragments/logs' => sub {
+    my $id = get('id');
+    my $replica = Pushmi::Admin::Model::Replica->load($id);
+    Jifty->subs->update_on(
+        class => 'Jifty::Event::Log',
+    );
+    return unless -e $replica->log_file;
+    div {
+        { class is 'roundbox' };
+        h2 {"Logs"};
+        div {
+            { class is 'logwindow' };
+            # TODO: Optimize this for long files
+            open(LOG, "<", $replica->log_file ) or die "$!";
+            my @lines = <LOG>;
+            close LOG;
+            splice @lines, 0, -20; # Keep only the last 20
+            my $repos = $replica->svn_root;
+            for my $line (reverse @lines) {
+                $line =~ s/ - \[$repos\]//;
+                $line =~ s/^(\S+)/[$1]/;
+                outs( $line );
+            }
+        }
+    }
 template 'replica' => page { title => "About " . get("replica")->name } content {
     my $replica = get 'replica';
     div {
@@ -262,8 +279,7 @@
                 path => "/fragments/progressbar",
-    };
+    }
     div {
         { class is 'roundbox' };
@@ -274,6 +290,12 @@
+    render_region(
+        name      => "logs-" . $replica->id,
+        path      => "/fragments/logs",
+        arguments => { id => $replica->id },
+    );
     div {
         { id is 'advanced' }

Modified: Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/share/web/static/css/app.css
--- Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/share/web/static/css/app.css	(original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/share/web/static/css/app.css	Tue Aug 12 14:30:51 2008
@@ -141,12 +141,21 @@
   background-position: 0 10px;
-.status-light.loading { background-image: url(/static/images/status/blue.png);   }
-.status-light.ok      { background-image: url(/static/images/status/green.png);  }
-.status-light.behind  { background-image: url(/static/images/status/orange.png); }
-.status-light.offline { background-image: url(/static/images/status/red.png);    }
-.status-light.failed  { background-image: url(/static/images/status/red.png);    }
-.status-light.locked  { background-image: url(/static/images/status/red.png);    }
+.status-light.loading { background-image: url(/static/images/status/blue.gif);   }
+.status-light.ok      { background-image: url(/static/images/status/green.gif);  }
+.status-light.behind  { background-image: url(/static/images/status/orange.gif); }
+.status-light.offline { background-image: url(/static/images/status/red.gif);    }
+.status-light.failed  { background-image: url(/static/images/status/red.gif);    }
+.status-light.locked  { background-image: url(/static/images/status/red.gif);    }
+/* Log display */
+.logwindow { 
+  clear: both;
+  overflow: auto;
+  white-space: pre;
+  font-family: monospace;
 /* Progressbar */
@@ -196,4 +205,3 @@
 .advanced_options .option.last {
   border-bottom: none;
-/* */
\ No newline at end of file

Added: Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/share/web/static/images/status/blue.gif
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/share/web/static/images/status/green.gif
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/share/web/static/images/status/orange.gif
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/share/web/static/images/status/red.gif
Binary file. No diff available.

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