[Bps-public-commit] r10599 - in Net-IMAP-Server: lib/Net/IMAP lib/Net/IMAP/Server lib/Net/IMAP/Server/Command

alexmv at bestpractical.com alexmv at bestpractical.com
Wed Jan 30 17:16:59 EST 2008

Author: alexmv
Date: Wed Jan 30 17:16:59 2008
New Revision: 10599

   Net-IMAP-Server/   (props changed)

 r27353 at zoq-fot-pik:  chmrr | 2008-01-30 17:16:09 -0500
  * Perltidy
  * POD for all but the commands
  * Auth now lists SASL options, instead of feeing them to a function
  * Removed a few unused and unneeded methods
  * ->out always appends newline now

Modified: Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server.pm
--- Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server.pm	(original)
+++ Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server.pm	Wed Jan 30 17:16:59 2008
@@ -6,15 +6,9 @@
 use base qw/Net::Server::Coro Class::Accessor/;
 use UNIVERSAL::require;
-use Module::Refresh;    # for development
-use Carp;
 use Coro;
-use Net::IMAP::Server::Mailbox;
-use Net::IMAP::Server::Connection;
-our $VERSION = '0.001';
+our $VERSION = '0.1';
 =head1 NAME
@@ -29,6 +23,8 @@
       ssl_port    => 993,
       auth_class  => "Your::Auth::Class",
       model_class => "Your::Model::Class",
+      user        => "nobody",
+      group       => "nobody",
@@ -51,14 +47,16 @@
 L<Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultModel> and
 L<Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultAuth>.  This allows you to back your
 messages from arbitrary data sources, or provide your own
-authorization backend.
+authorization backend.  For the most part, the implementation of the
+IMAP components should be opaque.
 =head1 METHODS
-    qw/connections port ssl_port auth_class model_class user group poll_every/);
+    qw/connections port ssl_port auth_class model_class connection_class user group poll_every/
 =head2 new PARAMHASH
@@ -71,7 +69,7 @@
 =item port
-The port to bind to.  Defaults to port 4242.
+The port to bind to.  Defaults to port 1430.
 =item ssl_port
@@ -88,6 +86,11 @@
 The name of the class which implements the model backend.  This must
 be a subclass of L<Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultModel>.
+=item connection_class
+On rare occasions, you may wish to subclass the connection class; this
+class must be a subclass of L<Net::IMAP::Server::Connection>.
 =item user
 The name or ID of the user that the server should run as; this
@@ -96,22 +99,35 @@
 privileges should not be needed.  Running as your C<nobody> user or
 equivilent is suggested.
+=item group
+The name or ID of the group that the server should run as; see
+C<user>, above.
+=item poll_every
+How often the current mailbox should be polled, in seconds; defaults
+to 0, which means it will be polled after every client command.
 sub new {
     my $class = shift;
-    unless (-r "certs/server-cert.pem" and -r "certs/server-key.pem") {
-        die "Can't read certs (certs/server-cert.pem and certs/server-key.pem)\n";
+    unless ( -r "certs/server-cert.pem" and -r "certs/server-key.pem" ) {
+        die
+            "Can't read certs (certs/server-cert.pem and certs/server-key.pem)\n";
-    my $self = Class::Accessor::new($class,
-        {   port        => 8080,
-            ssl_port    => 0,
-            auth_class  => "Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultAuth",
-            model_class => "Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultModel",
-            poll_every  => 0,
+    my $self = Class::Accessor::new(
+        $class,
+        {   port             => 1430,
+            ssl_port         => 0,
+            auth_class       => "Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultAuth",
+            model_class      => "Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultModel",
+            connection_class => "Net::IMAP::Server::Connection",
+            poll_every       => 0,
             connections => [],
@@ -119,23 +135,41 @@
     UNIVERSAL::require( $self->auth_class )
         or die "Can't require auth class: $@\n";
-        or die "Auth class (@{[$self->auth_class]}) doesn't inherit from Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultAuth\n";
+        or die
+        "Auth class (@{[$self->auth_class]}) doesn't inherit from Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultAuth\n";
     UNIVERSAL::require( $self->model_class )
         or die "Can't require model class: $@\n";
-        or die "Auth class (@{[$self->model_class]}) doesn't inherit from Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultModel\n";
+        or die
+        "Model class (@{[$self->model_class]}) doesn't inherit from Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultModel\n";
+    UNIVERSAL::require( $self->connection_class )
+        or die "Can't require connection class: $@\n";
+    $self->connection_class->isa("Net::IMAP::Server::Connection")
+        or die
+        "Connection class (@{[$self->connection_class]}) doesn't inherit from Net::IMAP::Server::Connection\n";
     return $self;
+=head2 run
+Starts the server; this method shouldn't be expected to return.
+Within this method, C<$Net::IMAP::Server::Server> is set to the object
+that this was called on; thus, all IMAP objecst have a way of
+referring to the server -- and though L</connection>, L</auth>, and
+L</model>, whatever parts of the IMAP internals they need.
 sub run {
-    my $self = shift;
+    my $self  = shift;
     my @proto = qw/TCP/;
     my @port  = $self->port;
-    if ($self->ssl_port) {
+    if ( $self->ssl_port ) {
         push @proto, "SSL";
-        push @port, $self->ssl_port;
+        push @port,  $self->ssl_port;
     local $Net::IMAP::Server::Server = $self;
@@ -146,76 +180,150 @@
+=head2 process_request
+Accepts a client connection.
 sub process_request {
-    my $self = shift;
+    my $self   = shift;
     my $handle = $self->{server}{client};
-    my $conn = Net::IMAP::Server::Connection->new(
+    my $conn   = $self->connection_class->new(
         io_handle => $handle,
         server    => $self,
-    push @{$self->connections}, $conn;
+    push @{ $self->connections }, $conn;
+=head2 DESTROY
+On destruction, ensure that we close all client connections and
+listening sockets.
     my $self = shift;
     $_->close for grep { defined $_ } @{ $self->connections };
     $self->socket->close if $self->socket;
+=head2 connections
+Returns an arrayref of L<Net::IMAP::Server::Connection> objects which
+are currently connected to the server.
+=head2 connection
+Returns the currently active L<Net::IMAP::Server::Connection> object,
+if there is one.
 sub connection {
     my $self = shift;
     return $self->{connection};
+=head2 auth
+Returns the current L<Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultAuth> (or, more
+probably, descendant thereof) for the active connection.
 sub auth {
     my $self = shift;
     return $self->{auth};
+=head2 auth
+Returns the current L<Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultModel> (or, more
+probably, descendant thereof) for the active connection.
 sub model {
     my $self = shift;
     return $self->{model};
+=head2 concurrent_mailbox_connections [MAILBOX]
+This can be called as either a class method or an instance method; it
+returns the set of connections which are concurrently connected to the
+given mailbox object (which defaults to the current connection's
+selected mailbox)
 sub concurrent_mailbox_connections {
-    my $class = shift;
-    my $self = ref $class ? $class : $Net::IMAP::Server::Server;
+    my $class    = shift;
+    my $self     = ref $class ? $class : $Net::IMAP::Server::Server;
     my $selected = shift || $self->connection->selected;
     return () unless $selected;
-    return grep {$_->is_auth and $_->is_selected
-                 and $_->selected eq $selected} @{$self->connections};
+    return
+        grep { $_->is_auth and $_->is_selected and $_->selected eq $selected }
+        @{ $self->connections };
+=head2 concurrent_user_connections [USER]
+This can be called as either a class method or an instance method; it
+returns the set of connections whose
+L<Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultAuth/user> is the same as the given
+L<USER> (which defaults to the current connection's user)
 sub concurrent_user_connections {
     my $class = shift;
-    my $self = ref $class ? $class : $Net::IMAP::Server::Server;
-    my $user = shift || $self->connection->auth->user;
+    my $self  = ref $class ? $class : $Net::IMAP::Server::Server;
+    my $user  = shift || $self->connection->auth->user;
     return () unless $user;
-    return grep {$_->is_auth
-                 and $_->auth->user eq $user} @{$self->connections};
+    return
+        grep { $_->is_auth and $_->auth->user eq $user }
+        @{ $self->connections };
+=head2 capability
+Returns the C<CAPABILITY> string for the server.  This string my be
+modified by the connection before being sent to the client (see
 sub capability {
     my $self = shift;
+=head2 id
+Returns a hash of properties to be conveyed to the client, should they
+ask the server's identity.
 sub id {
     return (
-            name => "Net-IMAP-Server",
-            version => $Net::IMAP::Server::VERSION,
-           );
+        name    => "Net-IMAP-Server",
+        version => $Net::IMAP::Server::VERSION,
+    );
 1;    # Magic true value required at end of module
 L<Coro>, L<Net::Server::Coro>

Modified: Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/Command.pm
--- Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/Command.pm	(original)
+++ Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/Command.pm	Wed Jan 30 17:16:59 2008
@@ -6,71 +6,151 @@
 use base 'Class::Accessor';
 use Regexp::Common qw/delimited/;
-__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(server connection command_id options_str command _parsed_options _literals _pending_literal));
+    qw(server connection command_id options_str command _parsed_options _literals _pending_literal)
+=head1 NAME
+Net::IMAP::Server::Command - A command in the IMAP server
+Commands the IMAP server knows about should be subclasses of this.
+They will want to override the L</validate> and L</run> methods.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new
+Called by the connection to create a new command.
 sub new {
     my $class = shift;
-    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
-    $self->_parsed_options([]);
-    $self->_literals([]);
+    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
+    $self->_parsed_options( [] );
+    $self->_literals(       [] );
     return $self;
+=head2 server
+Gets or sets the L<Net::IMAP::Server> associated with this command.
+=head2 connection
+Gets or sets the L<Net::IMAP::Server::Connection> associated with this
+=head2 validate
+Called before the command is run.  If it returns a false value, the
+command is not run; it will probably want to inspect
+L</parsed_options>.  If C<validate> returns a false value, it is
+responsible for calling L</no_command> or L</bad_command> to notify
+the client of the failure.  Handily, these return a false value.
 sub validate {
     return 1;
+=head2 run
+Does the guts of the command.  The return value is ignored; the
+command is in charge of eventually sending one of L</ok_command>,
+L</bad_command>, or L</no_command> to the client.
+The default implementation simply always response with
 sub run {
     my $self = shift;
     $self->bad_command( "command '" . $self->command . "' not recognized" );
+=head2 has_literal
+Analyzes the options line, and returns true if the line has literals
+(as defined in the FRC, a literal is of the form C<{42}>).  If the
+line has literals, installs a L<Net::IMAP::Server::Connection/pending>
+callback to continue the parsing, and returns true.
 sub has_literal {
     my $self = shift;
-    unless ($self->options_str =~ /\{(\d+)(\+)?\}[\r\n]*$/) {
+    unless ( $self->options_str =~ /\{(\d+)(\+)?\}[\r\n]*$/ ) {
     my $options = $self->options_str;
-    my $next = $#{$self->_literals} + 1;
+    my $next    = $#{ $self->_literals } + 1;
     $options =~ s/\{(\d+)(\+)?\}[\r\n]*$/{{$next}}/;
     # Pending
-    $self->connection->pending(sub {
-        my $content = shift;
-        if (length $content <= $self->_pending_literal) {
-            $self->_literals->[$next] .= $content;
-            $self->_pending_literal( $self->_pending_literal - length $content);
-        } else {
-            $self->_literals->[$next] .= substr($content, 0, $self->_pending_literal, "");
-            $self->connection->pending(undef);
-            $self->options_str($self->options_str . $content);
-            return if $self->has_literal;
-            $self->run if $self->validate;
+    $self->connection->pending(
+        sub {
+            my $content = shift;
+            if ( length $content <= $self->_pending_literal ) {
+                $self->_literals->[$next] .= $content;
+                $self->_pending_literal(
+                    $self->_pending_literal - length $content );
+            } else {
+                $self->_literals->[$next]
+                    .= substr( $content, 0, $self->_pending_literal, "" );
+                $self->connection->pending(undef);
+                $self->options_str( $self->options_str . $content );
+                return     if $self->has_literal;
+                $self->run if $self->validate;
+            }
-    });
-    $self->out( "+ Continue\r\n" ) unless $2;
+    );
+    $self->out("+ Continue") unless $2;
     return 1;
+=head2 parse_options
+Parses the options, and puts the results (which may be a data
+structure) into L<parsed_options>.
 sub parse_options {
     my $self = shift;
-    my $str = shift;
+    my $str  = shift;
-    return $self->_parsed_options if not defined $str and not defined $self->options_str;
+    return $self->_parsed_options
+        if not defined $str and not defined $self->options_str;
     my @parsed;
-    for my $term (grep {/\S/} split /($RE{delimited}{-delim=>'"'}|$RE{balanced}{-parens=>'()'}|\S+$RE{balanced}{-parens=>'()[]<>'}|\S+)/, defined $str ? $str : $self->options_str) {
-        if ($term =~ /^$RE{delimited}{-delim=>'"'}{-keep}$/) {
+    for my $term (
+        grep {/\S/}
+        split
+        /($RE{delimited}{-delim=>'"'}|$RE{balanced}{-parens=>'()'}|\S+$RE{balanced}{-parens=>'()[]<>'}|\S+)/,
+        defined $str ? $str : $self->options_str
+        )
+    {
+        if ( $term =~ /^$RE{delimited}{-delim=>'"'}{-keep}$/ ) {
             push @parsed, $3;
-        } elsif ($term =~ /^$RE{balanced}{-parens=>'()'}$/) {
+        } elsif ( $term =~ /^$RE{balanced}{-parens=>'()'}$/ ) {
             $term =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/;
-            push @parsed, [$self->parse_options($term)];
-        } elsif ($term =~ /^\{\{(\d+)\}\}$/) {
+            push @parsed, [ $self->parse_options($term) ];
+        } elsif ( $term =~ /^\{\{(\d+)\}\}$/ ) {
             push @parsed, $self->_literals->[$1];
         } else {
             push @parsed, $term;
@@ -79,14 +159,73 @@
     return @parsed if defined $str;
-    $self->_parsed_options([@{$self->_parsed_options}, @parsed]);
+    $self->_parsed_options( [ @{ $self->_parsed_options }, @parsed ] );
+=head2 command_id
+Returns the (arbitrary) string that the client identified the command with.
+=head2 parsed_options
+Returns the list of options to the command.
 sub parsed_options {
     my $self = shift;
-    return @{$self->_parsed_options(@_)};
+    return @{ $self->_parsed_options(@_) };
+=head2 options_str
+Returns the flat string represetnation of the options the client gave.
+=head2 data_out DATA
+Returns a string representing the most probable IMAP string that
+conveys the C<DATA>.
+=item *
+Array references are converted into "paranthesized lists," and each
+element is recursively output.
+=item *
+Scalar references are dereferenced and returned as-is.
+=item *
+C<undef> is output as C<NIL>.
+=item *
+Scalar values containing special characters are output as literals
+=item *
+Purely numerical scalra values are output with no change
+=item *
+All other scalar values are ouput within quotes.
+Since the IMAP specification contains nothing which is similar to a
+hash, hash references are treated specially; specifically, the C<type>
+key is taken to be how the C<value> key should be output.  Options for
+C<type> are C<string> or C<literal>.
 sub data_out {
     my $self = shift;
     my $data = shift;
@@ -94,15 +233,15 @@
         return "(" . join( " ", map { $self->data_out($_) } @{$data} ) . ")";
     } elsif ( ref $data eq "SCALAR" ) {
         return $$data;
-    } elsif ( ref $data eq "HASH") {
-        if ($data->{type} eq "string") {
+    } elsif ( ref $data eq "HASH" ) {
+        if ( $data->{type} eq "string" ) {
             if ( $data =~ /[{"\r\n%*\\\[]/ ) {
-                return "{" . ( length($data->{value}) ) . "}\r\n$data";
+                return "{" . ( length( $data->{value} ) ) . "}\r\n$data";
             } else {
-                return '"' . $data->{value} .'"';
+                return '"' . $data->{value} . '"';
-        } elsif ($data->{type} eq "literal") {
-            return "{" . ( length($data->{value}) ) . "}\r\n$data";
+        } elsif ( $data->{type} eq "literal" ) {
+            return "{" . ( length( $data->{value} ) ) . "}\r\n$data";
     } elsif ( not ref $data ) {
         if ( not defined $data ) {
@@ -118,25 +257,60 @@
     return "";
+=head2 untagged_response STRING
+Sends an untagged response to the client.
 sub untagged_response {
     my $self = shift;
+=head2 tagged_response
+Sends a tagged response to the client.
 sub tagged_response {
     my $self = shift;
-    while ( my $message = shift ) {
-        next unless $message;
-        $self->untagged_response( uc( $self->command ) . " " . $message );
-    }
+    $self->untagged_response( uc( $self->command ) . " $_" )
+        for grep defined, @_;
+=head2 poll_after
+Returns a true value if the command should send untagged updates abou
+tthe selected mailbox after the command completes.  Defaults to always
+sub poll_after {1}
+=head2 send_untagged
+Sends untagged updates about the currently selected inbox to the
+client using L<Net::IMAP::Server::Connection/send_untagged>, but only
+if the command has a true L</poll_after>.
 sub send_untagged {
     my $self = shift;
-    $self->connection->send_untagged( @_ ) if $self->poll_after;
+    $self->connection->send_untagged(@_) if $self->poll_after;
+=head2 ok_command MESSAGE [, RESPONSECODE => STRING, ...]
+Sends untagged OK responses for any C<RESPONSECODE> pairs, then
+outputs untagged messages via L</send_untagged>, then sends a tagged
+OK with the given C<MESSAGE>.
 sub ok_command {
     my $self            = shift;
     my $message         = shift;
@@ -146,10 +320,31 @@
             "OK [" . uc($_) . "] " . $extra_responses{$_} );
-    $self->out( $self->command_id . " " . "OK " . $message . "\r\n" );
+    $self->out( $self->command_id . " OK $message" );
     return 1;
+=head2 ok_completed [RESPONSECODE => STRING]
+Sends an C<OK COMPLETED> tagged response to the client.
+sub ok_completed {
+    my $self            = shift;
+    my %extra_responses = (@_);
+    $self->ok_command( uc( $self->command ) . " COMPLETED",
+        %extra_responses );
+=head2 ok_command MESSAGE [, RESPONSECODE => STRING, ...]
+Sends untagged NO responses for any C<RESPONSECODE> pairs, then
+outputs untagged messages via L</send_untagged>, then sends a tagged
+OK with the given C<MESSAGE>.
 sub no_command {
     my $self            = shift;
     my $message         = shift;
@@ -158,46 +353,45 @@
             "NO [" . uc($_) . "] " . $extra_responses{$_} );
-    $self->out( $self->command_id . " " . "NO " . $message . "\r\n" );
+    $self->out( $self->command_id . " NO $message" );
     return 0;
-sub no_failed {
-    my $self            = shift;
-    my %extra_responses = (@_);
-    $self->no_command( uc( $self->command ) . " FAILED", %extra_responses );
+=head2 bad_command REASON
-sub no_unimplemented {
-    my $self = shift;
-    $self->no_failed( alert => "Feature unimplemented. sorry. We'd love patches!" );
+Sends any untagged updates to the client using L</send_untagged>, then
+sents a tagged C<BAD> response with the given C<REASON>.
-sub ok_completed {
-    my $self            = shift;
-    my %extra_responses = (@_);
-    $self->ok_command( uc( $self->command ) . " COMPLETED",
-        %extra_responses );
 sub bad_command {
     my $self   = shift;
     my $reason = shift;
-    $self->out( $self->command_id . " " . "BAD " . $reason . "\r\n" );
+    $self->out( $self->command_id . " BAD $reason" );
     return 0;
+=head2 log MESSAGE
+Identical to L<Net::IMAP::Server::Connection/log>.
 sub log {
     my $self = shift;
+=head2 out MESSAGE
+Identical to L<Net::IMAP::Server::Connection/out>.
 sub out {
     my $self = shift;
-sub poll_after { 1 }

Modified: Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/Command/Authenticate.pm
--- Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/Command/Authenticate.pm	(original)
+++ Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/Command/Authenticate.pm	Wed Jan 30 17:16:59 2008
@@ -30,9 +30,10 @@
     my($type, $arg) = $self->parsed_options;
     $self->server->auth_class->require || warn $@;
     my $auth = $self->server->auth_class->new;
-    if ( $auth->provides_sasl( uc $type ) ) {
+    if ( grep {uc $type eq uc $_} $auth->sasl_provides ) {
         $type = lc $type;
-        $self->sasl( $auth->$type() );
+        my $function = "sasl_$type";
+        $self->sasl( $auth->$function() );
         $self->connection->pending(sub {$self->continue(@_)});
         $self->continue( $arg || "");
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@
     my $response = $self->sasl->($line);
     if ( ref $response ) {
-        $self->out( "+ " . encode_base64($$response) . "\r\n" );
+        $self->out( "+ " . encode_base64($$response) );
     } elsif ($response) {
         $self->connection->auth( $self->pending_auth );

Modified: Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/Connection.pm
--- Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/Connection.pm	(original)
+++ Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/Connection.pm	Wed Jan 30 17:16:59 2008
@@ -5,43 +5,149 @@
 use base 'Class::Accessor';
-use Net::IMAP::Server::Command;
 use Coro;
-__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(server io_handle _selected selected_read_only model pending temporary_messages temporary_sequence_map previous_exists untagged_expunge untagged_fetch ignore_flags last_poll));
+use Net::IMAP::Server::Command;
+    qw(server io_handle _selected selected_read_only model pending temporary_messages temporary_sequence_map previous_exists untagged_expunge untagged_fetch ignore_flags last_poll)
+=head1 NAME
+Net::IMAP::Server::Connection - Connection to a client
+Maintains all of the state for a client connection to the IMAP server.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new
+Creates a new connection; the server will take care of this step.
 sub new {
     my $class = shift;
-    my $self = $class->SUPER::new( { @_, state => "unauth", untagged_expunge => [], untagged_fetch => {}, last_poll => time } );
+    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new(
+        {   @_,
+            state            => "unauth",
+            untagged_expunge => [],
+            untagged_fetch   => {},
+            last_poll        => time
+        }
+    );
     return $self;
+=head2 server
+Returns the L<Net::IMAP::Server> that this connection is on.
+=head2 io_handle
+Returns the IO handle that can be used to read from or write to the
+=head2 model
+Gets or sets the L<Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultModel> or descendant
+associated with this connection.  Note that connections which have not
+authenticated yet do not have a model.
+=head2 auth
+Gets or sets the L<Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultAuth> or descendant
+associated with this connection.  Note that connections which have not
+authenticated yet do not have an auth object.
+sub auth {
+    my $self = shift;
+    if (@_) {
+        $self->{auth} = shift;
+        $self->server->{auth} = $self->{auth};
+        $self->server->model_class->require || warn $@;
+        $self->model(
+            $self->server->model_class->new( { auth => $self->{auth} } ) );
+    }
+    return $self->{auth};
+=head2 selected [MAILBOX]
+Gets or sets the currently selected mailbox for this connection.  This
+may trigger the sending of untagged notifications to the client.
+sub selected {
+    my $self = shift;
+    if ( @_ and $self->selected ) {
+        unless ( $self->selected eq $_[0] ) {
+            $self->send_untagged;
+            $self->selected->close;
+        }
+        $self->selected_read_only(0);
+    }
+    return $self->_selected(@_);
+=head2 greeting
+Sends out a one-line untagged greeting to the client.
 sub greeting {
     my $self = shift;
-    $self->out( '* OK IMAP4rev1 Server' . "\r\n" );
+    $self->untagged_response('OK IMAP4rev1 Server');
+=head2 handle_lines
+The main line handling loop.  Since we are using L<Coro>, this cedes
+to other coroutines whenever we block, given them a chance to run.  We
+additionally cede after handling every command.
 sub handle_lines {
-    my $self    = shift;
-    while ($self->io_handle and $_ = $self->io_handle->getline()) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    while ( $self->io_handle and $_ = $self->io_handle->getline() ) {
-    $self->log("-(@{[$self]},@{[$self->auth ? $self->auth->user : '???']},@{[$self->is_selected ? $self->selected->full_path : 'unselected']}): Connection closed by remote host");
+    $self->log(
+        "-(@{[$self]},@{[$self->auth ? $self->auth->user : '???']},@{[$self->is_selected ? $self->selected->full_path : 'unselected']}): Connection closed by remote host"
+    );
+=head2 handle_command
+Handles a single line from the client.  This is not quite the same as
+handling a command, because of client literals and continuation
 sub handle_command {
-    my $self = shift;
+    my $self    = shift;
     my $content = shift;
     local $self->server->{connection} = $self;
-    local $self->server->{model} = $self->model;
-    local $self->server->{auth} = $self->auth;
+    local $self->server->{model}      = $self->model;
+    local $self->server->{auth}       = $self->auth;
-    $self->log("C(@{[$self]},@{[$self->auth ? $self->auth->user : '???']},@{[$self->is_selected ? $self->selected->full_path : 'unselected']}): $content");
+    $self->log(
+        "C(@{[$self]},@{[$self->auth ? $self->auth->user : '???']},@{[$self->is_selected ? $self->selected->full_path : 'unselected']}): $content"
+    );
     if ( $self->pending ) {
@@ -66,35 +172,55 @@
     return if $handler->has_literal;
-    eval {
-        $handler->run() if $handler->validate;
-    };
-    if (my $error = $@) {
+    eval { $handler->run() if $handler->validate; };
+    if ( my $error = $@ ) {
         $handler->no_command("Server error");
+=head2 pending
+If a connection has pending state, contains the callback that will
+recieve the next line of input.
+=head2 close
+Shuts down this connection, also closing the model and mailboxes.
 sub close {
     my $self = shift;
-    $self->server->connections([grep {$_ ne $self} @{$self->server->connections}]);
-    if ($self->io_handle) {
+    $self->server->connections(
+        [ grep { $_ ne $self } @{ $self->server->connections } ] );
+    if ( $self->io_handle ) {
         $self->log("Closing connection $self");
-    $self->model->close if $self->model;
+    $self->selected->close if $self->selected;
+    $self->model->close    if $self->model;
+=head2 parse_command LINE
+Parses the line into the C<tag>, C<ommand>, and C<options>.  Returns
+undef if parsing fails for some reason.
 sub parse_command {
     my $self = shift;
     my $line = shift;
     $line =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
     unless ( $line =~ /^([^\(\)\{ \*\%"\\\+}]+)\s+(\w+)(?:\s+(.+?))?$/ ) {
-        if ( $line !~ /^([^\(\)\{ \*\%"\\\+]+)\s+/ ) {
-            $self->out("* BAD Invalid tag\r\n");
+        if ( $line !~ /^([^\(\)\{ \*\%"\\\+}]+)\s+/ ) {
+            $self->out("* BAD Invalid tag");
         } else {
-            $self->out("* BAD Null command ('$line')\r\n");
+            $self->out("* BAD Null command ('$line')");
         return undef;
@@ -106,115 +232,148 @@
     return ( $id, $cmd, $args );
+=head2 is_unauth
+Returns true if the connection is unauthenticated.
 sub is_unauth {
     my $self = shift;
     return not defined $self->auth;
+=head2 is_auth
+Returns true if the connection is authenticated.
 sub is_auth {
     my $self = shift;
     return defined $self->auth;
+=head2 is_selected
+Returns true if the connection has selected a mailbox.
 sub is_selected {
     my $self = shift;
     return defined $self->selected;
+=head2 is_encrypted
+Returns true if the connection is protected by SSL or TLS.
 sub is_encrypted {
-    my $self = shift;
+    my $self   = shift;
     my $handle = $self->io_handle;
-    $handle = tied(${$handle})->[0];
+    $handle = tied( ${$handle} )->[0];
     return $handle->isa("IO::Socket::SSL");
-sub auth {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if (@_) {
-        $self->{auth} = shift;
-        $self->server->{auth} = $self->{auth};
-        $self->server->model_class->require || warn $@;
-        $self->model(
-            $self->server->model_class->new( { auth => $self->{auth} } ) );
-    }
-    return $self->{auth};
+=head2 poll
-sub selected {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if (@_ and $self->selected) {
-        unless ($self->selected eq $_[0]) {
-            $self->send_untagged;
-            $self->selected->close;
-        }
-        $self->selected_read_only(0);
-    }
-    return $self->_selected(@_);
+Polls the currently selected mailbox, and resets the poll timer.
-sub untagged_response {
-    my $self = shift;
-    while ( my $message = shift ) {
-        next unless $message;
-        $self->out( "* " . $message . "\r\n" );
-    }
 sub poll {
     my $self = shift;
-    my($mbox) = @_;
-    $mbox ||= $self->selected;
+=head2 force_poll
+Forces a poll of the selected mailbox the next chance we get.
 sub force_poll {
     my $self = shift;
+=head2 last_poll
+Gets or sets the last time the selected mailbox was polled, in seconds
+since the epoch.
+=head2 send_untagged
+Sends any untagged updates about the current mailbox to the client.
 sub send_untagged {
     my $self = shift;
-    my %args = ( expunged => 1,
-                 @_ );
+    my %args = (
+        expunged => 1,
+        @_
+    );
     return unless $self->is_auth and $self->is_selected;
-    if (time > $self->last_poll + $self->server->poll_every) {
+    if ( time >= $self->last_poll + $self->server->poll_every ) {
         # When we poll, the things that we find should affect this
         # connection as well; hence, the local to be "connection-less"
         local $Net::IMAP::Server::Server->{connection};
-    for my $s (keys %{$self->untagged_fetch}) {
-        my($m) = $self->get_messages($s);
-        $self->untagged_response( $s
+    for my $s ( keys %{ $self->untagged_fetch } ) {
+        my ($m) = $self->get_messages($s);
+        $self->untagged_response(
+                  $s 
                 . " FETCH "
-                . Net::IMAP::Server::Command->data_out( [ $m->fetch([keys %{$self->untagged_fetch->{$s}}]) ] ) );
+                . Net::IMAP::Server::Command->data_out(
+                [ $m->fetch( [ keys %{ $self->untagged_fetch->{$s} } ] ) ]
+                )
+        );
-    $self->untagged_fetch({});
+    $self->untagged_fetch( {} );
-    if ($args{expunged}) {
-        # Make sure that they know of at least the existance of what's being expunged.
+    if ( $args{expunged} ) {
+# Make sure that they know of at least the existance of what's being expunged.
         my $max = 0;
-        $max = $max < $_ ? $_ : $max for @{$self->untagged_expunge};
-        $self->untagged_response( "$max EXISTS" ) if $max > $self->previous_exists;
+        $max = $max < $_ ? $_ : $max for @{ $self->untagged_expunge };
+        $self->untagged_response("$max EXISTS")
+            if $max > $self->previous_exists;
         # Send the expnges, clear out the temporary message store
-        $self->previous_exists( $self->previous_exists - @{$self->untagged_expunge} );
-        $self->untagged_response( map {"$_ EXPUNGE"} @{$self->untagged_expunge} );
-        $self->untagged_expunge([]);
+        $self->previous_exists(
+            $self->previous_exists - @{ $self->untagged_expunge } );
+        $self->untagged_response( map {"$_ EXPUNGE"}
+                @{ $self->untagged_expunge } );
+        $self->untagged_expunge( [] );
     # Let them know of more EXISTS
     my $expected = $self->previous_exists;
-    my $now = @{$self->temporary_messages || $self->selected->messages};
+    my $now = @{ $self->temporary_messages || $self->selected->messages };
     $self->untagged_response( $now . ' EXISTS' ) if $expected != $now;
+=head2 get_messages STR
+Parses and returns messages fitting the given sequence range.  This is
+on the connection and not the mailbox because messages have
+connection-dependent sequence numbers.
 sub get_messages {
     my $self = shift;
     my $str  = shift;
@@ -225,39 +384,66 @@
     for ( split ',', $str ) {
         if (/^(\d+):(\d+)$/) {
             $ids{$_}++ for $2 > $1 ? $1 .. $2 : $2 .. $1;
-        } elsif (/^(\d+):\*$/ or /^\*:(\d+)$/) {
-            $ids{$_}++ for @{ $messages } + 0, $1 .. @{ $messages } + 0;
+        } elsif ( /^(\d+):\*$/ or /^\*:(\d+)$/ ) {
+            $ids{$_}++ for @{$messages} + 0, $1 .. @{$messages} + 0;
         } elsif (/^(\d+)$/) {
         } elsif (/^\*$/) {
-            $ids{@{$messages} + 0}++;
+            $ids{ @{$messages} + 0 }++;
-        grep {defined} map { $messages->[ $_ - 1 ] } sort {$a <=> $b} keys %ids;
+        grep {defined}
+        map { $messages->[ $_ - 1 ] } sort { $a <=> $b } keys %ids;
+=head2 sequence MESSAGE
+Returns the sequence number for the given message.
 sub sequence {
-    my $self = shift;
+    my $self    = shift;
     my $message = shift;
     return $message->sequence unless $self->temporary_messages;
     return $self->temporary_sequence_map->{$message};
+=head2 capability
+Returns the current capability list for this connection, as a string.
+Connections not under TLS or SSL always have the C<LOGINDISABLED>
+capability, and no authentication capabilities.  The
+L<Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultAuth/sasl_provides> method is used to list
+known C<AUTH=> types.
 sub capability {
     my $self = shift;
     my $base = $self->server->capability;
     if ( $self->is_encrypted ) {
-        $base = join(" ", grep {$_ ne "STARTTLS"} split(' ', $base));
+        my $auth = $self->auth || $self->server->auth_class->new;
+        $base = join( " ",
+            grep { $_ ne "STARTTLS" } split( ' ', $base ),
+            map {"AUTH=$_"} $auth->sasl_provides );
     } else {
-        $base = join(" ", grep {not /^AUTH=\S+$/} split(' ', $base), "LOGINDISABLED");
+        $base = "$base LOGINDISABLED";
     return $base;
+=head2 log MESSAGE
+Logs the message to standard error, using C<warn>.
 sub log {
     my $self = shift;
     my $msg  = shift;
@@ -265,24 +451,44 @@
     warn $msg . "\n";
-sub connected {
+=head2 untagged_response STRING
+Sends an untagged response to the client; a newline ia automatically
+sub untagged_response {
     my $self = shift;
-    return $self->io_handle and $self->io_handle->peerport;
+    $self->out("* $_") for grep defined, @_;
+=head2 out STRING
+Sends the mesage to the client.  If the client's connection has
+dropped, or the send fails for whatever reason, L</close> the
+connection and then abort the coroutine; in which case, this function
+never returns!
 sub out {
     my $self = shift;
     my $msg  = shift;
-    if ($self->io_handle and $self->io_handle->peerport) {
-        if ($self->io_handle->print($msg)) {
-            $self->log("S(@{[$self]},@{[$self->auth ? $self->auth->user : '???']},@{[$self->is_selected ? $self->selected->full_path : 'unselected']}): $msg");
+    if ( $self->io_handle and $self->io_handle->peerport ) {
+        if ( $self->io_handle->print( $msg . "\r\n" ) ) {
+            $self->log(
+                "S(@{[$self]},@{[$self->auth ? $self->auth->user : '???']},@{[$self->is_selected ? $self->selected->full_path : 'unselected']}): $msg"
+            );
         } else {
             # Bail out; never returns
     } else {
         # Bail out; never returns

Modified: Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/DefaultAuth.pm
--- Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/DefaultAuth.pm	(original)
+++ Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/DefaultAuth.pm	Wed Jan 30 17:16:59 2008
@@ -6,8 +6,52 @@
 use base 'Class::Accessor';
+=head1 NAME
+Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultAuth - Encapsulates per-connection
+authorization information for an IMAP user.
+IMAP credentials are passed in one of two ways: using the L<LOGIN>
+command, or the C<AUTHENTICATE> command.  L<LOGIN> sends the password
+unencrpyted; note, however, that L<Net::IMAP::Server> will not allow
+the LOGIN command unless the connection is protected by eiher SSL or
+TLS.  Thus, even when the C<LOGIN> command is used, the password is
+not sent in the clear.
+The default implementation accepts any username and password.  Most
+subclasses will simply want to override L</auth_plain>, unless they
+need to implement other forms of authorization than C<LOGIN> or
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 user [VALUE]
+Gets or sets the plaintext username of the authenticated user.
+=head2 provides_plain
+If L</provides_plain> returns true (the default), C<LOGIN> capability
+will be advertised when under a layer, and L</auth_plain> will be
+called if the user sends the C<LOGIN> command.
 sub provides_plain { return 1; }
+=head2 auth_plain USER, PASSWORD
+Returns true if the given C<USER> is allowed to log in using the
+provided C<PASSWORD>.  This should also set L</user> to the username
+if login was successful.  This path is used by both C<LOGIN> and
 sub auth_plain {
     my $self = shift;
     my ( $user, $pass ) = @_;
@@ -15,13 +59,28 @@
     return 1;
-sub provides_sasl {
+=head2 sasl_provides
+The C<AUTHENTICATE> command checks that the provided SASL
+authentication type is in the list that L</sasl_provides> returns.  It
+defaults to only C<PLAIN>.
+sub sasl_provides {
     my $self = shift;
-    my $type = shift;
-    return $type eq "PLAIN" ? 1 : 0;
+    return ("PLAIN");
-sub plain {
+=head2 sasl_plain
+Called when the client requests C<PLAIN> SASL authentication.  This
+parses the SASL protocal, and defers to L</auth_plain> to determine if
+the username and password is actually allowed to log in.
+sub sasl_plain {
     my $self = shift;
     return sub {
         my $line = shift;
@@ -32,6 +91,33 @@
-sub client_id {}
+=head client_id
+Called when the client provides identifying information via the C<ID>
+command; by default, does nothing.  See RFC 2971.
+sub client_id { }
+The L</sasl_plain> method is a simple example of implementing a SASL
+protocol, albeat a very simple one.  SASL authentication methods
+should expect to be called with no arguments, and should return an
+anonymous function, which will be called each time the client
+transmits more information.
+Each time it is called, it will be passed the client data, which will
+already have been base-64 decoded (the exception being the first time
+it is called, when it will be called with the empty string).
+If the fnuction returns a scalar reference, the scalar will be base-64
+encoded and transmitted to the client.  Anthing which is not a scalar
+reference will be interpreted as a boolean, as to whether the
+authentication was successful.  Successful authentications should be
+sure to set L</user> themselves.

Modified: Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/DefaultModel.pm
--- Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/DefaultModel.pm	(original)
+++ Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/DefaultModel.pm	Wed Jan 30 17:16:59 2008
@@ -8,6 +8,27 @@
 my %roots;
+=head1 NAME
+Net::IMAP::Server::DefaultModel - Encapsulates per-connection
+information about the layout of IMAP folders.
+This class represents an abstract model backend to the IMAP server; it
+it meant to be overridden by server implementations.  Primarily,
+subclasses are expected to override L</init> to set up their folder
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new
+This class is created when the client has successfully authenticated
+to the server.
 sub new {
     my $class = shift;
     my $self  = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
@@ -15,6 +36,17 @@
     return $self;
+=head2 init
+Called when the class is instantiated, with no arguments.  Subclasses
+should override this methtod to inspect the L</auth> object, and
+determine what folders the user should have.  The primary purpose of
+this method is to set L</root> to the top level of the mailbox tree.
+The root is expected to contain a mailbox named C<INBOX>, which should
+have L<Net::IMAP::Server::Mailbox/is_inbox> set.
 sub init {
     my $self = shift;
     my $user = $self->auth->user || 'default';
@@ -22,42 +54,61 @@
     if ( $roots{$user} ) {
         $self->root( $roots{$user} );
     } else {
-        $self->root( $self->mailbox() )
-             ->add_child( name => "INBOX", is_inbox => 1 )
-             ->add_child( name => $user );
+        $self->root( Net::IMAP::Server::Mailbox->new() )
+            ->add_child( name => "INBOX", is_inbox => 1 )
+            ->add_child( name => $user );
         $roots{$user} = $self->root;
     return $self;
+=head2 close
+Called when this model's connection closes, for any reason.  By
+default, does nothing.
 sub close {
+=head2 split PATH
+Utility method which splits a given C<PATH> according to the mailbox
+seperator, as determinded by the
+L<Net::IMAP::Server::Mailbox/seperator> of the L</root>.
 sub split {
     my $self = shift;
     return grep {length} split quotemeta $self->root->seperator, shift;
+=head2 lookup PATH
+Given a C<PATH>, returns the L<Net::IMAP::Server::Mailbox> for that
+path, or undef if none matches.
 sub lookup {
     my $self  = shift;
     my $name  = shift;
     my @parts = $self->split($name);
-    my $part = $self->root;
+    my $part  = $self->root;
     return undef unless @parts;
     while (@parts) {
         return undef unless @{ $part->children };
         my $find = shift @parts;
-        my @match = grep { $_->is_inbox ? uc $find eq "INBOX" : $_->name eq $find } @{ $part->children };
+        my @match
+            = grep { $_->is_inbox ? uc $find eq "INBOX" : $_->name eq $find }
+            @{ $part->children };
         return undef unless @match;
         $part = $match[0];
     return $part;
-sub mailbox {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return Net::IMAP::Server::Mailbox->new( { model => $self, @_ } );

Modified: Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/Mailbox.pm
--- Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/Mailbox.pm	(original)
+++ Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/Mailbox.pm	Wed Jan 30 17:16:59 2008
@@ -10,27 +10,92 @@
     qw(name is_inbox parent children _path uidnext uids uidvalidity messages subscribed is_selectable)
+=head1 NAME
+Net::IMAP::Server::Mailbox - A user's view of a mailbox
+This class encapsulates the view of messages in a mailbox.  You may
+wish to subclass this class in order to source our messages from, say,
+a database.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Initialization
+=head3 new
+Creates a new mailbox; returns C<undef> if a mailbox with the same
+full path already exists.  It calls L</init>, then L</load_data>.
 sub new {
     my $class = shift;
     my $self  = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
-    return if $self->parent and grep {$self->full_path eq $_->full_path} @{$self->parent->children};
+    return
+        if $self->parent
+        and grep { $self->full_path eq $_->full_path }
+        @{ $self->parent->children };
     return $self;
+=head3 init
+Sets up basic properties of the mailbox:
+=item *
+L</uidnext> is set to 1000
+=item *
+L</messages> and L</uids> are initialized to an empty list reference
+and an empty hash reference, respectively.
+=item *
+L</children> is set to an empty list reference.
+=item *
+L</uidvalidity> is set to the number of seconds since the epoch.
+=item *
+L</subscribed> and L</is_selectable> are set true.
 sub init {
     my $self = shift;
     $self->messages( [] );
     $self->uids( {} );
     $self->children( [] );
-    $self->uidvalidity( scalar time );
-    $self->subscribed( 1 );
-    $self->is_selectable( 1 );
+    $self->uidvalidity(time);
+    $self->subscribed(1);
+    $self->is_selectable(1);
+=head3 load_data
+This default mailbox implementation attempts to find a C<mbox> file
+whose name is based on the full path of the mailbox, and load messages
+from that file.  It makes no attempt to write back any changes to the
+Subclasses will probably wish to override this method.
 sub load_data {
     my $self = shift;
     my $name = $self->full_path;
@@ -47,15 +112,27 @@
-sub seperator {
-    return "/";
+=head2 Actions
-sub selected {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return $Net::IMAP::Server::Server->connection->selected
-      and $Net::IMAP::Server::Server->connection->selected eq $self;
+=head3 poll
+Called when the server wishes the mailbox to update its state.  By
+default, does nothing.  Subclasses will probably wish to override this
+sub poll { }
+=head3 add_message MESSAGE
+Adds the gven L<Net::IMAP::Server::Message> C<MESSAGE> to the mailbox,
+setting its L<Net::IMAP::Server::Message/sequence> and
+L<Net::IMAP::Server::Message/uid> is set to L</uidnext> if the message
+does not already have a C<uid>.
 sub add_message {
     my $self    = shift;
@@ -67,8 +144,9 @@
     push @{ $self->messages }, $message;
     # Some messages may supply their own uids
-    if ($message->uid) {
-        $self->uidnext( $message->uid + 1 ) if $message->uid >= $self->uidnext;
+    if ( $message->uid ) {
+        $self->uidnext( $message->uid + 1 )
+            if $message->uid >= $self->uidnext;
     } else {
         $message->uid( $self->uidnext );
         $self->uidnext( $self->uidnext + 1 );
@@ -77,187 +155,366 @@
     # Also need to add it to anyone that has this folder as a
     # temporary message store
-    for my $c (Net::IMAP::Server->concurrent_mailbox_connections($self)) {
+    for my $c ( Net::IMAP::Server->concurrent_mailbox_connections($self) ) {
         next unless $c->temporary_messages;
-        push @{$c->temporary_messages}, $message;
-        $c->temporary_sequence_map->{$message} = scalar @{$c->temporary_messages};
+        push @{ $c->temporary_messages }, $message;
+        $c->temporary_sequence_map->{$message}
+            = scalar @{ $c->temporary_messages };
     return $message;
-sub get_uids {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $str  = shift;
+=head3 add_child [...]
-    my %ids;
-    for ( split ',', $str ) {
-        if (/^(\d+):(\d+)$/) {
-            $ids{$_}++ for $2 > $1 ? $1 .. $2 : $2 .. $1;
-        } elsif (/^(\d+):\*$/ or /^\*:(\d+)$/) {
-            $ids{$_}++ for $self->messages->[-1]->uid, $1 .. $self->messages->[-1]->uid;
-        } elsif (/^(\d+)$/) {
-            $ids{$1}++;
-        } elsif (/^\*$/) {
-            $ids{ $self->messages->[-1]->uid }++;
-        }
-    }
-    return
-        grep {defined} map { $self->uids->{$_} } sort {$a <=> $b} keys %ids;
+Creates a mailbox under this mailbox, of the same class as this
+mailbox is.  Any arguments are passed to L</new>.  Returns the newly
+added subfolder, or undef if a folder with that name already exists.
 sub add_child {
     my $self = shift;
-    my $node = ( ref $self )
-        ->new( { @_, parent => $self } );
+    my $node = ( ref $self )->new( { @_, parent => $self } );
     return unless $node;
     push @{ $self->children }, $node;
     return $node;
+=head3 create [...]
+Identical to L</add_child>.  Should return false if the create is
+denied or fails.
 sub create {
     my $self = shift;
     return $self->add_child(@_);
+=head3 reparent MAILBOX
+Reparents this mailbox to be a child of the given
+L<Net::IMAP::Server::Mailbox> C<MAILBOX>.  Shold return 0 if the
+reparenting is denied or fails.
 sub reparent {
-    my $self = shift;
+    my $self   = shift;
     my $parent = shift;
-    $self->parent->children([grep {$_ ne $self} @{$self->parent->children}]);
-    push @{$parent->children}, $self;
+    $self->parent->children(
+        [ grep { $_ ne $self } @{ $self->parent->children } ] );
+    push @{ $parent->children }, $self;
     my @uncache = ($self);
     while (@uncache) {
         my $o = shift @uncache;
-        push @uncache, @{$o->children};
+        push @uncache, @{ $o->children };
     return 1;
+=head3 delete
+Deletes this mailbox, removing it from its parent's list of children.
+Should return false if the deletion is denied or fails.
 sub delete {
     my $self = shift;
-    $self->parent->children([grep {$_ ne $self} @{$self->parent->children}]);
+    $self->parent->children(
+        [ grep { $_ ne $self } @{ $self->parent->children } ] );
     return 1;
+=head3 expunge [ARRAYREF]
+Expunges messages marked as C<\Deleted>.  If an arrayref of message
+sequence numbers is provided, only expunges message from that set.
+sub expunge {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $only = shift;
+    return if $only and not @{$only};
+    my %only;
+    $only{$_}++ for @{ $only || [] };
+    my @ids;
+    my $offset   = 0;
+    my @messages = @{ $self->messages };
+    $self->messages(
+        [   grep {
+                not( $_->has_flag('\Deleted')
+                    and ( not $only or $only{ $_->sequence } ) )
+                } @messages
+        ]
+    );
+    for my $c ( Net::IMAP::Server->concurrent_mailbox_connections($self) ) {
+        # Ensure that all other connections with this selected get a
+        # temporary message list, if they don't already have one
+        unless (
+            (       $Net::IMAP::Server::Server->connection
+                and $c eq $Net::IMAP::Server::Server->connection
+            )
+            or $c->temporary_messages
+            )
+        {
+            $c->temporary_messages( [@messages] );
+            $c->temporary_sequence_map( {} );
+            $c->temporary_sequence_map->{$_} = $_->sequence for @messages;
+        }
+    }
+    for my $m (@messages) {
+        if ( $m->has_flag('\Deleted')
+            and ( not $only or $only{ $m->sequence } ) )
+        {
+            push @ids, $m->sequence - $offset;
+            delete $self->uids->{ $m->uid };
+            $offset++;
+            $m->expunge;
+        } elsif ($offset) {
+            $m->sequence( $m->sequence - $offset );
+        }
+    }
+    for my $c ( Net::IMAP::Server->concurrent_mailbox_connections($self) ) {
+        # Also, each connection gets these added to their expunge list
+        push @{ $c->untagged_expunge }, @ids;
+    }
+    return 1;
+=head3 append MESSAGE
+Appends, and returns, the given C<MESSAGE>, which should be a string
+containing the message.  Returns false is the append is denied or
+sub append {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $m    = Net::IMAP::Server::Message->new(@_);
+    $m->set_flag( '\Recent', 1 );
+    $self->add_message($m);
+    return $m;
+=head3 close
+Called when the client selects a different mailbox, or when the
+client's connection closes.  By default, does nothing.
+sub close { }
+=head2 Inspection
+=head3 seperator
+Returns the path seperator.  Note that only the path seperator of the
+root mailbox matters.  Defaults to a forward slash.
+sub seperator {
+    return "/";
+=head3 full_path
+Returns the full path to this mailbox.
 sub full_path {
     my $self = shift;
     return $self->_path if defined $self->_path;
-                 !$self->parent ? "" :
-                 !$self->parent->parent ? $self->name :
-        $self->parent->full_path . $self->seperator . $self->name );
+          !$self->parent         ? ""
+        : !$self->parent->parent ? $self->name
+        : $self->parent->full_path . $self->seperator . $self->name
+    );
     return $self->_path;
+=head3 flags
+Returns the list of flags that this mailbox supports.
 sub flags {
     my $self = shift;
     return qw(\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft);
+=head3 can_set_flag FLAG
+Returns true if the client is allowed to set the given flag in this
+mailbox; this simply scans L</flags> to check.
 sub can_set_flag {
     my $self = shift;
     my $flag = shift;
-    return 1 if grep {lc $_ eq lc $flag} $self->flags;
+    return 1 if grep { lc $_ eq lc $flag } $self->flags;
+=head3 exists
+Returns the number of messages in this mailbox.  Observing this also
+sets the "high water mark" for notifying the client of messages added.
 sub exists {
     my $self = shift;
-    $Net::IMAP::Server::Server->connection->previous_exists( scalar @{ $self->messages } )
-      if $self->selected;
+    $Net::IMAP::Server::Server->connection->previous_exists(
+        scalar @{ $self->messages } )
+        if $self->selected;
     return scalar @{ $self->messages };
+=head3 recent
+Returns the number of messages which have the C<\Recent> flag set.
 sub recent {
     my $self = shift;
-    return scalar grep {$_->has_flag('\Recent')} @{$self->messages};
+    return scalar grep { $_->has_flag('\Recent') } @{ $self->messages };
+=head3 unseen
+Returns the number of messages which do not have the C<\Seen> flag set.
 sub unseen {
     my $self = shift;
-    return scalar grep {not $_->has_flag('\Seen')} @{$self->messages};
+    return scalar grep { not $_->has_flag('\Seen') } @{ $self->messages };
+=head3 permanentflags
+Returns the flags which will be stored permanently for this mailbox;
+defaults to the same set as L</flags> returns.
 sub permanentflags {
     my $self = shift;
     return $self->flags;
+=head3 read_only
+Returns true if this mailbox is read-only.  By default, always returns
 sub read_only {
     my $self = shift;
     return 0;
-sub expunge {
+=head3 selected
+Returns true if this mailbox is the mailbox selected by the current
+sub selected {
     my $self = shift;
-    my $only = shift;
-    return if $only and not @{$only};
-    my %only; $only{$_}++ for @{$only || []};
+    return $Net::IMAP::Server::Server->connection->selected
+        and $Net::IMAP::Server::Server->connection->selected eq $self;
-    my @ids;
-    my $offset   = 0;
-    my @messages = @{ $self->messages };
-    $self->messages( [ grep { not ( $_->has_flag('\Deleted') and (not $only or $only{$_->sequence}))} @messages ] );
-    for my $c (Net::IMAP::Server->concurrent_mailbox_connections($self)) {
-        # Ensure that all other connections with this selected get a
-        # temporary message list, if they don't already have one
-        unless (($Net::IMAP::Server::Server->connection and $c eq $Net::IMAP::Server::Server->connection)
-             or $c->temporary_messages) {
-            $c->temporary_messages([@messages]);
-            $c->temporary_sequence_map({});
-            $c->temporary_sequence_map->{$_} = $_->sequence for @messages;
-        }
-    }
+=head3 get_uids STR
-    for my $m (@messages) {
-        if ( $m->has_flag('\Deleted') and (not $only or $only{$m->sequence})) {
-            push @ids, $m->sequence - $offset;
-            delete $self->uids->{$m->uid};
-            $offset++;
-            $m->expunge;
-        } elsif ($offset) {
-            $m->sequence( $m->sequence - $offset );
-        }
-    }
+Parses and returns messages fitting the given UID range.
-    for my $c (Net::IMAP::Server->concurrent_mailbox_connections($self)) {
-        # Also, each connection gets these added to their expunge list
-        push @{$c->untagged_expunge}, @ids;
+sub get_uids {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $str  = shift;
+    my %ids;
+    for ( split ',', $str ) {
+        if (/^(\d+):(\d+)$/) {
+            $ids{$_}++ for $2 > $1 ? $1 .. $2 : $2 .. $1;
+        } elsif ( /^(\d+):\*$/ or /^\*:(\d+)$/ ) {
+            $ids{$_}++
+                for $self->messages->[-1]->uid,
+                $1 .. $self->messages->[-1]->uid;
+        } elsif (/^(\d+)$/) {
+            $ids{$1}++;
+        } elsif (/^\*$/) {
+            $ids{ $self->messages->[-1]->uid }++;
+        }
+    return
+        grep {defined} map { $self->uids->{$_} } sort { $a <=> $b } keys %ids;
-sub append {
+=head3 get_messages STR
+Parses and returns messages fitting the given sequence range.  Note
+that since sequence numbers are connection-dependent, this simply
+passes the buck to L</Net::IMAP::Server::Connection/get_messages>.
+sub get_messages {
     my $self = shift;
-    my $m = Net::IMAP::Server::Message->new(@_);
-    $m->set_flag('\Recent', 1);
-    $self->add_message($m);
-    return $m;
+    return $Net::IMAP::Server::Server->connection->get_messages(@_);
-sub poll {}
+=head3 prep_for_destroy
+Called before the mailbox is destroyed; this deals with cleaning up
+the several circular references involved.  In turn, it calls
+L</prep_for_destroy> on all child mailboxes, as well as all messages
+it has.
 sub prep_for_destroy {
     my $self = shift;
-    my @kids = @{$self->children || []};
-    $self->children([]);
+    my @kids = @{ $self->children || [] };
+    $self->children( [] );
     $_->prep_for_destroy for @kids;
-    my @messages = @{$self->messages || []};
-    $self->messages([]);
-    $self->uids({});
+    my @messages = @{ $self->messages || [] };
+    $self->messages( [] );
+    $self->uids( {} );
     $_->prep_for_destroy for @messages;
-sub close {}
 package Email::IMAPFolder;
 use base 'Email::Folder';
-use YAML;
 sub bless_message {
     my $self = shift;

Modified: Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/Message.pm
--- Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/Message.pm	(original)
+++ Net-IMAP-Server/lib/Net/IMAP/Server/Message.pm	Wed Jan 30 17:16:59 2008
@@ -12,11 +12,24 @@
 # Canonical capitalization
 my %FLAGS;
-$FLAGS{lc $_} = $_ for qw(\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft);
+$FLAGS{ lc $_ } = $_ for qw(\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft);
 use base 'Class::Accessor';
-__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(sequence mailbox uid _flags mime internaldate expunged));
+    qw(sequence mailbox uid _flags mime internaldate expunged));
+=head1 NAME
+Net::IMAP::Server::Message - Represents a message stored in a user's mailbox
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new STR
+Creates a new message, from an RFC2822 string.
 sub new {
     my $class = shift;
@@ -27,89 +40,230 @@
     return $self;
+=head2 mailbox [MAILBOX]
+Gets or sets the L<Net::IMAP::Server::Mailbox> that this message is
+=head2 sequence [INTEGER]
+Gets or sets the sequence number of this message in its mailbox.
+Note, however, that due to the semi-transactional nature of IMAP,
+different connections may see a message as having different sequence
+numbers!  The sequence number stored on the message is the sequence
+number that a new connection would see; to find out what a connection
+believes the sequence number of a message to be, use
+=head2 uid [INTEGER]
+Gets or sets the UID of the message.  This, paired with the name and
+UIDVALIDITY of its mailbox, is a unique designator of the message.
+=head2 internaldate [STRING]
+Gets ot sets the string representing when the message was recieved by
+the server.  According to RFC specification, this must be formatted as
+C<01-Jan-2008 15:42 -0500>.
+=head2 expunge
+Marks the message as expunged -- this is called by
+L<Net::IMAP::Server::Mailbox/expunge>, which deals with actually
+removing the mesage from the appropriate places..
 sub expunge {
     my $self = shift;
+=head2 expunged
+=head2 copy_allowed MAILBOX
+Returns true if copying this message to the given
+L<Net::IMAP::Server::Mailbox> C<MAILBOX> is allowed.  By default,
+always returns true;
 sub copy_allowed {
     return 1;
-sub mime_header {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return $self->mime->header_obj;
+=head2 copy MAILBOX
+Copies the message into the given L<Net::IMAP::Server::Mailbox>
+C<MAILBOX>, and returns the new message.
 sub copy {
-    my $self = shift;
+    my $self    = shift;
     my $mailbox = shift;
     my $clone = bless {}, ref $self;
-    $clone->mime( $self->mime ); # This leads to sharing the same MIME
-                                 # object, but since they're
-                                 # immutable, I don't think we care
-    $clone->internaldate( $self->internaldate );  # Ditto for the date
+    $clone->mime( $self->mime );    # This leads to sharing the same MIME
+                                    # object, but since they're
+                                    # immutable, I don't think we care
+    $clone->internaldate( $self->internaldate );    # Ditto for the date
     $clone->_flags( {} );
-    $clone->set_flag( $_, 1 ) for ('\Recent', $self->flags);
+    $clone->set_flag( $_, 1 ) for ( '\Recent', $self->flags );
     return $clone;
+=head2 set_flag FLAG [, SILENT]
+Sets the given flag on the message; if a true value is passed for
+C<SILENT>, mailboxes will not send notification of the change to the
+client.  Returns the old value.
 sub set_flag {
     my $self = shift;
-    my $flag = shift;
-    $flag = $FLAGS{lc $flag} || $flag;
-    my $old  = exists $self->_flags->{$flag};
+    my ( $flag, $silent ) = @_;
+    $flag = $FLAGS{ lc $flag } || $flag;
+    my $old = exists $self->_flags->{$flag};
     $self->_flags->{$flag} = 1;
     my $changed = not $old;
-    if ($changed and not @_) {
-        for my $c (Net::IMAP::Server->concurrent_mailbox_connections($self->mailbox)) {
-            $c->untagged_fetch->{$c->sequence($self)}{FLAGS}++ unless $c->ignore_flags;
+    if ( $changed and not $silent ) {
+        for my $c (
+            Net::IMAP::Server->concurrent_mailbox_connections(
+                $self->mailbox
+            )
+            )
+        {
+            $c->untagged_fetch->{ $c->sequence($self) }{FLAGS}++
+                unless $c->ignore_flags;
     return $changed;
+=head2 clear_flag FLAG [, SILENT]
+Clears the given flag on the message; if a true value is passed for
+C<SILENT>, mailboxes will not send notification of the change to the
+client.  Returns the old value.
 sub clear_flag {
     my $self = shift;
-    my $flag = shift;
-    $flag = $FLAGS{lc $flag} || $flag;
-    my $old  = exists $self->_flags->{$flag};
+    my ( $flag, $silent ) = @_;
+    $flag = $FLAGS{ lc $flag } || $flag;
+    my $old = exists $self->_flags->{$flag};
     delete $self->_flags->{$flag};
     my $changed = $old;
-    if ($changed and not @_) {
-        for my $c (Net::IMAP::Server->concurrent_mailbox_connections($self->mailbox)) {
-            $c->untagged_fetch->{$c->sequence($self)}{FLAGS}++ unless $c->ignore_flags;
+    if ( $changed and not $silent ) {
+        for my $c (
+            Net::IMAP::Server->concurrent_mailbox_connections(
+                $self->mailbox
+            )
+            )
+        {
+            $c->untagged_fetch->{ $c->sequence($self) }{FLAGS}++
+                unless $c->ignore_flags;
     return $changed;
+=head2 has_flag FLAG
+Returns true if the message has the given flag set.
 sub has_flag {
     my $self = shift;
     my $flag = shift;
-    $flag = $FLAGS{lc $flag} || $flag;
+    $flag = $FLAGS{ lc $flag } || $flag;
     return exists $self->_flags->{$flag};
+=head2 flags
+Returns the list of flags which are set on the message.
 sub flags {
     my $self = shift;
     return sort keys %{ $self->_flags };
+=head2 store STRING FLAGS
+Sets the given C<FLAGS>, which should be an array reference, on the
+message.  C<STRING> should be C<+FLAGS>, C<-FLAGS>, or C<FLAGS>; the
+first sets the set of flags, the second unsets the set of flags, and
+the third changes the message's flags to exactly match the given set.
+sub store {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ( $what, $flags ) = @_;
+    my @flags = @{$flags};
+    if ( $what =~ /^-/ ) {
+        $self->clear_flag($_) for grep { $self->has_flag($_) } @flags;
+    } elsif ( $what =~ /^\+/ ) {
+        $self->set_flag($_) for grep { not $self->has_flag($_) } @flags;
+    } else {
+        $self->set_flag($_) for grep { not $self->has_flag($_) } @flags;
+        $self->clear_flag($_) for grep {
+            $a = $_;
+            not grep { lc $a eq lc $_ } @flags
+        } $self->flags;
+    }
+=head2 mime_header
+Returns the L<Email::Simple::Header> of the message.
+sub mime_header {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->mime->header_obj;
+=head2 mime [OBJ]
+Gets or sets the L<Email::MIME> object for this message.
+=head2 fetch SPEC
+Takes C<SPEC>, which is either a string or an array refence of
+strings, and returns a list of strings or data structures which match
+the specification.  The specification is defined by section 7.4.2 of
+RFC 3501.
 sub fetch {
     my $self = shift;
     my $spec = shift;
-    $spec = [qw/FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822.SIZE ENVELOPE/] if uc $spec eq "ALL";
-    $spec = [qw/FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822.SIZE/]          if uc $spec eq "FAST";
+        if uc $spec eq "ALL";
+    $spec = [qw/FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822.SIZE/] if uc $spec eq "FAST";
         if uc $spec eq "FULL";
@@ -125,7 +279,7 @@
     my @out;
     for my $part (@parts) {
-        push @out, \(uc $part);
+        push @out, \( uc $part );
         # Now that we've split out the right tag, do some aliasing
         if ( uc $part eq "RFC822" ) {
@@ -176,14 +330,16 @@
     $result = $self->mime->as_string unless @sections;
     for (@sections) {
         if ( uc $_ eq "HEADER" or uc $_ eq "MIME" ) {
-            $result = ($mime ? $mime->header_obj : $self->mime_header)->as_string . "\r\n";
+            $result = ( $mime ? $mime->header_obj : $self->mime_header )
+                ->as_string . "\r\n";
         } elsif ( uc $_ eq "FIELDS" ) {
             my %case;
             my $mime_header = $mime ? $mime->header_obj : $self->mime_header;
             $case{ uc $_ } = $_ for $mime_header->header_names;
             my $copy = Email::Simple::Header->new("");
             for my $h ( @{$extras} ) {
-                $copy->header_set( $case{$h} || $h => $mime_header->header($h) );
+                $copy->header_set( $case{$h}
+                        || $h => $mime_header->header($h) );
             $result = $copy->as_string ? $copy->as_string . "\r\n" : "";
         } elsif ( uc $_ eq "TEXT" ) {
@@ -227,10 +383,11 @@
         # hate thee.  Make the mime structures, hack them into the
         # IMAP format, concat them, and insert their reference so they
         # get spat out as-is.
-        my @parts        = $mime->parts;
+        my @parts = $mime->parts;
         @parts = () if @parts == 1 and $parts[0] == $mime;
         my $parts = join '', map {
-            Net::IMAP::Server::Command->data_out( $self->mime_bodystructure( $_, $long ) )
+            Net::IMAP::Server::Command->data_out(
+                $self->mime_bodystructure( $_, $long ) )
         } @parts;
         return [
@@ -298,12 +455,15 @@
     my $mime   = $self->mime_header;
     return undef unless $mime->header($header);
-    return [ map { [ {type => "string", value => $_->name},
-                     undef,
-                     {type => "string", value => $_->user},
-                     {type => "string", value => $_->host}
-                   ] }
-            Email::Address->parse( $mime->header($header) ) ];
+    return [
+        map {
+            [   { type => "string", value => $_->name },
+                undef,
+                { type => "string", value => $_->user },
+                { type => "string", value => $_->host }
+            ]
+            } Email::Address->parse( $mime->header($header) )
+    ];
 sub mime_envelope {
@@ -330,22 +490,12 @@
-sub store {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my ( $what, $flags ) = @_;
-    my @flags = @{$flags};
-    if ( $what =~ /^-/ ) {
-        $self->clear_flag($_) for grep { $self->has_flag($_) } @flags;
-    } elsif ( $what =~ /^\+/ ) {
-        $self->set_flag($_) for grep { not $self->has_flag($_) } @flags;
-    } else {
-        $self->set_flag($_) for grep { not $self->has_flag($_) } @flags;
-        $self->clear_flag($_) for grep {
-            $a = $_;
-            not grep { lc $a eq lc $_ } @flags
-        } $self->flags;
-    }
+=head2 prep_for_destroy
+Called by the mailbox before the message is torn down; breaks down any
+circular references.
 sub prep_for_destroy {
     my $self = shift;

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