[Bps-public-commit] r12395 - in Carp-REPL: .

sartak at bestpractical.com sartak at bestpractical.com
Fri May 16 08:31:31 EDT 2008

Author: sartak
Date: Fri May 16 08:31:29 2008
New Revision: 12395

   Carp-REPL/   (props changed)

 r56002 at onn:  sartak | 2008-05-16 08:30:44 -0400
 Add tests for :list

Added: Carp-REPL/t/13-list.t
--- (empty file)
+++ Carp-REPL/t/13-list.t	Fri May 16 08:31:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 30;
+use Test::Expect;
+    command => 'perl -Ilib -MCarp::REPL=noprofile t/scripts/12-env.pl',
+    prompt  => '$ ',
+    quit    => 'exit',
+expect_send('1 + 1');
+expect_like(qr/\b2\b/, 'in the REPL');
+expect_like(qr/12-env\.pl/, 'filename is given');
+expect_like(qr/^\*49:     die \@_;/m, 'line with the error has a star');
+expect_like(qr/^ 44:     \$closure->\(values \%args\);/m);
+expect_like(qr/^ 45: }/m);
+expect_like(qr/^ 46: /m);
+expect_like(qr/^ 47: sub five/m);
+expect_like(qr/^ 48: {/m);
+expect_like(qr/^ 50: }/m);
+expect_like(qr/^ 51: /m);
+expect_like(qr/^ 52: zero\(\);/m);
+expect_like(qr/^ 53: /m);
+expect_like(qr/Now at.*frame 1/, 'up a frame');
+expect_like(qr/12-env\.pl/, 'filename is given');
+expect_like(qr/^ 37: {/m);
+expect_like(qr/^ 38:     my \%args = \@_;/m);
+expect_like(qr/^ 39: /m);
+expect_like(qr/^ 40:     my \$closure = sub {/m);
+expect_like(qr/^ 41:         my \(\$alpha, \$beta, \$gamma, \$delta\) = \@_;/m);
+expect_like(qr/^\*42:         five\(\$alpha \+ \$beta \+ \$gamma \+ \$delta\);/m);
+expect_like(qr/^ 43:     };/m);
+expect_like(qr/^ 44:     \$closure->\(values %args\);/m);
+expect_like(qr/^ 45: }/m);
+expect_like(qr/^ 46: /m);
+expect_like(qr/^ 47: sub five/m);

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