[Bps-public-commit] dbix-searchbuilder annotated tag, 1.61_01, created. 1.61_01

Ruslan Zakirov ruz at bestpractical.com
Thu Sep 13 13:01:46 EDT 2012

The annotated tag, 1.61_01 has been created
        at  e3267e5e46949553ea22cf3a1f9d4eb97087847f (tag)
   tagging  826fcdb69155508ce0ff4ddc39a0c2bcf7d18bc3 (commit)
  replaces  1.59_91
 tagged by  Ruslan Zakirov
        on  Wed Sep 21 14:28:24 2011 +0400

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
release 1.61_01
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (Darwin)


Ruslan Zakirov (34):
      InsertFromSelect method in SB::Handle
      SimpleUpdateFromSelect method in SB::Handle
      DeleteFromSelect method
      return number of affected rows from new *FromSelect methods
      custom Delete and Update from select for mysql
      comment why we don't use temporary tables for mass ops
      return number of rows we changed
      delete MYMETA.yml
      use WriteAll() in Makefile.PL
      update manifest
      bump version, 1.59_01
      things we set in UPDATE should be joined with ', '
      test {Insert,SimpleUpdate,Delete}FromSelect methods
      fix number of tests in a test file
      bump version, 1.60
      TMP tables can not be referenced twice in one query
      generate id in InsertFromSelect for Oracle
      document limitations of InsertFromSelect on Oracle
      update CUD tests with more InsertFromSelect cases
      Merge branch 'cud-from-select'
      update changelog
      add missing 'map'
      timezone conversion for SQLite
      Oracle: set format for all date/timestamp settings
      add reference to Oracle's documentation on datetime
      timezone conversions for Oracle
      unify begining of ConvertTZ function
      test time zones conversions
      documentation for data time related functions
      Merge branch 'date-time-helpers'
      update changelog
      update manifest
      bump version, 1.61
      Merge branch 'master' into experimental


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