[Bps-public-commit] djabberd tag, DJabberd-0.83, created. c31bb56f1e0494aac165526a7e89a0bd9dc75910

Alex Vandiver alexmv at bestpractical.com
Wed May 26 01:54:26 EDT 2010

The tag, DJabberd-0.83 has been created
        at  c31bb56f1e0494aac165526a7e89a0bd9dc75910 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit c31bb56f1e0494aac165526a7e89a0bd9dc75910
Author: Brad Fitzpatrick <brad at danga.com>
Date:   Tue May 8 21:55:39 2007 +0000

    Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.83.  Changelog diff is:
    Index: CHANGES
    --- CHANGES	(revision 751)
    +++ CHANGES	(working copy)
    @@ -1,9 +1,41 @@
    -0.82  2007-05-08
    +0.83  2007-05-08
       - the "yes, this project is still alive" release
    -  - no functional changes from 0.81,
    -  - just packaging fixes, tree clean, dist managed by ShipIt,
    -  - just prepping for renewed hacking
    +  - packaging fixes, tree clean, dist now managed by ShipIt, for more
    +    regular releases
    +  - ClientPort, ServerPort, AdminPort can include IPs to bind to, not
    +    just port numbers.
    +  - better pidfile support
    +  - optional expansion of environment in config files, using
    +    syntax:  ${ENV:KEY}, which expands to environment variable KEY
    +  - vhost/server/plugin nesting issues in config files.  more
    +    tolerant now
    +  - DJabberd::Delivery::ComponentConnection - Delivery through a
    +    JEP-0114 component connection
    +  - DJabberd::Connection::ComponentIn - JEP-0114 Server
    +  - DJabberd::Connection::ComponentOut - JEP-0114 Client
    +  - when closing an XMLElement, also clone the raw field
    +  - don't crash when DNS SRV records have no port defined
    +  - Component::External bug fixes, enhancements
    +  - warnings about implicit delivery/etc plugins auto-added
    +    for you (like Local deliver, S2S deliver, local presence
    +    checks, etc...)
    +0.82 2007-05-08
    +  - accidental release in which I mistakenly claimed nothing was new
    +    since 0.81... whoops!
     0.81  2006-10-01
       - fix the MANIFEST to include the dozen some missing files.
    git-svn-id: http://code.sixapart.com/svn/djabberd/trunk@753 43dd9337-660f-0410-bd32-e7601923a1a1

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