[Bps-public-commit] rt-extension-assetsql branch, master, updated. d883c91e7dc480860eff3071b321246495909023

Shawn Moore shawn at bestpractical.com
Mon Jun 27 14:44:49 EDT 2016

The branch, master has been updated
       via  d883c91e7dc480860eff3071b321246495909023 (commit)
      from  37beb2892dbc0d36f8f7a7bf9568628b373753a4 (commit)

Summary of changes:
 html/Asset/Search/Bulk.html |  13 +++-
 patches/rt-4.4.0.patch      | 161 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 patches/rt-4.4.1.patch      | 161 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 332 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit d883c91e7dc480860eff3071b321246495909023
Author: Shawn M Moore <shawn at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Mon Jun 27 18:43:38 2016 +0000

    Update for 4.4/link_multiple_assets_to_new_ticket
        This regenerates the 4.4.0 and 4.4.1 patches to include the changes
        made in that branch (for simplicity's sake), as well as taking the
        changes for the bulk update for Asset simple search to the bulk update
        for AssetSQL.

diff --git a/html/Asset/Search/Bulk.html b/html/Asset/Search/Bulk.html
index ab1a8e4..b12d0d9 100644
--- a/html/Asset/Search/Bulk.html
+++ b/html/Asset/Search/Bulk.html
@@ -27,6 +27,12 @@
     Label => loc('Update'),
     CheckboxNameRegex => '/^UpdateAsset(All)?$/',
+<div class="submit">
+  <div class="buttons">
+  <span class="caption"></span>
+  <input type="submit" id="bulk-update-create-linked-ticket" name="CreateLinkedTicket"  value="Create Linked Ticket" class="button" alt="Create a ticket with checked assets linked" />
+  </div>
 <&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc("Basics"), class => "asset-basics asset-bulk-basics", title_class => "inverse" &>
@@ -119,7 +125,12 @@ delete $ARGS{$_} foreach grep { $ARGS{$_} =~ /^$/ } keys %ARGS;
 $DECODED_ARGS->{'UpdateAssetAll'} = 1 unless @UpdateAsset;
-if ( $ARGS{Update} ) {
+if ( $ARGS{'CreateLinkedTicket'} ){
+    my $url = RT->Config->Get('WebURL') . "Asset/CreateLinkedTicket.html";
+    $url .= '?'. $m->comp( '/Elements/QueryString', 'Assets' => \@UpdateAsset );
+    RT::Interface::Web::Redirect($url);
+elsif ( $ARGS{Update} ) {
     my @attributes  = $asset->WritableAttributes;
     @attributes = grep exists $ARGS{ 'Update'. $_ }, @attributes;
     my %basics = map { $_ => $ARGS{ 'Update'. $_ } } @attributes;
diff --git a/patches/rt-4.4.0.patch b/patches/rt-4.4.0.patch
index 8332e65..e1935ed 100644
--- a/patches/rt-4.4.0.patch
+++ b/patches/rt-4.4.0.patch
@@ -11,6 +11,48 @@ index 51a8527..c34d650 100644
              my $name = $1 || $2;
              my $cf = RT::CustomField->new( $self->CurrentUser );
+diff --git a/share/html/Asset/CreateLinkedTicket.html b/share/html/Asset/CreateLinkedTicket.html
+index afcabe5..5d84e7d 100644
+--- a/share/html/Asset/CreateLinkedTicket.html
++++ b/share/html/Asset/CreateLinkedTicket.html
+@@ -47,12 +47,33 @@
+ <%args>
+ $Asset => undef
++ at Assets => ()
+ $Requestors => ''
+ </%args>
+ <%init>
+-my $asset = LoadAsset($Asset);
++my @asset_objs;
++my $single_asset;
++# Support passing a single asset or many, as with bulk update.
++if ( $Asset ){
++    push @asset_objs, LoadAsset($Asset);
++    $single_asset = 1;
++elsif ( @Assets ){
++    @asset_objs = map { LoadAsset($_) } @Assets;
++    $single_asset = 1 if @asset_objs == 1;
++else {
++    Abort('No asset specified');
+ </%init>
+-<& /Elements/Header,
+-    Title => loc("Create linked ticket for asset #[_1]: [_2]", $asset->id, $asset->Name) &>
++% if ($single_asset){
++    <& /Elements/Header,
++        Title => loc("Create linked ticket for asset #[_1]: [_2]", $asset_objs[0]->id, $asset_objs[0]->Name) &>
++    <& /Elements/Header,
++        Title => loc("Create linked ticket for multiple assets") &>
+ <& /Elements/Tabs &>
+-<& /Asset/Elements/CreateLinkedTicket, AssetObj => $asset, Requestors => $Requestors &>
++<& /Asset/Elements/CreateLinkedTicket, AssetObj => \@asset_objs, Requestors => $Requestors &>
 diff --git a/share/html/Asset/Elements/AssetSearchBasics b/share/html/Asset/Elements/AssetSearchBasics
 index c07988b..b7b647a 100644
 --- a/share/html/Asset/Elements/AssetSearchBasics
@@ -24,6 +66,66 @@ index c07988b..b7b647a 100644
         Default => ($ARGS{'Status'} || '') &>
  <tr class="asset-name"><td class="label"><label for="Name"><&|/l&>Name</&></label></td>
+diff --git a/share/html/Asset/Elements/CreateLinkedTicket b/share/html/Asset/Elements/CreateLinkedTicket
+index 08121e4..4312917 100644
+--- a/share/html/Asset/Elements/CreateLinkedTicket
++++ b/share/html/Asset/Elements/CreateLinkedTicket
+@@ -50,21 +50,50 @@ $AssetObj
+ $Requestors => ''
+ </%args>
+ <%init>
++my @asset_objs;
++if ( ref $AssetObj eq 'ARRAY' ){
++    # Accept an array of asset objects
++    @asset_objs = @$AssetObj;
++    # Also support passing a single asset object
++    push @asset_objs, $AssetObj;
+ my @description = map { $m->interp->apply_escapes($_, 'h') }
+-    $AssetObj->id, $AssetObj->Name;
++    $asset_objs[0]->id, $asset_objs[0]->Name;
++my $refers_to = join ' ', map { "asset:" . $_->id } @asset_objs;
++# Find possible requestors
++my %role_addresses;
++foreach my $asset (@asset_objs){
++    for my $role ($asset->Roles) {
++        # Create a hash with email addresses to easily de-dupe the lists from multiple assets
++        map { $role_addresses{$role}{$_} = 1 } $asset->RoleGroup($role)->MemberEmailAddresses;
++    }
+ </%init>
+ <form action="<% RT->Config->Get("WebPath") %><% $session{CurrentUser}->Privileged ? "/Ticket" : "/SelfService" %>/Create.html" id="AssetCreateLinkedTicket">
+-  <input name="new-RefersTo" value="asset:<% $AssetObj->id %>" type="hidden">
+-  <input name="Subject" value="<% $AssetObj->Name %>" type="hidden">
++  <input name="new-RefersTo" value="<% $refers_to %>" type="hidden">
++  <input name="Subject" value="<% $asset_objs[0]->Name %>" type="hidden">
++% if ( @asset_objs == 1 ){
+   <&|/l_unsafe,
+     $m->scomp("/Elements/SelectNewTicketQueue"),
+     @description &>Create a new ticket in the [_1] queue about asset #[_2]: [_3].</&>
++% }
++% else {
++    $m->scomp("/Elements/SelectNewTicketQueue"),
++    &>Create a new ticket in the [_1] queue about multiple assets.</&>
++% }
+ % if ($Requestors) {
+     <input type="hidden" name="Requestors" value="<% $Requestors%>" />
+ % } else {
+ %     my $first = 1;
+-%     for my $role ($AssetObj->Roles) {
+-%         my $addr = $AssetObj->RoleGroup($role)->MemberEmailAddressesAsString;
++%     for my $role ($asset_objs[0]->Roles) {
++%         my $addr = join ', ', keys %{$role_addresses{$role}};
+ %         next unless defined $addr and length $addr;
+   <br>
+   <label>
 diff --git a/share/html/Asset/Elements/SelectCatalog b/share/html/Asset/Elements/SelectCatalog
 index bba70e5..11b4adb 100644
 --- a/share/html/Asset/Elements/SelectCatalog
@@ -86,6 +188,33 @@ index c5e4ae1..135a9c7 100644
  $CatalogObj => undef
 +%Catalogs => ()
+diff --git a/share/html/Asset/Helpers/CreateLinkedTicket b/share/html/Asset/Helpers/CreateLinkedTicket
+index e3f6202..4bb5ea7 100644
+--- a/share/html/Asset/Helpers/CreateLinkedTicket
++++ b/share/html/Asset/Helpers/CreateLinkedTicket
+@@ -46,11 +46,19 @@
+ %#
+ <%args>
++ at Asset => ()
++$Asset => undef
+ $Requestors => ''
+ </%args>
+ <%init>
+-my $asset = LoadAsset($Asset);
++my @asset_objs;
++if ( @Asset ){
++    @asset_objs = map { LoadAsset($_) } @Asset;
++elsif ( $Asset ){
++    push @asset_objs, LoadAsset($Asset);
+ </%init>
+-<& /Asset/Elements/CreateLinkedTicket, AssetObj => $asset, Requestors => $Requestors &>
++<& /Asset/Elements/CreateLinkedTicket, AssetObj => \@asset_objs, Requestors => $Requestors &>
+ % $m->abort;
 diff --git a/share/html/Asset/Search/index.html b/share/html/Asset/Search/index.html
 index 80ada79..39e5da8 100644
 --- a/share/html/Asset/Search/index.html
@@ -146,7 +275,7 @@ index e29e7cf..3820033 100644
 diff --git a/share/html/Elements/ShowSearch b/share/html/Elements/ShowSearch
-index 52e628b..55d8dc8 100644
+index 52e628b..8ada004 100644
 --- a/share/html/Elements/ShowSearch
 +++ b/share/html/Elements/ShowSearch
 @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
@@ -218,3 +347,33 @@ index 2d6f3c0..328d40f 100644
  $AvailableColumns => undef
 +$IncludeTicketLinks => 1
+diff --git a/share/static/js/assets.js b/share/static/js/assets.js
+index 853ba86..8d5aaa0 100644
+--- a/share/static/js/assets.js
++++ b/share/static/js/assets.js
+@@ -34,6 +34,25 @@ jQuery(function() {
+             showModal
+         );
+     });
++    jQuery("#bulk-update-create-linked-ticket").click(function(ev){
++        ev.preventDefault();
++        var chkArray = [];
++        jQuery("input[name='UpdateAsset']:checked").each(function() {
++            chkArray.push(jQuery(this).val());
++        });
++        var selected = '';
++        for (var i = 0; i < chkArray.length; i++) {
++            selected += 'Asset=' + chkArray[i] + '&';
++        }
++        /* selected = chkArray.join(','); */
++        var url = RT.Config.WebHomePath + '/Asset/Helpers/CreateLinkedTicket?' + selected;
++        jQuery.post(
++            url,
++            showModal
++        );
++    });
+     jQuery("#assets-create").click(function(ev){
+         ev.preventDefault();
+         jQuery.get(
diff --git a/patches/rt-4.4.1.patch b/patches/rt-4.4.1.patch
index 982adcc..c328be6 100644
--- a/patches/rt-4.4.1.patch
+++ b/patches/rt-4.4.1.patch
@@ -11,6 +11,48 @@ index b52308a..e05a7ae 100644
              my $name = $1 || $2;
              my $cf = RT::CustomField->new( $self->CurrentUser );
+diff --git a/share/html/Asset/CreateLinkedTicket.html b/share/html/Asset/CreateLinkedTicket.html
+index e2753b1..971b175 100644
+--- a/share/html/Asset/CreateLinkedTicket.html
++++ b/share/html/Asset/CreateLinkedTicket.html
+@@ -47,12 +47,33 @@
+ <%args>
+ $Asset => undef
++ at Assets => ()
+ $Requestors => ''
+ </%args>
+ <%init>
+-my $asset = LoadAsset($Asset);
++my @asset_objs;
++my $single_asset;
++# Support passing a single asset or many, as with bulk update.
++if ( $Asset ){
++    push @asset_objs, LoadAsset($Asset);
++    $single_asset = 1;
++elsif ( @Assets ){
++    @asset_objs = map { LoadAsset($_) } @Assets;
++    $single_asset = 1 if @asset_objs == 1;
++else {
++    Abort('No asset specified');
+ </%init>
+-<& /Elements/Header,
+-    Title => loc("Create linked ticket for asset #[_1]: [_2]", $asset->id, $asset->Name) &>
++% if ($single_asset){
++    <& /Elements/Header,
++        Title => loc("Create linked ticket for asset #[_1]: [_2]", $asset_objs[0]->id, $asset_objs[0]->Name) &>
++    <& /Elements/Header,
++        Title => loc("Create linked ticket for multiple assets") &>
+ <& /Elements/Tabs &>
+-<& /Asset/Elements/CreateLinkedTicket, AssetObj => $asset, Requestors => $Requestors &>
++<& /Asset/Elements/CreateLinkedTicket, AssetObj => \@asset_objs, Requestors => $Requestors &>
 diff --git a/share/html/Asset/Elements/AssetSearchBasics b/share/html/Asset/Elements/AssetSearchBasics
 index de9c35b..9557c8c 100644
 --- a/share/html/Asset/Elements/AssetSearchBasics
@@ -24,6 +66,66 @@ index de9c35b..9557c8c 100644
         Default => ($ARGS{'Status'} || '') &>
  <tr class="asset-name"><td class="label"><label for="Name"><&|/l&>Name</&></label></td>
+diff --git a/share/html/Asset/Elements/CreateLinkedTicket b/share/html/Asset/Elements/CreateLinkedTicket
+index 17102bd..b3b87a2 100644
+--- a/share/html/Asset/Elements/CreateLinkedTicket
++++ b/share/html/Asset/Elements/CreateLinkedTicket
+@@ -50,21 +50,50 @@ $AssetObj
+ $Requestors => ''
+ </%args>
+ <%init>
++my @asset_objs;
++if ( ref $AssetObj eq 'ARRAY' ){
++    # Accept an array of asset objects
++    @asset_objs = @$AssetObj;
++    # Also support passing a single asset object
++    push @asset_objs, $AssetObj;
+ my @description = map { $m->interp->apply_escapes($_, 'h') }
+-    $AssetObj->id, $AssetObj->Name;
++    $asset_objs[0]->id, $asset_objs[0]->Name;
++my $refers_to = join ' ', map { "asset:" . $_->id } @asset_objs;
++# Find possible requestors
++my %role_addresses;
++foreach my $asset (@asset_objs){
++    for my $role ($asset->Roles) {
++        # Create a hash with email addresses to easily de-dupe the lists from multiple assets
++        map { $role_addresses{$role}{$_} = 1 } $asset->RoleGroup($role)->MemberEmailAddresses;
++    }
+ </%init>
+ <form action="<% RT->Config->Get("WebPath") %><% $session{CurrentUser}->Privileged ? "/Ticket" : "/SelfService" %>/Create.html" id="AssetCreateLinkedTicket">
+-  <input name="new-RefersTo" value="asset:<% $AssetObj->id %>" type="hidden">
+-  <input name="Subject" value="<% $AssetObj->Name %>" type="hidden">
++  <input name="new-RefersTo" value="<% $refers_to %>" type="hidden">
++  <input name="Subject" value="<% $asset_objs[0]->Name %>" type="hidden">
++% if ( @asset_objs == 1 ){
+   <&|/l_unsafe,
+     $m->scomp("/Elements/SelectNewTicketQueue"),
+     @description &>Create a new ticket in the [_1] queue about asset #[_2]: [_3].</&>
++% }
++% else {
++    $m->scomp("/Elements/SelectNewTicketQueue"),
++    &>Create a new ticket in the [_1] queue about multiple assets.</&>
++% }
+ % if ($Requestors) {
+     <input type="hidden" name="Requestors" value="<% $Requestors%>" />
+ % } else {
+ %     my $first = 1;
+-%     for my $role ($AssetObj->Roles) {
+-%         my $addr = $AssetObj->RoleGroup($role)->MemberEmailAddressesAsString;
++%     for my $role ($asset_objs[0]->Roles) {
++%         my $addr = join ', ', keys %{$role_addresses{$role}};
+ %         next unless defined $addr and length $addr;
+   <br>
+   <label>
 diff --git a/share/html/Asset/Elements/SelectCatalog b/share/html/Asset/Elements/SelectCatalog
 index aa5d5fc..8c65e46 100644
 --- a/share/html/Asset/Elements/SelectCatalog
@@ -86,6 +188,33 @@ index ef3e826..99717da 100644
  $CatalogObj => undef
 +%Catalogs => ()
+diff --git a/share/html/Asset/Helpers/CreateLinkedTicket b/share/html/Asset/Helpers/CreateLinkedTicket
+index 6728b7b..f487d52 100644
+--- a/share/html/Asset/Helpers/CreateLinkedTicket
++++ b/share/html/Asset/Helpers/CreateLinkedTicket
+@@ -46,11 +46,19 @@
+ %#
+ <%args>
++ at Asset => ()
++$Asset => undef
+ $Requestors => ''
+ </%args>
+ <%init>
+-my $asset = LoadAsset($Asset);
++my @asset_objs;
++if ( @Asset ){
++    @asset_objs = map { LoadAsset($_) } @Asset;
++elsif ( $Asset ){
++    push @asset_objs, LoadAsset($Asset);
+ </%init>
+-<& /Asset/Elements/CreateLinkedTicket, AssetObj => $asset, Requestors => $Requestors &>
++<& /Asset/Elements/CreateLinkedTicket, AssetObj => \@asset_objs, Requestors => $Requestors &>
+ % $m->abort;
 diff --git a/share/html/Asset/Search/index.html b/share/html/Asset/Search/index.html
 index f1ebfa5..903ceb4 100644
 --- a/share/html/Asset/Search/index.html
@@ -146,7 +275,7 @@ index 7eb678d..3183a90 100644
 diff --git a/share/html/Elements/ShowSearch b/share/html/Elements/ShowSearch
-index c154bca..93e0d99 100644
+index c154bca..ff8c32b 100644
 --- a/share/html/Elements/ShowSearch
 +++ b/share/html/Elements/ShowSearch
 @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
@@ -218,3 +347,33 @@ index 4e2bfd8..4c305d2 100644
  $AvailableColumns => undef
 +$IncludeTicketLinks => 1
+diff --git a/share/static/js/assets.js b/share/static/js/assets.js
+index 853ba86..8d5aaa0 100644
+--- a/share/static/js/assets.js
++++ b/share/static/js/assets.js
+@@ -34,6 +34,25 @@ jQuery(function() {
+             showModal
+         );
+     });
++    jQuery("#bulk-update-create-linked-ticket").click(function(ev){
++        ev.preventDefault();
++        var chkArray = [];
++        jQuery("input[name='UpdateAsset']:checked").each(function() {
++            chkArray.push(jQuery(this).val());
++        });
++        var selected = '';
++        for (var i = 0; i < chkArray.length; i++) {
++            selected += 'Asset=' + chkArray[i] + '&';
++        }
++        /* selected = chkArray.join(','); */
++        var url = RT.Config.WebHomePath + '/Asset/Helpers/CreateLinkedTicket?' + selected;
++        jQuery.post(
++            url,
++            showModal
++        );
++    });
+     jQuery("#assets-create").click(function(ev){
+         ev.preventDefault();
+         jQuery.get(


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