[Bps-public-commit] rtx-migrate annotated tag, 0.10, created. 0.10

Alex Vandiver alexmv at bestpractical.com
Mon Nov 4 16:02:50 EST 2013

The annotated tag, 0.10 has been created
        at  1047fd3526b1a01ff38df82a5cd73746c5475b8b (tag)
   tagging  3e450e861c1f6bf8fd3066a4704298a7995320a9 (commit)
  replaces  0.09
 tagged by  Alex Vandiver
        on  Wed Feb 1 15:01:03 2012 -0500

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 0.10
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Alex Vandiver (22):
      Add two classes that are missing ClassAccessibles
      Articles may have links on them
      Links will not be refs if they're just links to hrefs
      ObjectClasses were not serialized correctly because of a copy/paste typo
      Move reporting of missing UIDs to the text interface
      Store the serializing organization in the data file
      Whether or not to prepend the organization to queues and groups is an import-time decision
      Provide a way to list the contents of a dump
      We care about preserving more than just ticket IDs
      Always serialize all ids, in case we want to use them on import
      Merge duplicate ids on create
      Merge templates by name and/or queue
      Serialize the principalid, so we can authentically recreate it at import time if Overwrite
      Skipping CF -> OCF only makes sense if you're trying to serialize one queue, like early tests did
      Ensure that we serialize old OCFVs, for completeness
      Allow --no-resume, which blows away the partial-import file
      We changed the option name in 8781198
      Remove debug output
      Ensure that we serialize the _decoded_ blob
      Ensure that global ACLs are serialized
      Instead of overwriting a database with initialdata, insert into an empty db
      Version bump to 0.10


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