[Bps-public-commit] RT-BugTracker-Public branch, 4.2-4.4-compatibility, repushed

Brian Duggan brian at bestpractical.com
Tue Feb 28 16:59:11 EST 2017

The branch 4.2-4.4-compatibility was deleted and repushed:
       was defcef7bbcc5293eb4fe6ee1b9c761a7e37e6aaa
       now 9a704652c495777aefec016decc0c32bc0ebceb2

 1:  a2cd1dc =  1:  a2cd1dc Update BPS copyright
 2:  3045d2b =  2:  3045d2b Update Makefile and POD for 4.2 and 4.4
 3:  0d9576e =  3:  0d9576e Enable optional public bug reporting through web UI
 4:  e5a2eca =  4:  e5a2eca Remove trailing whitespace in html/Public/Bug/Display.html
 5:  e5d648c =  5:  e5d648c Move CSS and JS from html/NoAuth to static
 6:  3005efa =  6:  3005efa Use WebDomain instead of hardcoded rt.cpan.org
 7:  f18af3b =  7:  f18af3b Fix Ticket CF editing in public bug report page
 8:  b288e14 =  8:  b288e14 Use DistributionToQueueRegex instead of perl-specific substitution
10:  defcef7 !  9:  6ae26df Update distribution files
    @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
     Author: Brian C. Duggan <brian at bestpractical.com>
         Update distribution files
    +    Update distribution files without signing
     diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
     --- a/Changes
    @@ -112,3 +114,4 @@
 9:  22eca0a ! 10:  9a70465 Update deprecated templates and functions
    @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
         Use /Elements/EditCustomFields instead of /Ticket/Elements/EditCustomFields
         Use RT::QueueObj::DefaultValue('Due') in >4.2, RT::QueueObj::DefaultDueIn in <=4.2
    -    Pass "Timezone => 'server' to $default_due->ISO. Fixes latent bug in
    +    Pass "Timezone => 'user' to $default_due->ISO. Fixes latent bug in
         Default Due for calculation for 4.2 where Due was set to UTC instead
         of server local.
    @@ -78,27 +78,13 @@
      # if no due date has been set explicitly, then use the
      # queue's default if it exists
     -if ($QueueObj->DefaultDueIn && !$ARGS{'Due'}) {
    -+#my $DefaultDue = undef;
    -+#if ($RT::MAJOR_VERSION <= 4 && $RT::MINOR_VERSION <= 2) {
    -+#    $DefaultDue = $QueueObj->DefaultDueIn;
    -+#} else {
    -+#    $DefaultDue = $QueueObj->DefaultValue('Due');
    -+#if ($DefaultDue && !$ARGS{'Due'}) {
    -+#    my $default_due = RT::Date->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
    -+#    $default_due->SetToNow();
    -+#    $default_due->AddDays($DefaultDue);
    -+#    $ARGS{'Due'} = $default_due->ISO();
     +if ($RT::MAJOR_VERSION <= 4 && $RT::MINOR_VERSION <= 2
     +    && $QueueObj->DefaultDueIn && !$ARGS{'Due'}) {
          my $default_due = RT::Date->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
     -    $ARGS{'Due'} = $default_due->ISO();
    -+    $ARGS{'Due'} = $default_due->ISO(Timezone => 'server');
    ++    $ARGS{'Due'} = $default_due->ISO(Timezone => 'user');
      # {{{ deal with deleting uploaded attachments

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