[Bps-public-commit] r16701 - in RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk: html/Callbacks/ExternalAuth/autohandler lib/RT/Authen lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth

zordrak at bestpractical.com zordrak at bestpractical.com
Thu Nov 6 06:15:25 EST 2008

Author: zordrak
Date: Thu Nov  6 06:15:24 2008
New Revision: 16701


zordrak | 2008-11-06 11:15:00 +0000
 * User_Vendor.pm reduced to absolute minimum
 * Primary refactoring complete

Modified: RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/html/Callbacks/ExternalAuth/autohandler/Auth
--- RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/html/Callbacks/ExternalAuth/autohandler/Auth	(original)
+++ RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/html/Callbacks/ExternalAuth/autohandler/Auth	Thu Nov  6 06:15:24 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+use RT::Authen::ExternalAuth;
 # If the RT::User::UpdateFromExternal method is not available, then we are in
 # RT-3.8.0 or RT-3.8.1 and we need to work around a bug in the plugin system:
 # Temporarily force RT to reload RT::User, since it isn't being loaded
@@ -37,22 +39,8 @@
         # Unless we have loaded a valid user with a UserID
         unless ($session{'CurrentUser'}->Id) {
             # Check if user exists externally - autocreate user if it does
-            my $user_exists_externally = 0;
-            my @auth_services = @$RT::ExternalAuthPriority;
-            foreach my $service (@auth_services) {
-                my $config = $RT::Settings->{$service};
-                if ($config->{'type'} eq 'db') {    
-                    $user_exists_externally = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI->UserExists($service,$user);
-                    last if $user_exists_externally;
-                } elsif ($config->{'type'} eq 'ldap') {
-                    $user_exists_externally = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP->UserExists($service,$user);
-                    last if $user_exists_externally;
-                } else {
-                    $RT::Logger->error("Invalid type specification in config for service:",$service);
-                }
-            }
-            if($user_exists_externally){
+            if(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth->UserExists($user)){
                     my ($val, $msg) = 
                       $UserObj->Create(%{ref($RT::AutoCreate) ? $RT::AutoCreate : {}},
                                        Name   => $user,
@@ -99,7 +87,7 @@
         # the database, but more importantly, UpdateFromExternal will check 
         # whether the user is disabled or not which we have not been able to 
         # do during auto-create
-        $session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->UpdateFromExternal();
+        RT::Authen::ExternalAuth->UpdateUserInfo($session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->Name);
         # Now that we definitely have up-to-date user information,
         # if the user is disabled, kick them out. Now!

Modified: RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm
--- RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm	(original)
+++ RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm	Thu Nov  6 06:15:24 2008
@@ -18,7 +18,323 @@
 =begin testing
 ok(require RT::Authen::ExternalAuth);
+ok(require RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP);
+ok(require RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI);
 =end testing
+use RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP;
+use RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI;
+sub UpdateUserInfo {
+    my $username        = shift;
+    # Prepare for the worst...
+    my $found           = 0;
+    my $updated         = 0;
+    my $msg             = "User NOT updated";
+    my $user_disabled 	= RT::Authen::ExternalAuth->UserDisabled($username);
+    my $UserObj = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
+    $UserObj->Load($username);        
+    # If user is disabled, set the RT::Principle to disabled and return out of the function.
+    # I think it's a waste of time and energy to update a user's information if they are disabled
+    # and it could be a security risk if they've updated their external information with some 
+    # carefully concocted code to try to break RT - worst case scenario, but they have been 
+    # denied access after all, don't take any chances.
+    # If someone gives me a good enough reason to do it, 
+    # then I'll update all the info for disabled users
+    if ($user_disabled) {
+        # Make sure principle is disabled in RT
+        my ($val, $message) = $UserObj->SetDisabled(1);
+        # Log what has happened
+        $RT::Logger->info("User marked as DISABLED (",
+                            $username,
+                            ") per External Service", 
+                            "($val, $message)\n");
+        $msg = "User Disabled";
+        return ($updated, $msg);
+    }    
+    # Make sure principle is not disabled in RT
+    my ($val, $message) = $UserObj->SetDisabled(0);
+    # Log what has happened
+    $RT::Logger->info("User marked as ENABLED (",
+                        $username,
+                        ") per External Service",
+                        "($val, $message)\n");
+    # Update their info from external service using the username as the lookup key
+    # CanonicalizeUserInfo will work out for itself which service to use
+    # Passing it a service instead could break other RT code
+    my %args = (Name => $username);
+    $UserObj->CanonicalizeUserInfo(\%args);
+    # For each piece of information returned by CanonicalizeUserInfo,
+    # run the Set method for that piece of info to change it for the user
+    foreach my $key (sort(keys(%args))) {
+        next unless $args{$key};
+        my $method = "Set$key";
+        # We do this on the UserObj from above, not self so that there 
+        # are no permission restrictions on setting information
+        my ($method_success,$method_msg) = $UserObj->$method($args{$key});
+        # If your user information is not getting updated, 
+        # uncomment the following logging statements
+        if ($method_success) {
+            # At DEBUG level, log that method succeeded
+            # $RT::Logger->debug((caller(0))[3],"$method Succeeded. $method_msg");
+        } else {
+            # At DEBUG level, log that method failed
+            # $RT::Logger->debug((caller(0))[3],"$method Failed. $method_msg");
+        }
+    }
+    # Confirm update success
+    $updated = 1;
+    $RT::Logger->debug( "UPDATED user (",
+                        $username,
+                        ") from External Service\n");
+    $msg = 'User updated';
+    return ($updated, $msg);
+sub UserExists {
+    my $username = shift;
+    my $user_exists_externally = 0;   
+    my @auth_services = @$RT::ExternalAuthPriority;
+    foreach my $service (@auth_services) {
+        my $config = $RT::Settings->{$service};
+        if ($config->{'type'} eq 'db') {    
+            $user_exists_externally = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI->UserExists($service,$user);
+            last if $user_exists_externally;
+        } elsif ($config->{'type'} eq 'ldap') {
+            $user_exists_externally = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP->UserExists($service,$user);
+            last if $user_exists_externally;
+        } else {
+            $RT::Logger->error("Invalid type specification in config for service:",$service);
+        }
+    }
+    return $user_exists_externally;
+sub GetAuth {
+    my ($username,$password) = @_;
+    # Get the prioritised list of external authentication services
+    my @auth_services = @$RT::ExternalAuthPriority;
+    # For each of those services..
+    foreach my $service (@auth_services) {
+        # Get the full configuration for that service as a hashref
+        my $config = $RT::ExternalSettings->{$service};
+        $RT::Logger->debug( "Attempting to use external auth service:",
+                            $service);
+        # And then act accordingly depending on what type of service it is.
+        # Right now, there is only code for DBI and LDAP services
+        if ($config->{'type'} eq 'db') {    
+            my $success = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI->GetAuth($service,$username,$password);
+            return 1 if $success;
+            next;
+        } elsif ($config->{'type'} eq 'ldap') {
+            my $success = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP->GetAuth($service,$username,$password);
+            return 1 if $success;
+            next;
+        } else {
+            $RT::Logger->error("Invalid type specification in config for service:",
+                                $service,
+                                "- Skipping...");
+        }
+    }
+    # No success by now = failure.
+    return 0; 
+sub UserDisabled {
+    my $username = shift;
+    my $user_disabled = 0;
+    my @info_services = $RT::ExternalInfoPriority ? @{$RT::ExternalInfoPriority} : undef;
+    # For each named service in the list
+    # Check to see if the user is found in the external service
+    # If not found, jump to next service
+    # If found, check to see if user is considered disabled by the service
+    # Then update the user's info in RT and return
+    foreach my $service (@info_services) {
+        # Get the external config for this service as a hashref        
+        my $config = $RT::ExternalSettings->{$service};
+        # If the config doesn't exist, don't bother doing anything, skip to next in list.
+        unless(defined($config)) {
+            $RT::Logger->debug("You haven't defined a configuration for the service named \"",
+                                $service,
+                                "\" so I'm not going to try to get user information from it. Skipping...");
+            next;
+        }
+        # If it's a DBI config:
+        if ($config->{'type'} eq 'db') {
+            unless(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI->UserExists($username,$service)) {
+                $RT::Logger->debug("User (",
+                                    $username,
+                                    ") doesn't exist in service (",
+                                    $service,
+                                    ") - Cannot update information - Skipping...");
+                next;
+            }
+            $user_disabled = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI->UserDisabled($username,$service);
+        } elsif ($config->{'type'} eq 'ldap') {
+            unless(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP->UserExists($username,$service)) {
+                $RT::Logger->debug("User (",
+                                    $username,
+                                    ") doesn't exist in service (",
+                                    $service,
+                                    ") - Cannot update information - Skipping...");
+                next;
+            }
+            $user_disabled = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP->UserDisabled($username,$service);
+        } else {
+            # The type of external service doesn't currently have any methods associated with it. Or it's a typo.
+            RT::Logger->error("Invalid type specification for config %config->{'name'}");
+            # Drop out to next service in list
+            next;
+        }
+    return $user_disabled;
+sub CanonicalizeUserInfo {
+    # Careful, this $args hashref was given to RT::User::CanonicalizeUserInfo and
+    # then transparently passed on to this function. The whole purpose is to update
+    # the original hash as whatever passed it to RT::User is expecting to continue its
+    # code with an update args hash.
+    my $UserObj = shift;
+    my $args    = shift;
+    my $found   = 0;
+    my %params  = (Name         => undef,
+                  EmailAddress => undef,
+                  RealName     => undef);
+    $RT::Logger->debug( (caller(0))[3], 
+                        "called by", 
+                        caller, 
+                        "with:", 
+                        join(", ", map {sprintf("%s: %s", $_, $args->{$_})}
+                            sort(keys(%$args))));
+    # Get the list of defined external services
+    my @info_services = $RT::ExternalInfoPriority ? @{$RT::ExternalInfoPriority} : undef;
+    # For each external service...
+    foreach my $service (@info_services) {
+        $RT::Logger->debug( "Attempting to get user info using this external service:",
+                            $service);
+        # Get the config for the service so that we know what attrs we can canonicalize
+        my $config = $RT::ExternalSettings->{$service};
+        # For each attr we've been told to canonicalize in the match list
+        foreach my $rt_attr (@{$config->{'attr_match_list'}}) {
+            # Jump to the next attr in $args if this one isn't in the attr_match_list
+            $RT::Logger->debug( "Attempting to use this canonicalization key:",$rt_attr);
+            unless(defined($args->{$rt_attr})) {
+                $RT::Logger->debug("This attribute (",
+                                    $rt_attr,
+                                    ") is not defined in the attr_match_list for this service (",
+                                    $service,
+                                    ")");
+                next;
+            }
+            # Else, use it as a canonicalization key and lookup the user info    
+            my $key = $config->{'attr_map'}->{$rt_attr};
+            my $value = $args->{$rt_attr};
+            # Check to see that the key being asked for is defined in the config's attr_map
+            my $valid = 0;
+            my ($attr_key, $attr_value);
+            my $attr_map = $config->{'attr_map'};
+            while (($attr_key, $attr_value) = each %$attr_map) {
+                $valid = 1 if ($key eq $attr_value);
+            }
+            unless ($valid){
+                $RT::Logger->debug( "This key (",
+                                    $key,
+                                    "is not a valid attribute key (",
+                                    $service,
+                                    ")");
+                next;
+            }
+            # Use an if/elsif structure to do a lookup with any custom code needed 
+            # for any given type of external service, or die if no code exists for
+            # the service requested.
+            if($config->{'type'} eq 'ldap'){    
+                ($found, %params) = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP->CanonicalizeUserInfo($service,$key,$value);
+            } elsif ($config->{'type'} eq 'db') {
+                ($found, %params) = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI->CanonicalizeUserInfo($service,$key,$value);
+            } else {
+                $RT::Logger->debug( (caller(0))[3],
+                                    "does not consider",
+                                    $service,
+                                    "a valid information service");
+            }
+            # Don't Check any more attributes
+            last if $found;
+        }
+        # Don't Check any more services
+        last if $found;
+    }
+    # If found, Canonicalize Email Address and 
+    # update the args hash that we were given the hashref for
+    if ($found) {
+        # It's important that we always have a canonical email address
+        if ($params{'EmailAddress'}) {
+            $params{'EmailAddress'} = $self->CanonicalizeEmailAddress($params{'EmailAddress'});
+        } 
+        %$args = (%$args, %params);
+    }
+    $RT::Logger->info(  (caller(0))[3], 
+                        "returning", 
+                        join(", ", map {sprintf("%s: %s", $_, $args->{$_})} 
+                            sort(keys(%$args))));
+    ### HACK: The config var below is to overcome the (IMO) bug in
+    ### RT::User::Create() which expects this function to always
+    ### return true or rejects the user for creation. This should be
+    ### a different config var (CreateUncanonicalizedUsers) and 
+    ### should be honored in RT::User::Create()
+    return($found || $RT::AutoCreateNonExternalUsers);

Modified: RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/LDAP.pm
--- RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/LDAP.pm	(original)
+++ RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/LDAP.pm	Thu Nov  6 06:15:24 2008
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 use Net::LDAP::Util qw(ldap_error_name);
 use Net::LDAP::Filter;
+require Net::SSLeay if $RT::ExternalServiceUsesSSLorTLS;
 sub GetAuth {

Modified: RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/lib/RT/User_Vendor.pm
--- RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/lib/RT/User_Vendor.pm	(original)
+++ RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/lib/RT/User_Vendor.pm	Thu Nov  6 06:15:24 2008
@@ -7,64 +7,40 @@
 no warnings qw(redefine);
 use strict;
-use RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP;
-use RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI;
+use RT::Authen::ExternalAuth;
-# We only need Net::SSLeay if one of our external services requires 
-# OpenSSL because it plans to use SSL or TLS to encrypt connections
-require Net::SSLeay if $RT::ExternalServiceUsesSSLorTLS;
-sub IsExternalPassword {
-    my $self = shift;
+# {{{ sub IsPassword 
-    my $name_to_auth = $self->Name;
-    my $pass_to_auth = shift;
+sub IsPassword {
+    my $self  = shift;
+    my $value = shift;
-    $RT::Logger->debug( (caller(0))[3],
-                        "Trying External authentication");
-    # Get the prioritised list of external authentication services
-    my @auth_services = @$RT::ExternalAuthPriority;
-    # For each of those services..
-    foreach my $service (@auth_services) {
+    # TODO there isn't any apparent way to legitimately ACL this
-        # Get the full configuration for that service as a hashref
-        my $config = $RT::ExternalSettings->{$service};
-        $RT::Logger->debug( "Attempting to use external auth service:",
-                            $service);
-        # And then act accordingly depending on what type of service it is.
-        # Right now, there is only code for DBI and LDAP services
-        if ($config->{'type'} eq 'db') {    
-            my $success = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI->GetAuth($service,$name_to_auth,$pass_to_auth);
-            return 1 if $success;
-            next;
-        } elsif ($config->{'type'} eq 'ldap') {
-            my $success = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP->GetAuth($service,$name_to_auth,$pass_to_auth);
-            return 1 if $success;
-            next;
-        } else {
-            $RT::Logger->error("Invalid type specification in config for service:",$service);
-        }
-    } 
+    # RT does not allow null passwords 
+    if ( ( !defined($value) ) or ( $value eq '' ) ) {
+        return (undef);
+    }
-    # If we still haven't returned, we must have been unsuccessful
-    $RT::Logger->info(  (caller(0))[3], 
-                        "External Auth Failed:", 
-                        $name_to_auth);
-    return 0;
+    if ( $self->PrincipalObj && $self->PrincipalObj->Disabled ) {
+        $RT::Logger->info("Disabled user " . $self->Name . 
+                          " tried to log in" );
+        return (undef);
+    }
-sub IsInternalPassword {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $value = shift;
+    if(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth->GetAuth($self->Name,$value)) {
+        $RT::Logger->debug( (caller(0))[3], 
+                            "EXTERNAL AUTH OKAY");
+        return(1);
+    } else {
+        $RT::Logger->debug( (caller(0))[3], 
+                            "EXTERNAL AUTH FAILED");
+    }
     unless ($self->HasPassword) {
         $RT::Logger->info(  (caller(0))[3], 
-                            "AUTH FAILED (no passwd):", 
+                            "INTERNAL AUTH FAILED (no passwd):", 
@@ -72,7 +48,7 @@
     # generate an md5 password 
     if ($self->_GeneratePassword($value) eq $self->__Value('Password')) {
         $RT::Logger->info(  (caller(0))[3], 
-                            "AUTH OKAY:", 
+                            "INTERNAL AUTH OKAY:", 
@@ -84,52 +60,17 @@
           # ...but upgrade the legacy password inplace.
           $self->SUPER::SetPassword( $self->_GeneratePassword($value) );
-                            "AUTH OKAY:", 
+                            "INTERNAL AUTH OKAY:", 
     $RT::Logger->info(  (caller(0))[3], 
-                        "AUTH FAILED:", 
+                        "INTERNAL AUTH FAILED:", 
-    return(undef);
-# {{{ sub IsPassword 
-sub IsPassword {
-    my $self  = shift;
-    my $value = shift;
-    # TODO there isn't any apparent way to legitimately ACL this
-    # RT does not allow null passwords 
-    if ( ( !defined($value) ) or ( $value eq '' ) ) {
-        return (undef);
-    }
-    if ( $self->PrincipalObj && $self->PrincipalObj->Disabled ) {
-        $RT::Logger->info("Disabled user " . $self->Name . 
-                          " tried to log in" );
-        return (undef);
-    }
-    my $success = undef;
-    $success = $self->IsExternalPassword($value);
-    $RT::Logger->debug( (caller(0))[3], 
-                        "External auth", 
-                        ($success ? 'SUCCEEDED' : 'FAILED'));
-    unless ($success) {
-        $success = $self->IsInternalPassword($value);
-        $RT::Logger->debug( (caller(0))[3], 
-                            "Internal auth", 
-                            ($success ? 'SUCCEEDED' : 'FAILED'));
-    }
-    # We either got it or we didn't
-    return ($success);
+    # If we haven't succeeded by now, fail.
+    return (undef);
 # }}}
@@ -150,261 +91,10 @@
 sub CanonicalizeUserInfo {
     my $self = shift;
     my $args = shift;
-    my $found = 0;
-    my %params = (Name         => undef,
-                  EmailAddress => undef,
-                  RealName     => undef);
-    $RT::Logger->debug( (caller(0))[3], 
-                        "called by", 
-                        caller, 
-                        "with:", 
-                        join(", ", map {sprintf("%s: %s", $_, $args->{$_})}
-                            sort(keys(%$args))));
-    # Get the list of defined external services
-    my @info_services = $RT::ExternalInfoPriority ? @{$RT::ExternalInfoPriority} : undef;
-    # For each external service...
-    foreach my $service (@info_services) {
-        $RT::Logger->debug( "Attempting to get user info using this external service:",
-                            $service);
-        # Get the config for the service so that we know what attrs we can canonicalize
-        my $config = $RT::ExternalSettings->{$service};
-        # For each attr we've been told to canonicalize in the match list
-        foreach my $rt_attr (@{$config->{'attr_match_list'}}) {
-            # Jump to the next attr in $args if this one isn't in the attr_match_list
-            $RT::Logger->debug( "Attempting to use this canonicalization key:",$rt_attr);
-            unless(defined($args->{$rt_attr})) {
-                $RT::Logger->debug("This attribute (",
-                                    $rt_attr,
-                                    ") is not defined in the attr_match_list for this service (",
-                                    $service,
-                                    ")");
-                next;
-            }
-            # Else, use it as a canonicalization key and lookup the user info    
-            my $key = $config->{'attr_map'}->{$rt_attr};
-            my $value = $args->{$rt_attr};
-            # Check to see that the key being asked for is defined in the config's attr_map
-            my $valid = 0;
-            my ($attr_key, $attr_value);
-            my $attr_map = $config->{'attr_map'};
-            while (($attr_key, $attr_value) = each %$attr_map) {
-                $valid = 1 if ($key eq $attr_value);
-            }
-            unless ($valid){
-                $RT::Logger->debug( "This key (",
-                                    $key,
-                                    "is not a valid attribute key (",
-                                    $service,
-                                    ")");
-                next;
-            }
-            # Use an if/elsif structure to do a lookup with any custom code needed 
-            # for any given type of external service, or die if no code exists for
-            # the service requested.
-            if($config->{'type'} eq 'ldap'){    
-                ($found, %params) = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP->CanonicalizeUserInfo($service,$key,$value);
-            } elsif ($config->{'type'} eq 'db') {
-                ($found, %params) = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI->CanonicalizeUserInfo($service,$key,$value);
-            } else {
-                $RT::Logger->debug( (caller(0))[3],
-                                    "does not consider",
-                                    $service,
-                                    "a valid information service");
-            }
-            # Don't Check any more attributes
-            last if $found;
-        }
-        # Don't Check any more services
-        last if $found;
-    }
-    # If found, Canonicalize Email Address and 
-    # update the args hash that we were given the hashref for
-    if ($found) {
-        # It's important that we always have a canonical email address
-        if ($params{'EmailAddress'}) {
-            $params{'EmailAddress'} = $self->CanonicalizeEmailAddress($params{'EmailAddress'});
-        } 
-        %$args = (%$args, %params);
-    }
-    $RT::Logger->info(  (caller(0))[3], 
-                        "returning", 
-                        join(", ", map {sprintf("%s: %s", $_, $args->{$_})} 
-                            sort(keys(%$args))));
-    ### HACK: The config var below is to overcome the (IMO) bug in
-    ### RT::User::Create() which expects this function to always
-    ### return true or rejects the user for creation. This should be
-    ### a different config var (CreateUncanonicalizedUsers) and 
-    ### should be honored in RT::User::Create()
-    return($found || $RT::AutoCreateNonExternalUsers);
+    return($RT::Authen::ExternalAuth->CanonicalizeUserInfo($self,$args));
 # }}}
-sub UpdateFromExternal {
-    my $self = shift;
-    # Prepare for the worst...
-    my $found = 0;
-    my $updated = 0;
-    my $msg = "User NOT updated";
-    my $username  	= $self->Name;
-    my $user_disabled 	    = 0;
-    # Get the list of information service names requested by user.    
-    my @info_services = $RT::ExternalInfoPriority ? @{$RT::ExternalInfoPriority} : undef;
-    # For each named service in the list
-    # Check to see if the user is found in the external service
-    # If not found, jump to next service
-    # If found, check to see if user is considered disabled by the service
-    # Then update the user's info in RT and return
-    foreach my $service (@info_services) {
-        # Get the external config for this service as a hashref        
-        my $config = $RT::ExternalSettings->{$service};
-        # If the config doesn't exist, don't bother doing anything, skip to next in list.
-        unless(defined($config)) {
-            $RT::Logger->debug("You haven't defined a configuration for the service named \"",
-                                $service,
-                                "\" so I'm not going to try to get user information from it. Skipping...");
-            next;
-        }
-        # If it's a DBI config:
-        if ($config->{'type'} eq 'db') {
-            unless(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI->UserExists($username,$service)) {
-                $RT::Logger->debug("User (",
-                                    $username,
-                                    ") doesn't exist in service (",
-                                    $service,
-                                    ") - Cannot update information - Skipping...");
-                next;
-            }
-            $user_disabled = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI->UserDisabled($username,$service);
-        } elsif ($config->{'type'} eq 'ldap') {
-            unless(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP->UserExists($username,$service)) {
-                $RT::Logger->debug("User (",
-                                    $username,
-                                    ") doesn't exist in service (",
-                                    $service,
-                                    ") - Cannot update information - Skipping...");
-                next;
-            }
-            $user_disabled = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP->UserDisabled($username,$service);
-        } else {
-            # The type of external service doesn't currently have any methods associated with it. Or it's a typo.
-            RT::Logger->error("Invalid type specification for config %config->{'name'}");
-            # Drop out to next service in list
-            next;
-        }
-        # We are now going to update the user's information from the authoritative source
-        # Although we are in a foreach, the statements below will only be executed once.
-        # The external services have been checked in the priority order specified by the config.
-        # If the user wasn't found in an individual service, we will already have jumped to the next one,
-        # or we will have dropped out to the return statement at the base of the function if the user wasn't
-        # found in ANY external services.
-        # The user must have been found in a service to get here so we run the update code 
-        # and then "last" out of the foreach so that we only update from one source.
-        # and then return out of the function 
-        # So, breathe, and on we go...
-        # Load the user inside an RT::SystemUser so you can  set their 
-        # information no matter who they are or what permissions they have
-        my $UserObj = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
-        $UserObj->Load($username);        
-        # If user is disabled, set the RT::Principle to disabled and return out of the function.
-        # I think it's a waste of time and energy to update a user's information if they are disabled
-        # and it could be a security risk if they've updated their external information with some 
-        # carefully concocted code to try to break RT - worst case scenario, but they have been 
-        # denied access after all, don't take any chances.
-        # If someone gives me a good enough reason to do it, 
-        # then I'll update all the info for disabled users
-        if ($user_disabled) {
-            # Make sure principle is disabled in RT
-            my ($val, $message) = $UserObj->SetDisabled(1);
-            # Log what has happened
-            $RT::Logger->info("User marked as DISABLED (",
-                                $username,
-                                ") per External Service", 
-                                "($val, $message)\n");
-            $msg = "User disabled";
-        } else {
-            # Make sure principle is not disabled in RT
-            my ($val, $message) = $UserObj->SetDisabled(0);
-            # Log what has happened
-            $RT::Logger->info("User marked as ENABLED (",
-                                $username,
-                                ") per External Service",
-                                "($val, $message)\n");
-            # Update their info from external service using the username as the lookup key
-            # CanonicalizeUserInfo will work out for itself which service to use
-            # Passing it a service instead could break other RT code
-            my %args = (Name => $username);
-            $self->CanonicalizeUserInfo(\%args);
-            # For each piece of information returned by CanonicalizeUserInfo,
-            # run the Set method for that piece of info to change it for the user
-            foreach my $key (sort(keys(%args))) {
-                next unless $args{$key};
-                my $method = "Set$key";
-                # We do this on the UserObj from above, not self so that there 
-                # are no permission restrictions on setting information
-                my ($method_success,$method_msg) = $UserObj->$method($args{$key});
-                # If your user information is not getting updated, 
-                # uncomment the following logging statements
-                if ($method_success) {
-                    # At DEBUG level, log that method succeeded
-                    # $RT::Logger->debug((caller(0))[3],"$method Succeeded. $method_msg");
-                } else {
-                    # At DEBUG level, log that method failed
-                    # $RT::Logger->debug((caller(0))[3],"$method Failed. $method_msg");
-                }
-            }
-            # Confirm update success
-            $updated = 1;
-            $RT::Logger->debug( "UPDATED user (",
-                                $username,
-                                ") from External Service\n");
-            $msg = 'User updated';
-            # Just in case we're not the last iteration of the foreach,
-            # drop out to the return statement now.
-            last;
-        }
-    }
-    return ($updated, $msg);

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