[Bps-public-commit] rt-authen-oauth2 branch, auth0, repushed

? sunnavy sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Thu Mar 22 13:36:25 EDT 2018

The branch auth0 was deleted and repushed:
       was 9ad80d9dbe1a882ef8ff3b9ebbb8cbec9cedba66
       now 73ccfc57ad44e09204f37274a70420f85beb3270

1:  0845551 = 1:  467f013 Add IDP config for auth0
2:  fc007ef ! 2:  3aba95f Add support for autocreating users on oauth2 login.
    @@ -46,42 +46,40 @@
     --- a/lib/RT/Authen/OAuth2.pm
     +++ b/lib/RT/Authen/OAuth2.pm
    -     RT::Logger->info("OAuth2 server return content didn't include email, aborting. Request from $ip") unless $email;
    -     return (0, $generic_error) unless $email;
    +     RT::Logger->info("OAuth2 server return content didn't include $loadcol, aborting. Request from $ip") unless $name;
    +     return (0, $generic_error) unless $name;
     +    if ( $idp_conf->{MetadataMap}->{VerifiedEmail} && !$metadata->{ $idp_conf->{MetadataMap}->{VerifiedEmail} } ) {
    -+      RT::Logger->info( "Email $email not verified." );
    -+      return ( 0, RT->SystemUser->loc( "Email [_1] not verified.", $email ) );
    ++      RT::Logger->info( "Email $name not verified." );
    ++      return ( 0, RT->SystemUser->loc( "Email [_1] not verified.", $name ) );
     +    }
          my $user = RT::User->new( RT->SystemUser );
    -     $user->LoadByEmail($email);
    +     $user->LoadByCol($loadcol, $name);
     -    # TODO future feature: auto-vivify a user based on config option, if email matches regex
     +    # TODO future feature: add an option to auto-vivify only if email matches regex
          # TODO e.g., allow all people from mycompany.com to access RT automatically
    -     RT::Logger->info("OAuth2 user $email attempted login but no matching user found in RT. Request from $ip") unless $user->id;
    +     RT::Logger->info("OAuth2 user $name attempted login but no matching user found in RT. Request from $ip") unless $user->id;
     +    if (RT->Config->Get('OAuthCreateNewUser') and not $user->id) {
     +      my $additional = RT->Config->Get('OAuthNewUserOptions') || { Privileged => 1 };
     +      my $newuser = RT::User->new( $RT::SystemUser );
    -+      my $name = $metadata->{ $idp_conf->{MetadataMap}->{RealName} };
    -+      RT::Logger->info("Attempting to create account for $name <$email>");
    -+      # TODO: Allow using 'nickname' as account name.  Requires
    -+      # testing for existence and fallback to email.
    -+      my ($id, $msg) = $newuser->Create(
    ++      RT::Logger->info("Attempting to create account for $name");
    ++      my ( $id, $msg ) = $newuser->Create(
     +        %$additional,
    -+        Name         => $email,
    -+        RealName     => $name,
    -+        EmailAddress => $email,
    ++        Name => $name,
    ++        map { $_ => $metadata->{ $idp_conf->{MetadataMap}->{$_} } }
    ++          grep { $metadata->{ $idp_conf->{MetadataMap}->{$_} } }
    ++          qw(RealName NickName Organization Lang EmailAddress),
     +      );
     +      unless ($id) {
    -+        RT::Logger->info("Error $msg creating account for $name <$email>");
    ++        RT::Logger->info("Error $msg creating account for $name");
     +        return (0, $generic_error);
     +      }
     +      $user = $newuser;
     +    }
          return(0, $generic_error) unless $user->id;
    -     RT::Logger->info("OAuth2 user $email is disabled in RT; aborting OAuth2 login. Request from $ip") if $user->PrincipalObj->Disabled;
    +     RT::Logger->info("OAuth2 user $name is disabled in RT; aborting OAuth2 login. Request from $ip") if $user->PrincipalObj->Disabled;
3:  9ad80d9 = 3:  73ccfc5 Add logout support.

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