[Bps-public-commit] RT-Extension-RepliesToResolved annotated tag, 0.02, created. 0.02

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Tue Nov 13 16:31:45 EST 2012

The annotated tag, 0.02 has been created
        at  5723c2ce038adf7080b813356ab80d022842ccd9 (tag)
   tagging  82fc2bbe71d22c8573da541f70c055612ec87fc1 (commit)
 tagged by  Kevin Falcone
        on  Tue Nov 13 16:27:58 2012 -0500

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
release 0.02
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org


Kevin Falcone (10):
      This should be a package declaration, not a use statement.
      Merge branch 'timelimit-option'
      Update README with our more standard language
      updgrade Module::Install::RTx
      Point out the default configuration options and how to change them.
      Add some warnings about the kind of string you have.
      You shouldn't need a package declaration in the config.
      Update README with the other patch you need
      Tell pause not to index the RT::Interface::Email module
      Bump version to 0.02

Ruslan Zakirov (3):
      initial skeleton commit
      initial implementation

Tim Cutts (6):
      Initial implementation of configurable timelimit
      Implemented Scrip to create parent-child link
      Added documentation and link-type option
      Updated MANIFEST with new files
      Adjust code to match Ruslan's style preferences
      Add option to configure which statuses we handle


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