[Bps-public-commit] rt-extension-rest2 branch, rest2_api_search_enhancements, repushed

Aaron Trevena ast at bestpractical.com
Mon Mar 30 06:08:24 EDT 2020

The branch rest2_api_search_enhancements was deleted and repushed:
       was 102314f8112192919d0b353447cddd64f38f67f9
       now 0498caa050032d9d7da85176ced49f9cddfa7269

1:  70bedeb ! 1:  2b2f342 Allow including CustomFields in search results.
    @@ -156,12 +156,11 @@
          is($content->{Subject}, 'Multi-value CF');
          my $output = ref($value) ? $value : [$value]; # scalar input comes out as array reference
    --    is_deeply($content->{'CustomFields'}, { $multi_cf_id => $output, $single_cf_id => [] }, 'Ticket custom field');
     +    my $ticket_cf_value = bag(
     +        { name => 'Single', id => $single_cf_id, type => 'customfield', _url => ignore(), values => [] },
     +        { name => 'Multi',  id => $multi_cf_id,  type => 'customfield', _url => ignore(), values => $output },
     +    );
    -+    cmp_deeply($content->{'CustomFields'}, $ticket_cf_value, 'Ticket custom field');
    +     is_deeply($content->{'CustomFields'}, { $multi_cf_id => $output, $single_cf_id => [] }, 'Ticket custom field');
     +    # Ticket Show - Fields, custom fields
     +    {
2:  81a35bb = 2:  a423956 Allow 'entry_aggregator' property in JSON search
3:  c00df20 = 3:  bb859bc Add tests for 'entry_aggregator' property in JSON searches
4:  d418393 = 4:  7cf51de Improve the user experience of pagination.
5:  dc8452e = 5:  3041f81 Allow JSON searches to return disabled objects with 'find_disabled_rows=1' query parameter
6:  f936666 = 6:  184bdab Tests for JSON searches returning disabled objects with 'find_disabled_rows=1'
7:  102314f = 7:  0498caa Update Changes file with new features

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