[Bps-public-commit] Test-HTTP-Server-Simple annotated tag, 0.11, created. 0.11

Alex M Vandiver alexmv at bestpractical.com
Tue Nov 10 14:16:00 EST 2009

The annotated tag, 0.11 has been created
        at  dd682df3d8e13d9f371dc6abc8226d091de1ff91 (tag)
   tagging  2ac586636471dd9c7cf522e1d2d875bf1b0516e5 (commit)
 tagged by  Alex Vandiver
        on  Tue Nov 10 14:15:38 2009 -0500

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 0.11
Version: GnuPG v2.0.13 (GNU/Linux)


Alex Vandiver (13):
      * Make sure children are dead before you return
      * Having too many waits causes bad return values(?)
      * Don't assume that all of the child PIDs havn't been reaped.  In
      * Sometimes the USR1 signal doesn't get to the server (!?), so we
      * Add method to get PIDs
      * wait changes $?, which is the exit value of the test; local it
      * Don't assume all children processes are ours
      * 0.7 releng
      * Don't try to reap already-reaped kids
      * Better bulletproofing
      * 0.10 releng
      Add Win32::Event dep under Windows
      0.11 releng

Chia-liang Kao (1):
      If a test script has other reaper who handled the waitpid we are expecting,

David Glasser (6):
      Get ready to check in Test::HTTP::Server::Simple
      Add first version of Test::HTTP::Server::Simple
      THSS is now a mixin, and it does much smarter stuff with signals:
      Note prereq of Test::Builder::Tester
      doc, prereq changes
      da boss sez, no status messages for you

Jesse Vincent (5):
      * http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=19564 - applied. thanks to smueller
      *  H0.05. Now with no OSX magic on Simple.pm
      0.06 -releng only fixes

Shawn Moore (2):
      Add a StashWarnings subclass which stashes warnings and makes them available over a special URL
      Remove StashWarnings, it's now in its own dist

Thomas Sibley (3):
      These changes made it into the CPAN release 0.03 but never svn
      t/01-basic.t fails two tests if we don't have the correct version of Test::Builder::Tester
      Fix POD to make tests pass


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