[Bps-public-commit] RT-Extension-ReportSpam annotated tag, 0.10, created. 0.10

Thomas Sibley trs at bestpractical.com
Tue Apr 2 12:33:14 EDT 2013

The annotated tag, 0.10 has been created
        at  d01765842c5dcaf839d75f26a97e3343e70dfe4a (tag)
   tagging  078300f52a5d6af571e68731a5fe018ee6677d3b (commit)
 tagged by  Thomas Sibley
        on  Tue Apr 2 09:17:52 2013 -0700

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
version 0.10
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Ruslan Zakirov (18):
      create a new extension RT-Extension-ReportSpam
      installation related things
      initial commit
      we should use spam icon, which we don't have
      add folder for the icon
      update M::I
      pod update
      add images
      spam handling interface in tools
      column map callback that add support for ReportSpam column
      register Tools/Spam/ interface within Tabs
      check errors, don't even try to change status when user has no rights
      bump version, 0.02
      regen META and README
      update M::I
      update M::I
      bump version, 0.03
      bump version in META as well, 0.03

Shawn Moore (1):
      Delete the ticket when it's reported as spam

Thomas Sibley (10):
      New spam/not spam icons
      Improve the one-line summary
      Prep for updates for RT 4.0 compat
      Properly escape JS
      Switch to the RT 4 menuing system
      Grammar typo
      A reasonable gitignore
      Switch from $RT:: to RT-> style accessors
      Merge branch 'rt4'
      Releng for RT 4 compat release


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