[Bps-public-commit] r11270 - WebChart/t

sunnavy at bestpractical.com sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Sun Mar 30 10:36:38 EDT 2008

Author: sunnavy
Date: Sun Mar 30 10:36:37 2008
New Revision: 11270


we need more config dirs, added tests for that

Modified: WebChart/t/webchart.t
--- WebChart/t/webchart.t	(original)
+++ WebChart/t/webchart.t	Sun Mar 30 10:36:37 2008
@@ -5,15 +5,20 @@
 use WebChart;
 use File::Spec;
-use Test::More tests => 26;
+use Test::More tests => 41;
 my $wc      = WebChart->new;
 my %default = (
-    img_dir     => File::Spec->tmpdir,
-    web_img_dir => '/charts',
-    width       => 400,
-    height      => 300,
-    css_class   => undef,
+    img_dir       => File::Spec->tmpdir,
+    xml_dir       => File::Spec->tmpdir,
+    web_xml_dir   => '/xml',
+    web_img_dir   => '/charts',
+    web_js_dir    => '/js',
+    web_flash_dir => '/flash',
+    web_css_dir   => '/css',
+    width         => 400,
+    height        => 300,
+    css_class     => undef,
 for ( keys %default ) {
@@ -22,11 +27,16 @@
 my %args = (
-    img_dir     => '/tmp',
-    web_img_dir => '/pictures',
-    width       => 800,
-    height      => 600,
-    css_class   => 'foo bar',
+    img_dir       => '/tmp',
+    web_img_dir   => '/pictures',
+    xml_dir       => '/tmp',
+    web_xml_dir   => '/xmlfiles',
+    web_js_dir    => '/javascripts',
+    web_flash_dir => '/swf',
+    web_css_dir   => '/style',
+    width         => 800,
+    height        => 600,
+    css_class     => 'foo bar',
 $wc = WebChart->new(%args);
@@ -71,13 +81,18 @@
 %args = (
-    data        => $data,
-    type        => 'bars',
-    width       => 800,
-    height      => 600,
-    css_class   => 'foo bar',
-    img_dir     => '/howdy',
-    web_img_dir => '/world'
+    data          => $data,
+    type          => 'bars',
+    width         => 800,
+    height        => 600,
+    css_class     => 'foo bar',
+    img_dir       => '/howdy',
+    web_img_dir   => '/world',
+    xml_dir       => 'sam',
+    web_xml_dir   => 'frodo',
+    web_js_dir    => 'ring',
+    web_flash_dir => 'gandolf',
+    web_css_dir   => '/ring',
 %return = $wc->render(%args);

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