[Bps-public-commit] rt-extension-assets-applegsx annotated tag, 1.0, created. 1.0

Alex Vandiver alexmv at bestpractical.com
Wed Feb 5 16:25:42 EST 2014

The annotated tag, 1.0 has been created
        at  de720182c8abaaab6117e9c5bef67394137b7d66 (tag)
   tagging  00b6a892fd772505e7d1c37ba1b354225d13c51a (commit)
 tagged by  Alex Vandiver
        on  Wed Feb 5 16:25:34 2014 -0500

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 1.0
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Alex Vandiver (38):
      Update inc/
      Substitute RT lib path and perl
      chmod +x bin/rt-apple-gsx-set-warranty
      Require that AppleGSXOptions be set to run
      Allow greater flexibility of the CFs used
      Update CFs for new LookupType (and default naming)
      Move to a web-based credentials entry
      Bump version
      Add dependencies
      Update "is it configured" for config in attributes, not RT_SiteConfig.pm
      Only update CF value if it differs
      Fail harder and faster on improper credentials
      Provide better error messages on API failure
      Attempt API call repeatedly, in case incomplete data is returned
      Short-circuit, now that ->WarrantyStatus is either valid or undef
      GSX returns data in mm/dd/yy format -- force Time::ParseDate accordingly
      To prevent no-op date changes in history, canonicalize dates before checking $old eq $new
      Update to a more modern RTx::Factory
      Update Module::Install::RTx
      Cache Client objects
      Refactor defaults
      Refactor GSX updating into a method on Assets
      Ensure that we do not spuriously update 0-valued CFs
      Import GSX data on asset creation
      We need to update all assets, in case GSX information changed but we didn't
      Make UpdateGSX return useful result values
      Add an "Update from Apple GSX" button
      Add a return value and message for if credentials are missing or wrong
      defined($old) was always true, due to the placement of the $old ||= ''
      local($RT::DateDayBeforeMonth) does not work during server runtime (?)
      Only attempt GSX auth during Create if relevant
      Updates for new 4.2 menu organization
      Avoid errors if the CF does not apply
      Bump Module::Install::RTx
      Silence two common forms of error that don't need to be warnings in the logs
      Update inc/
      Expand namespace to cope with ns3 -> ns4 rename by Apple
      Version 1.0 releng

sunnavy (3):
      initial import
      first working version
      example of AppleGSXOptions config


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