[Bps-public-commit] RT-Extension-MandatoryOnTransition branch, support-coreroles-and-customroles, repushed

Craig Kaiser craig at bestpractical.com
Mon Jan 7 11:06:59 EST 2019

The branch support-coreroles-and-customroles was deleted and repushed:
       was 1ecb623d131fe5d4530d0b6dfb172deda91f1b30
       now c1563d58ecc29aacef42c00849a4858f828fe35b

1:  53b566f ! 1:  c951d4c Support customrole mandatoryontransition conditions
    @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
         Use the syntax 'CustomRole.MyRole' to set mandatory conditions for
         customrole values. Pass a group key to specify if one of the current
         users for the customrole must be a member of a specific group.
    -    Before
     diff --git a/lib/RT/Extension/MandatoryOnTransition.pm b/lib/RT/Extension/MandatoryOnTransition.pm
     --- a/lib/RT/Extension/MandatoryOnTransition.pm
    @@ -38,7 +36,7 @@
          my @cfs  =  map { /^CF\.(.+)$/i; $1; }
                     grep { /^CF\./i } @$required;
     +    my @roles = map { /^(:?[CustomRole\.]?.+)$/i; $1; }
    -+               grep { /^CustomRole\.||AdminCc||Cc||Requestor/i } @$required;
    ++               grep { /^CustomRole\.|^AdminCc|^Cc|^Requestor|^Owner/i } @$required;
          # Pull out any must_be or must_not_be rules
          my %cf_must_values = ();
    @@ -95,12 +93,12 @@
              Ticket  => $args{'Ticket'},
              Queue   => $args{'Queue'} ? $args{'Queue'}->Name : undef,
              From    => $args{'From'},
    +         To      => $args{'To'},
              NewQueue => $$ARGSRef{'Queue'},
     -    return \@errors unless @$core or @$cfs;
    -+    return \@errors unless @$core or @$cfs or @$roles;
    ++    return \@errors unless @$core or @$cfs or $roles;
          my $transition =  ($args{'From'} ||'') ne ($args{'To'} || '') ? 'Status' : 'Queue';
2:  609d0c3 = 2:  e6296cc Allow group key to be set for roles
3:  9b18d25 ! 3:  e746df7 Move Owner code into the roles code block
    @@ -31,15 +31,6 @@
      =head2 Methods
    -     my @cfs  =  map { /^CF\.(.+)$/i; $1; }
    -                grep { /^CF\./i } @$required;
    -     my @roles = map { /^(:?[CustomRole\.]?.+)$/i; $1; }
    --               grep { /^CustomRole\.||AdminCc||Cc||Requestor/i } @$required;
    -+               grep { /^CustomRole\.||AdminCc||Cc||Requestor||Owner/i } @$required;
    -     # Pull out any must_be or must_not_be rules
    -     my %cf_must_values = ();
                  : $CORE_FOR_CREATE{$field};
              next unless $arg;
4:  1ecb623 = 4:  c1563d5 Update README and inc files

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