[Bps-public-commit] email-address-list branch, master, updated. 9bf352154206c4272a357cf241de42b1761cbf09

Ruslan Zakirov ruz at bestpractical.com
Thu Nov 8 07:46:05 EST 2012

The branch, master has been updated
       via  9bf352154206c4272a357cf241de42b1761cbf09 (commit)
      from  ea723c9fd26b08fcb837a7b019643627092d99be (commit)

Summary of changes:
 lib/Email/Address/List.pm        | 29 +++++++++-------
 t/data/RFC5233.single.obs.json   | 26 ++++++++++++++
 t/data/RFC5233.single.valid.json |  2 +-
 t/generate.pl                    | 74 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 4 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 t/data/RFC5233.single.obs.json

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 9bf352154206c4272a357cf241de42b1761cbf09
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Thu Nov 8 16:45:18 2012 +0400

    more on obsolete syntax

diff --git a/lib/Email/Address/List.pm b/lib/Email/Address/List.pm
index c68861e..6d2078f 100644
--- a/lib/Email/Address/List.pm
+++ b/lib/Email/Address/List.pm
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ previous prefixed with Resent- (eg Resent-From) headers.
 L<Email::Address> is good at parsing addresses out of any text
-even mentioned headers and this module uses mailbox regexp
+even mentioned headers and this module is derived work
 from Email::Address.
@@ -123,13 +123,20 @@ $CRE{'addr_spec'}     = qr/
-$RE{'angle_addr'}     = qr/$RE{'cfws'}*<$RE{'addr_spec'}>$RE{'cfws'}*/;
+$RE{'obs-route'}      = qr/
+    (?:$RE{'cfws'}|,)*
+    \@$RE{'domain'}
+    (?:,$RE{'cfws'}?(?:\@$RE{'domain'})?)*
+    :
+$RE{'angle_addr'}     = qr/$RE{'cfws'}* < $RE{'obs-route'}? $RE{'addr_spec'} > $RE{'cfws'}*/x;
 $RE{'name_addr'}      = qr/$RE{'display_name'}?$RE{'angle_addr'}/;
 $RE{'mailbox'}        = qr/(?:$RE{'name_addr'}|$RE{'addr_spec'})$RE{'comment'}*/;
 $CRE{'mailbox'} = qr/
-        ($RE{'display_name'})?($RE{'cfws'}*)<($RE{'addr_spec'})>($RE{'cfws'}*)
+        ($RE{'display_name'})?($RE{'cfws'}*)< $RE{'obs-route'}? ($RE{'addr_spec'})>($RE{'cfws'}*)
@@ -182,10 +189,9 @@ sub parse {
         # if we got here then something unknown on our way
         # try to recorver
-        if ( $line =~ s/^(.+?)\s*(?=(;)|($RE{'display_name'}:)|,|$RE{'mailbox'}|$)//o ) {
+        if ( $line =~ s/^(.+?)\s*(?=(;)|,|$)//o ) {
             push @res, { type => 'unknown', value => $1 };
             if ($2) { $in_group = 1 }
-            if ($3) { $in_group = 0 }
     return @res;
@@ -206,14 +212,11 @@ sub _process_mailbox {
             $phrase .= ' ' if $lcomment =~ /^\s|\s$/ && $phrase !~ /\s$/;
             push @comments, $lcomment;
             if (defined $text) {
-                my @tmp = $text =~ /$CRE{'atom'}/go;
-                while ( my ($lcomment, $text, $rcomment) = splice @tmp, 0, 3 ) {
-                    $phrase .= ' ' if $lcomment =~ /^\s|\s$/ && $phrase !~ /\s$/;
-                    push @comments, $lcomment;
-                    $phrase .= $text;
-                    $phrase .= ' ' if $rcomment =~ /^\s|\s$/ && $phrase !~ /\s$/;
-                    push @comments, $rcomment;
-                }
+                $text =~ s{($RE{'comment'})}{
+                    push @comments, $1; $comments[-1]=~ /^\s|\s$/? ' ':''
+                }xgeo;
+                $text =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+                $phrase .= $text;
             } else {
                 $quoted =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
                 $phrase .= $quoted;
diff --git a/t/data/RFC5233.single.obs.json b/t/data/RFC5233.single.obs.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d6f980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/data/RFC5233.single.obs.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+   {
+      "domain" : "example.com",
+      "address" : "john.q.public at example.com",
+      "mailbox" : "Joe Q. Public <john.q.public at example.com>",
+      "comments" : [],
+      "description" : "Appendix A.6.1.  Obsolete Addressing",
+      "display-name" : "Joe Q. Public"
+   },
+   {
+      "domain" : "example.net",
+      "address" : "mary at example.net",
+      "mailbox" : "Mary Smith <@node.test:mary at example.net>",
+      "comments" : [],
+      "description" : "Appendix A.6.1.  Obsolete Addressing",
+      "display-name" : "Mary Smith"
+   },
+   {
+      "domain" : "example.net",
+      "address" : "mary at example.net",
+      "mailbox" : "Mary Smith\n  \n             <mary at example.net>",
+      "comments" : [],
+      "description" : "Appendix A.6.3.  Obsolete White Space and Comments",
+      "display-name" : "Mary Smith"
+   }
diff --git a/t/data/RFC5233.single.valid.json b/t/data/RFC5233.single.valid.json
index 5070a8e..219ceeb 100644
--- a/t/data/RFC5233.single.valid.json
+++ b/t/data/RFC5233.single.valid.json
@@ -109,6 +109,6 @@
       "mailbox" : "Foo B. Baz <fbaz at x.example.com>",
       "comments" : [],
       "description" : "display-name with obs-phrase (with dots)",
-      "display-name" : "Foo B Baz"
+      "display-name" : "Foo B. Baz"
diff --git a/t/generate.pl b/t/generate.pl
index 0e9d9ca..b986a19 100644
--- a/t/generate.pl
+++ b/t/generate.pl
@@ -2,38 +2,46 @@ use strict; use warnings; use autodie; use lib 'lib/';
 use Email::Address::List;
 my $file = 't/data/RFC5233.single.valid.txt';
-open my $fh, '<', $file;
-my @list = split /(?:\r*\n){2,}/, do { local $/; <$fh> };
-close $fh;
-my %CRE = %Email::Address::List::CRE;
-foreach my $e (splice @list) {
-    my ($desc, $mailbox) = split /\r*\n/, $e, 2;
-    $desc =~ s/^#\s*//;
-    my %res = (
-        description => $desc,
-        mailbox     => $mailbox,
-    );
-    my @parse;
-    die "Failed to parse $mailbox"
-        unless @parse = ($mailbox =~ /^($CRE{'mailbox'})$/);
-    my (undef, $display_name, $local_part, $domain, @comments)
-        = Email::Address::List->_process_mailbox( @parse );
-    $res{'display-name'} = $display_name;
-    $res{'address'} = "$local_part\@$domain";
-    $res{'domain'} = $domain;
-    $res{'comments'} = \@comments;
-    push @list, \%res;
+foreach my $file (qw(t/data/RFC5233.single.valid.txt t/data/RFC5233.single.obs.txt)) {
+    process_file($file);
-use JSON;
-$file =~ s/txt$/json/;
-open $fh, '>', $file;
-print $fh JSON->new->pretty->encode(\@list);
-close $fh;
\ No newline at end of file
+sub process_file {
+    my $file = shift;
+    open my $fh, '<', $file;
+    my @list = split /(?:\r*\n){2,}/, do { local $/; <$fh> };
+    close $fh;
+    my %CRE = %Email::Address::List::CRE;
+    foreach my $e (splice @list) {
+        my ($desc, $mailbox) = split /\r*\n/, $e, 2;
+        $desc =~ s/^#\s*//;
+        my %res = (
+            description => $desc,
+            mailbox     => $mailbox,
+        );
+        my @parse;
+        unless ( @parse = ($mailbox =~ /^($CRE{'mailbox'})$/) ) {
+            warn "Failed to parse $mailbox";
+            next;
+        }
+        my (undef, $display_name, $local_part, $domain, @comments)
+            = Email::Address::List->_process_mailbox( @parse );
+        $res{'display-name'} = $display_name;
+        $res{'address'} = "$local_part\@$domain";
+        $res{'domain'} = $domain;
+        $res{'comments'} = \@comments;
+        push @list, \%res;
+    }
+    use JSON;
+    $file =~ s/txt$/json/;
+    open $fh, '>', $file;
+    print $fh JSON->new->pretty->encode(\@list);
+    close $fh;
\ No newline at end of file


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