[Bps-public-commit] rt-extension-rest2 branch, dev, created. 01097ac3f8b4ec357ffc58a3dd7ee5a07d46dfe7

Wallace Reis wreis at bestpractical.com
Mon Jan 12 12:41:40 EST 2015

The branch, dev has been created
        at  01097ac3f8b4ec357ffc58a3dd7ee5a07d46dfe7 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 5bded99ccb18ef9784e3e765982360722204e030
Author: Wallace Reis <wreis at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Mon Jan 12 12:09:50 2015 -0200

    Update README

diff --git a/README b/README
index 74efd22..09b7788 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -2,33 +2,173 @@ NAME
     RT-Extension-REST2 - Adds a modern REST API to RT under /REST/2.0/
-    "perl Makefile.PL"
-    "make"
-    "make install"
+    perl Makefile.PL
+    make
+    make install
         May need root permissions
     Edit your /opt/rt4/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm
         Add this line:
-            Set(@Plugins, qw(RT::Extension::REST2));
-        or add "RT::Extension::REST2" to your existing @Plugins line.
+            Plugin('RT::Extension::REST2');
     Clear your mason cache
             rm -rf /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/obj
     Restart your webserver
+    $RESTPath
+        The relative path from $WebPath where you want to have the REST API
+        being served.
+        $RESTPath requires a leading / but no trailing /, or it can be
+        blank.
+        Defaults to /REST/2.0. Thus, if you have $WebPath set to /rt then
+        the base REST API URI will be like https://example.com/rt/REST/2.0.
+  Summary
+    Currently provided endpoints under /REST/2.0/ are:
+        GET /ticket/:id
+        PUT /ticket/:id <JSON body>
+        DELETE /ticket/:id
+            Sets ticket status to "deleted".
+        GET /queue/:id
+        PUT /queue/:id <JSON body>
+        DELETE /queue/:id
+            Disables the queue.
+        GET /user/:id
+        PUT /user/:id <JSON body>
+        DELETE /user/:id
+            Disables the user.
+    For queues and users, :id may be the numeric id or the unique name.
+    When a GET request is made, each endpoint returns a JSON representation
+    of the specified resource, or a 404 if not found.
+    When a PUT request is made, the request body should be a modified copy
+    (or partial copy) of the JSON representation of the specified resource,
+    and the record will be updated.
+    A DELETE request to a resource will delete or disable the underlying
+    record.
+  Creating
+        POST /ticket
+        POST /queue
+        POST /user
+    A POST request to a resource endpoint, without a specific id/name, will
+    create a new resource of that type. The request should have a JSON
+    payload similar to the ones returned for existing resources.
+    On success, the return status is 201 Created and a Location header
+    points to the new resource uri. On failure, the status code indicates
+    the nature of the issue, and a descriptive message is in the response
+    body.
+  Searching
+   Tickets
+        GET /tickets?query=<TicketSQL>
+        GET /tickets?simple=1;query=<simple search query>
+        POST /tickets
+            With the 'query' and optional 'simple' parameters
+    The query parameter expects TicketSQL by default unless a true value is
+    sent for the simple parameter.
+    Results are returned in the format described below.
+   Queues and users
+        POST /queues
+        POST /users
+    These resources accept a basic JSON structure as the search conditions
+    which specifies one or more fields to limit on (using specified
+    operators and values). An example:
+        curl -si -u user:pass https://rt.example.com/REST/2.0/queues -XPOST --data-binary '
+            [
+                { "field":    "Name",
+                  "operator": "LIKE",
+                  "value":    "Engineering" },
+                { "field":    "Lifecycle",
+                  "value":    "helpdesk" }
+            ]
+        '
+    The JSON payload must be an array of hashes with the keys field and
+    value and optionally operator.
+    Results are returned in the format described below.
+  Example of plural resources (collections)
+    Resources which represent a collection of other resources use the
+    following standard JSON format:
+        {
+           "count" : 20,
+           "page" : 1,
+           "per_page" : 20,
+           "total" : 3810,
+           "items" : [
+              { … },
+              { … },
+              …
+           ]
+        }
+    Each item is nearly the same representation used when an individual
+    resource is requested.
+  Paging
+    All plural resources (such as /tickets) require pagination, controlled
+    by the query parameters page and per_page. The default page size is 20
+    items, but it may be increased up to 100 (or decreased if desired). Page
+    numbers start at 1.
+  Authentication
+    Authentication is limited to internal RT usernames and passwords,
+    provided via HTTP Basic auth. Most HTTP libraries already have a way of
+    providing basic auth credentials when making requests. Using curl, for
+    example:
+        curl -u username:password …
+    This sort of authentication should always be done over HTTPS/SSL for
+    security. You should only serve up the /REST/2.0/ endpoint over SSL.
+  Conditional requests (If-Modified-Since)
+    You can take advantage of the Last-Modified headers returned by most
+    single resource endpoints. Add a If-Modified-Since header to your
+    requests for the same resource, using the most recent Last-Modified
+    value seen, and the API may respond with a 304 Not Modified. You can
+    also use HEAD requests to check for updates without receiving the actual
+    content when there is a newer version.
+  Status codes
+    The REST API uses the full range of HTTP status codes, and your client
+    should handle them appropriately.
-    Thomas Sibley <trs at bestpractical.com>
+    Best Practical Solutions, LLC <modules at bestpractical.com>
-    All bugs should be reported via email to bug-RT-Extension-REST2 at rt.cpan.org
-    <mailto:bug-RT-Extension-REST2 at rt.cpan.org> or via the web at rt.cpan.org
+    All bugs should be reported via email to
+    bug-RT-Extension-REST2 at rt.cpan.org
+    <mailto:bug-RT-Extension-REST2 at rt.cpan.org> or via the web at
+    rt.cpan.org
-    This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Best Practical Solutions
+    This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by Best Practical Solutions, LLC.
     This is free software, licensed under:

commit 765c529223fb30e0fe27ad20c0c3775177c4f1c2
Author: Wallace Reis <wreis at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Mon Jan 12 15:35:19 2015 -0200

    Bump perl version
    RT 4.2 requires 5.10.1

diff --git a/lib/RT/Extension/REST2.pm b/lib/RT/Extension/REST2.pm
index 115bdbe..4c246e2 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Extension/REST2.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Extension/REST2.pm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use 5.010;
+use 5.010001;
 package RT::Extension::REST2;

commit c431684fa71b8ba1432eaaa12a1768fb16c70a80
Author: Wallace Reis <wreis at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Mon Jan 12 15:39:49 2015 -0200

    Update META.yml

diff --git a/META.yml b/META.yml
index 724889b..c9eabec 100644
--- a/META.yml
+++ b/META.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-abstract: 'RT REST Extension'
+abstract: 'RT-Extension-REST2 Extension'
-  - 'Thomas Sibley <trs at bestpractical.com>'
+  - 'Best Practical Solutions, LLC <modules at bestpractical.com>'
   ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 6.59
@@ -17,18 +17,29 @@ name: RT-Extension-REST2
     - inc
+  JSON::XS: 0
+  Class::Method::Modifiers: 0
   Encode: 0
   JSON: 0
-  Module::Pluggable: 0
+  Module::Path: 0
+  Module::Runtime: 0
   Moose: 0
   MooseX::NonMoose: 0
+  MooseX::Role::Parameterized: 0
   Plack::Builder: 0
+  Plack::Middleware::RequestHeaders: 0
+  Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxyPath: 0
+  Pod::POM: 0
   Scalar::Util: 0
-  UNIVERSAL::require: 0
-  Web::Machine: 0
+  Sub::Exporter: 0
+  Web::Machine: '0.12'
+  Web::Simple: 0
   namespace::autoclean: 0
-  perl: 5.10.0
+  perl: 5.10.1
   license: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php
-version: 0.01
+version: '0.10'
+x_module_install_rtx_version: '0.37'
+x_requires_rt: 4.2.4

commit 01097ac3f8b4ec357ffc58a3dd7ee5a07d46dfe7
Author: Wallace Reis <wreis at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Mon Jan 12 15:40:11 2015 -0200

    Add repo info

diff --git a/META.yml b/META.yml
index c9eabec..9a91572 100644
--- a/META.yml
+++ b/META.yml
@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ requires:
   namespace::autoclean: 0
   perl: 5.10.1
+  homepage: https://github.com/bestpractical/rt-extension-rest2/tree
   license: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php
+  repository: https://github.com/bestpractical/rt-extension-rest2.git
 version: '0.10'
 x_module_install_rtx_version: '0.37'
 x_requires_rt: 4.2.4
diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
index 9e8859a..2171c7f 100644
--- a/Makefile.PL
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ use inc::Module::Install;
 RTx 'RT-Extension-REST2';
 license  'gplv2';
 requires 'Encode';
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/GithubMeta.pm b/inc/Module/Install/GithubMeta.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eabab2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/GithubMeta.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#line 1
+package Module::Install::GithubMeta;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Cwd;
+use base qw(Module::Install::Base);
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '0.28';
+sub githubmeta {
+  my $self = shift;
+  return unless $Module::Install::AUTHOR;
+  return unless _under_git();
+  return unless $self->can_run('git');
+  my $remote = shift || 'origin';
+  local $ENV{LC_ALL}='C';
+  local $ENV{LANG}='C';
+  return unless my ($git_url) = `git remote show -n $remote` =~ /URL: (.*)$/m;
+  return unless $git_url =~ /github\.com/; # Not a Github repository
+  my $http_url = $git_url;
+  $git_url =~ s![\w\-]+\@([^:]+):!git://$1/!;
+  $http_url =~ s![\w\-]+\@([^:]+):!https://$1/!;
+  $http_url =~ s!\.git$!/tree!;
+  $self->repository( $git_url );
+  $self->homepage( $http_url ) unless $self->homepage();
+  return 1;
+sub _under_git {
+  return 1 if -e '.git';
+  my $cwd = getcwd;
+  my $last = $cwd;
+  my $found = 0;
+  while (1) {
+    chdir '..' or last;
+    my $current = getcwd;
+    last if $last eq $current;
+    $last = $current;
+    if ( -e '.git' ) {
+       $found = 1;
+       last;
+    }
+  }
+  chdir $cwd;
+  return $found;
+#line 113


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