[Bps-public-commit] rt-authen-externalauth annotated tag, 0.14, created. 0.14

Thomas Sibley trs at bestpractical.com
Wed May 22 17:27:52 EDT 2013

The annotated tag, 0.14 has been created
        at  9554d7cbfe00329d5dff43cddaf98d2c594401cd (tag)
   tagging  8f6d6adbe653d6ed2c88c898afcb5b5dcee5a1c6 (commit)
  replaces  0.13
 tagged by  Thomas Sibley
        on  Wed May 22 14:27:17 2013 -0700

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
version 0.14
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Jim Brandt (1):
      Additional updates to docs

Ruslan Zakirov (7):
      change indents to fit reasonable screen size
      convert comments into POD
      move config docs into config
      move docs from comments into POD
      typo in etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm
      delete lies in d_filter description
      mention AD specific d_filter, not bad example

Thomas Sibley (11):
      Failing test showing the lack of a new session on successful auth
      Instantiate a new session upon successful authentication
      Continue to support the next page after login
      Merge branch 'session-reuse'
      Explain session handling changes in ChangeLog
      Merge branch 'docs-improvements'
      Remove a second "However, ..." for readability
      Outdent non-code and indent code
      Releng for 0.14
      Report test failures from the correct caller location
      Adjust tests to account for new sessions instantiated upon logout in RT 4.0.13


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