[Bps-public-commit] assets branch, query-builder, repushed

? sunnavy sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Thu Jun 18 11:57:23 EDT 2015

The branch query-builder was deleted and repushed:
       was 6b11a70fb97110e660de4add05eda5b0bbf3ae6c
       now 9b1256aa57d7b6216b8e64b76d18b98ac558f05d

1:  366df5c ! 1:  9b1256a first version of asset query builder
    @@ -4,6 +4,70 @@
         this is mostly a clone from ticket's query builder.
         in 4.4 when asset is in core, we shall refactor it to reduce code duplication.
    +diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
    +--- a/MANIFEST
    ++++ b/MANIFEST
    + html/Asset/Elements/EditBasics
    + html/Asset/Elements/EditDates
    + html/Asset/Elements/EditPeople
    + html/Asset/Elements/SelectCatalog
    + html/Asset/Elements/SelectStatus
    + html/Asset/Elements/ShowBasics
    + html/Asset/Elements/ShowCatalog
    + html/Asset/ModifyDates.html
    + html/Asset/ModifyLinks.html
    + html/Asset/ModifyPeople.html
    + html/Asset/Search/Bulk.html
    + html/Asset/Search/index.html
    + html/Asset/Search/Results.tsv
    + html/Callbacks/RT-Extension-Assets/Elements/AddLinks/ExtraLinkInstructions
    + html/Callbacks/RT-Extension-Assets/Elements/Tabs/Privileged
    + MANIFEST			This list of files
    + META.yml
    + patches/rt-4.2.1-4.2.2.patch
    + po/assets.pot
    + po/en.po
    +diff --git a/README b/README
    +--- a/README
    ++++ b/README
    +         This step may require root permissions.
    +     Patch your RT
    ++            patch -d /opt/rt4 -p1 < patches/assets-query-builder.patch
    +         Assets requires a small patch to work on versions of RT prior to
    +         4.2.3. To patch RT, run:
     diff --git a/etc/Assets_Config.pm b/etc/Assets_Config.pm
     --- a/etc/Assets_Config.pm
    @@ -4911,4 +4975,3 @@
     +#comp-Asset-Search-Build #pick-criteria {
     +    min-height: 400px;
2:  6b11a70 < -:  ------- forgot to update manifest

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