[Bps-public-commit] r18303 - App-Changelogger/bin

jesse at bestpractical.com jesse at bestpractical.com
Mon Feb 9 14:00:58 EST 2009

Author: jesse
Date: Mon Feb  9 14:00:58 2009
New Revision: 18303


* Started to add git support to sort-changelog
* removed dead code from generate-changelog

Modified: App-Changelogger/bin/generate-changelog
--- App-Changelogger/bin/generate-changelog	(original)
+++ App-Changelogger/bin/generate-changelog	Mon Feb  9 14:00:58 2009
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#perl -MFile::Slurp -MXML::Simple -MData::Dumper -e'print scalar Dumper ( XMLin( read_file(shift @ARGV).""))' 
+#perl -MFile::Slurp -MXML::Simple -MData::Dumper -e'print scalar Dumper ( XMLin( read_file(shift @ARGV).""))'
 # Usage
 # --edit expects the output of svn log --xml as the first argument, and an intermediate
 #        file where we will be storing munged up xml that trags your tags and edits
@@ -16,215 +16,69 @@
 use warnings;
 use strict;
-use Term::ANSIScreen;
-use Text::Autoformat;
 use YAML;
 use File::Slurp;
 use XML::Simple;
-use Term::ReadKey;
 use Data::Dumper;
-         use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
-my @tags = qw(doc install core plugin security view f-bug t-discard backward-compatibility-problem u-pubsub r-crud e-testing);
+use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
-my %tags = map { substr($_,0,1) => $_ } @tags;
-my $mode = shift @ARGV;
-my ($source,$dest);
-if ($mode eq '--generate') {
-     $source = shift @ARGV;
-     $dest = shift @ARGV;
-elsif ($mode eq '--edit') {
-     $source = shift @ARGV;
-     $dest = shift @ARGV;
-unless ($source && -f $source && $dest) { die "$0 --generate SOURCEFILE DESTFILE\n or \n$0 --edit SOURCEFILE DESTFILE" }
+my ( $source, $dest );
+    $source = shift @ARGV;
+    $dest   = shift @ARGV;
-my $data = XMLin(read_file($source)."");
+unless ( $source && -f $source && $dest ) { die "$0 SOURCEFILE DESTFILE\n" }
+my $data = XMLin( read_file($source) . "" );
-if ($mode eq '--edit') {
-    my $count;
-    my $total;
-    my %entries; 
-    foreach my $entry (@{$data->{'logentry'}}) {
-        $total++;
-        push @{$entries{$entry->{section}||'uncategorized'}}, $entry;
-    }
-# iterate over the uncategorized ones first
-    my $uncat_total = @{$entries{uncategorized}};
-    foreach my $entry (@{$entries{uncategorized}}){ 
-        $count++;
-        act_on($entry, $count, $uncat_total);
-    }
-# all of them in case you want to frob stuff
-    print "All uncategorized changes complete, now iterating the full set\nHit any key to continue\n";
-    getchar();
-    $count = 0;
-    foreach my $key ( keys %entries) {
-        foreach my $entry (@{$entries{$key}}){ 
-            $count++;
-            act_on($entry, $count, $total);
-        }
+    my %entries;
+    foreach my $entry ( @{ $data->{'logentry'} } ) {
+        push @{ $entries{ $entry->{section} || 'uncategorized' } }, $entry;
-    do_quit();
-} elsif ($mode eq '--generate') {
-   my %entries; 
-    foreach my $entry (@{$data->{'logentry'}}) {
-        push @{$entries{$entry->{section}||'uncategorized'}}, $entry;
-    }
+    open( my $fh, ">$dest" ) or die "Can't open $dest for writing";
-    open (my $fh, ">$dest") or die "Can't open $dest for writing";
-    foreach my $key (sort keys %entries) {
-    my $title = $key;
-    $title =~ s/^\w\-//;
-        print $fh uc($key)."\n";
-        print $fh "=" x length($key) ;
+    foreach my $key ( sort keys %entries ) {
+        my $title = $key;
+        $title =~ s/^\w\-//;
+        print $fh uc($key) . "\n";
+        print $fh "=" x length($key);
         print $fh "\n\n";
-        foreach my $entry (@{$entries{$key}}){ 
+        foreach my $entry ( @{ $entries{$key} } ) {
-        print $fh format_entry($entry) ;
-        print $fh "\n";
+            print $fh format_entry($entry);
+            print $fh "\n";
     close $fh;
-sub act_on {
-    my $entry = shift;
-    my $count = shift;
-    my $total = shift;
-    my $console = Term::ANSIScreen->new;
-    while (1) {
-    my $command = '';
-    while (!$command) {
-        $console->Cls;
-            $console->Cursor(1,1);
-        if (!$entry->{'edited_msg'} && ref($entry->{msg})) { $entry->{'edited_msg'} = Dumper($entry->{'msg'}); }
-        print "change $count / $total\n";
-        print format_entry($entry => 1);
-        my $in = getchar();
-        if ($in eq 's') {
-            return;
-        } 
-        elsif ($in eq 'c') { $command = 'chomp'; }
-        elsif ($in eq 'e') { $command = 'edit'; }
-        elsif ($in eq 'q') { $command = 'quit'; }
-        elsif ($in eq 't') { $command = 'tag' }
-        elsif ($in eq 'x') { $command = 'exclude' }
-        elsif ($in eq ' ') {
-            return
-        }
-    }
-    if ($command eq 'tag') {
-        tag($entry);
-    }
-    elsif ( $command eq 'write' ) {
-        warn "Writing";
-    } elsif ( $command eq 'chomp' ) {
-        my $msg = ( $entry->{'edited_msg'} || $entry->{'msg'} );
-        my @lines = split( "\n", $msg );
-        shift @lines;
-        $entry->{'edited_msg'} = join( "\n", @lines );
-    } elsif ( $command eq 'edit' ) {
-        warn "Chomping";
-        my ( $fh, $filename ) = tempfile();
-        print $fh ( $entry->{'edited_msg'} || $entry->{'msg'} ) || die $!;
-        close $fh;
-        system( ( $ENV{EDITOR} || 'vi' ), $filename );
-        $entry->{'edited_msg'} = read_file($filename);
-    } elsif ($command eq 'quit') {
-        do_quit();
-    } elsif ($command eq 'exclude') {
-        $entry->{section} = 't-discard';
-    }
-    }
-sub tag {
-    my $entry = shift;
-    my $tag;
-    print "Valid tags are: " . join( ', ', @tags ) . "\n";
-    while ( !$tag ) {
-        my $key = getchar();
-        return if ( $key eq  ' ' );
-        print "You picked " . $key . "\n";
-        if ( $tags{$key} ) {
-            $tag = $tags{$key};
-            print "You tagged it $tag\n";
-        } else {
-            print "NO. THAT IS NOT A VALID TAG\n";
-        }
-    }
-    $entry->{section} = $tag;
-sub do_quit {
-my $out;
-    open( $out, ">$dest" );
-    print $out XMLout($data,  NoAttr => 1 );
-    close($out);
-    exit;
-sub getchar {
-    ReadMode 4;
-    my $key = ReadKey(0);
-    ReadMode 0;
-    return $key
 sub format_entry {
-    my $entry = shift;
-    my $verbose = shift ||0; 
-    my $text = '';
-    if  ($verbose ) {
-        $text .= "r".$entry->{revision}." - ";
-        $text .= $entry->{'section'} || "UNCATEGORIZED - HIT 't'";   
-        $text .= "\n".("="x60)."\n";
+    my $entry   = shift;
+    my $verbose = shift || 0;
+    my $text    = '';
+    if ($verbose) {
+        $text .= "r" . $entry->{revision} . " - ";
+        $text .= $entry->{'section'} || "UNCATEGORIZED - HIT 't'";
+        $text .= "\n" . ( "=" x 60 ) . "\n";
-    my $msg = ( $entry->{'edited_msg'} || $entry->{'msg'});
+    my $msg = ( $entry->{'edited_msg'} || $entry->{'msg'} );
-    if ($msg =~ /^[\s\*]*\w/) {
+    if ( $msg =~ /^[\s\*]*\w/ ) {
         $msg =~ s/^[\s\*]*/ * /;
-    $msg =~  s/\n+$//g;
-    $msg .= " - ".$entry->{'author'}."\n";
+    $msg =~ s/\n+$//g;
+    $msg .= " - " . $entry->{'author'} . "\n";
-     $msg =   autoformat ($msg,  { left=>0, right=>78 });
-     $msg =~  s/\n+$//g;
-     $text .= $msg."\n";
-     if  ($verbose ) {
-         $text .= YAML::Dump( $entry->{'paths'});
-         $text .= "\n";
-     }
-     return $text;
+    $msg = autoformat( $msg, { left => 0, right => 78 } );
+    $msg =~ s/\n+$//g;
+    $text .= $msg . "\n";
+    if ($verbose) {
+        $text .= YAML::Dump( $entry->{'paths'} );
+        $text .= "\n";
+    }
+    return $text;

Modified: App-Changelogger/bin/sort-changelog
--- App-Changelogger/bin/sort-changelog	(original)
+++ App-Changelogger/bin/sort-changelog	Mon Feb  9 14:00:58 2009
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
     q => sub { die "Quitting.\n" },
     e => \&edit_entry,
     s => \&split_entry,
+    w => \&web_view,
     t => \&next_tag,
@@ -78,9 +79,88 @@
 $| = 1;
 # read data
-my $data = XMLin(read_file($in)."");
+my $data = read_changelog($in);
-my @entries =
+sub read_changelog {
+    my $in = shift;
+    if ($in =~ /.git$/) { 
+        return read_git_log($in);
+    } else {
+        return XMLin(read_file($in)."");
+    }
+sub read_git_log {
+    my $in = shift;
+    my @git_entries;
+    open(my $infile, "<",$in) ||die $!;
+    my @stanza;
+    for my $line (<$infile>) {
+        if ($line =~ /^commit /) {
+            my $last_stanza =  hashify_git_stanza(@stanza);
+            push @git_entries, $last_stanza if ($last_stanza->{commit_id}); # skip the initial blank this would trigger on
+            @stanza = ($line);
+        } else {
+            push @stanza, $line;
+        }
+    }
+            my $last_stanza =  hashify_git_stanza(@stanza);
+            push @git_entries  , $last_stanza;
+    return { logentry => \@git_entries};
+=begin git-sample
+commit 8837a66df7e8959d3101a5227d7b3c597990c0d0
+Author:     Nicholas Clark <nick at ccl4.org>
+AuthorDate: Tue Dec 2 20:16:33 2008 +0000
+Commit:     David Mitchell <davem at iabyn.com>
+CommitDate: Wed Jan 28 00:05:55 2009 +0000
+    Codify the current behaviour of evals which define subroutines before
+    failing (due to syntax errors).
+    p4raw-id: //depot/perl at 34984
+    (cherry picked from commit 99d3381e871dbd1d94b47516b4475d85b3935ac6)
+ t/comp/retainedlines.t |   23 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ 1 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
+sub hashify_git_stanza {
+    my @lines = (@_);
+    my $content = join('', at lines);
+    my $stanza = {};
+    if ($content =~ /^commit (.*)$/im) {
+        $stanza->{commit_id} = $1;
+    } 
+    if ($content =~ /^Author:\s*(.*)$/im) {
+        $stanza->{author} = $1;
+    }
+    if ($content =~ /^AuthorDate:\s*(.*)$/im) {
+        $stanza->{date} = $1;
+    }
+    if ($content =~ /^Commit:\s*(.*)$/im) {
+        $stanza->{commit} = $1;
+    }
+    if ($content =~ /^CommitDate:\s*(.*)$/im) {
+        $stanza->{commit_date} = $1;
+    }
+    if ($content =~ /.*?^(\s{4}.*)^\s{2}\w/ims) {
+        $stanza->{msg} = $1;
+    }
+    if ($content =~ /\n(\s{2}\w.*)$/ims) {
+        $stanza->{changed_files} = $1;
+    }
+    return $stanza;
+our @entries =
               # sort by tag
               sort { ($a->{section}||'') cmp ($b->{section}||'') }
@@ -98,7 +178,7 @@
 # count untagged entries
 $untagged = grep { ($_->{section}||'') eq '' } @entries;
 # make sure we always print our output out
 END { write_entries() }
@@ -112,6 +192,7 @@
 sub munge_entries {
+    my @entries = (@_);
     $_ = 0;
     while (1) {
@@ -146,16 +227,21 @@
     $term->Cursor(0, 0);
     print "Number:    $_/$#entries  ($untagged untagged)\n";
+    print "SHA1:      $entry->{commit_id}\n" if ($entry->{commit_id});
     print "Author:    $entry->{author}\n";
     print "Date:      $entry->{date}\n";
+    print "Committed by ".$entry->{commit}. "\n\t ( ".$entry->{commit_date}. 
+                            " )\n" if (exists $entry->{commit});
     print "Tagged as: ", $entry->{section} || '(none)', "\n";
     print "-" x 79, "\n";
     print $entry->{msg}, "\n\n";
+    print "-" x 79,"\n".$entry->{changed_files} if (exists $entry->{changed_files});
 sub reformat_message {
     my $msg = shift;
+    return 'No message for this commit?' unless ($msg);
     # try to kill svn header
     $msg =~ s/^\s*r\d+\@\S+:\s*\S+\s*\|\s*.*\n//;
@@ -176,6 +262,11 @@
     $entry->{msg} = reformat_message(invoke_editor($entry->{msg}));
+sub web_view {
+    my $entry = shift;
+    `open "http://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git/commit/@{[$entry->{commit_id}]}"&`
 sub split_entry {
     my $entry = shift;

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