[Bps-public-commit] App-Todo branch, master, updated. 1.1-2-g29709f2

Thomas Sibley trs at bestpractical.com
Mon Sep 19 09:57:55 EDT 2011

The branch, master has been updated
       via  29709f23d7eed87eb04b63a17779cc9f6070030c (commit)
       via  32a1873650584057ed0b1f53c55929db127881b6 (commit)
      from  ed961858211e59a7bb2107cdfe85c0ce7dd86c84 (commit)

Summary of changes:
 bin/todo.pl |   68 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 32a1873650584057ed0b1f53c55929db127881b6
Author: Paul Miller <jettero at cpan.org>
Date:   Thu Aug 25 08:24:46 2011 -0400

    config-merge commit adds config and command line options to local directories
    I desired a way to make some config changes local to current
    projects (switching email addresses and the like).  I also wanted
    certain tags for each of my projects.
    The idea with this commit is to merge the config files together
    ascending up the directory tree, giving more preference to
    configs closer to the project.
    This commit also looks for command line switches in the config
    files, which previous config parses did not do.
    Later changes might include applying different tags for add vs
    done vs edit

diff --git a/bin/todo.pl b/bin/todo.pl
index 72e0adc..da46f12 100755
--- a/bin/todo.pl
+++ b/bin/todo.pl
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ use Email::Address;
 use Fcntl qw(:mode);
 use File::Temp;
 use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
+use File::Spec;
     local $@;
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ BEGIN {
 our $CONFFILE = "$ENV{HOME}/.hiveminder";
 our $VERSION = $App::Todo::VERSION;
 our %config = ();
 our $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
@@ -194,8 +196,61 @@ sub check_config_perms {
 sub load_config {
+    # It might be tempting to move past this return if the file's not there.
+    # But no local globs will work unless there's an extra_config_glob option
+    # set somewhere.
     return unless(-e $CONFFILE);
     %config = %{LoadFile($CONFFILE) || {}};
+    my @extra_config_globs;
+    # NOTE: this is a glob so I can use ".git/hm .git/hiveminder .hiveminder"
+    # and you can use .hiveminder and we're both happy
+    if( $config{extra_config_glob} ) {
+        if( $config{extra_config_recurse} and $config{extra_config_recurse} ne "off" ) {
+            my $last;
+            # build a list of directories where we might find matching hiveminder files
+            my @dirs = map { $last = File::Spec->catdir($last, $_) }
+                    File::Spec->splitdir( File::Spec->rel2abs(".") );
+            # turn the list into globs
+            push @extra_config_globs, map { File::Spec->catdir($_, $config{extra_config_glob}) } @dirs;
+        } else {
+            # just add the one glob
+            push @extra_config_globs, $config{extra_config_glob};
+        }
+    }
+    for my $glob ( @extra_config_globs ) {
+        for my $file ( grep { -f $_ } glob($glob) ) {
+            my %config_merge = %{ LoadFile($file)            || {} };
+            my %args_merge   = %{ delete $config_merge{args} || {} };
+            # XXX: should these concatenate sometimes?
+            # merge in config options, like email and sid
+            $config{$_} = $config_merge{$_} for keys %config_merge;
+            # merge in favorite command line arguments, like --tag todo.pl
+            $args{$_} = $args_merge{$_} for keys %args_merge;
+            if( $config_merge{email} or $config_merge{password} or $config_merge{site} ) {
+                unless( $config_merge{sid} ) {
+                    # If the most recent config has account info, we should
+                    # ditch any sid we might have gotten from above
+                    delete $config{sid};
+                }
+            }
+            push @EXTRACONF, {config_merge=>\%config_merge, args_merge=>\%args_merge, filename=>$file};
+        }
+    }
     my $sid = $config{sid};
     if($sid) {
         my $uri = URI->new($config{site});
@@ -252,6 +307,19 @@ END_WELCOME
 sub save_config {
+    for(reverse @EXTRACONF) {
+        my $cm = $_->{config_merge};
+        if( $cm->{site} or $cm->{email} or $cm->{password} or $cm->{sid} ) {
+            my %tmp = %{ $_->{config_merge} };
+            $tmp{args} = $_->{args_merge} if keys %{$_->{args_merge}};
+            $tmp{sid} = $config{sid}; # this is the point of saving the config afterall
+            DumpFile($_->{filename}, \%tmp);
+            chmod 0600, $_->{filename};
+            # If this config merge has login info, then this is the only config we're saving …
+            return;
+        }
+    }
     DumpFile($CONFFILE, \%config);
     chmod 0600, $CONFFILE;

commit 29709f23d7eed87eb04b63a17779cc9f6070030c
Merge: ed96185 32a1873
Author: Thomas Sibley <trs at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Mon Sep 19 09:57:35 2011 -0400

    Merge branch 'jettero/merge-hiveminder-rcs'


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