[Bps-public-commit] rt-extension-notifysms branch, cleanup-initial-release, repushed

Craig Kaiser craig at bestpractical.com
Wed Feb 3 14:53:33 EST 2021

The branch cleanup-initial-release was deleted and repushed:
       was 2dd5beb37cf8ae4903f137b26bf5039203a2e0ad
       now 69f26974805e53a662f3c29b165cf37b2bf0cb39

1:  65f66fd = 1:  65f66fd Update Module::Install
2:  e350d90 = 2:  e350d90 Update overlay of NotifySMS::SetRecipients
3:  1a109b7 = 3:  1a109b7 Parse template object in Prepare method if no MIMEObj exist
4:  4530878 ! 4:  b0cf616 Make documentation clearer
    @@ -103,6 +103,9 @@
     +    To obtain a Twilio AuthToken and AccountId, create a new project of type
     +    programmable SMS in the Twilio console. These values can be found in
     +    your Twilio account <https://www.twilio.com/console>.
    ++    Show SMS Recipients In Preview Scrips
          Best Practical Solutions, LLC <modules at bestpractical.com>
    @@ -259,6 +262,14 @@
    ++=head1 TODO
    ++=item Show SMS Recipients In Preview Scrips
      =head1 AUTHOR
      Best Practical Solutions, LLC E<lt>modules at bestpractical.comE<gt>
5:  a3adbdb = 5:  836917d Use RT::Scrip object to call SendMessage
6:  0c0c8a6 = 6:  90792a5 Overlay RT::ActionSendEmail->AddressesFromHeader
7:  2dd5beb ! 7:  bd36aed Add example SMS Correspondence template
    @@ -12,9 +12,10 @@
     +our @Templates = (
     +  {
    -+    Name        => 'SMS Correspondence',
    ++    Name        => 'Correspondence SMS',
     +    Description => 'Correspondence template for SMS alerts.',
     +    Content => q{
     +  }
-:  ------- > 8:  4da090e Add transaction for when SMS message is sent
-:  ------- > 9:  69f2697 Use Recipients instead of SMS for args name

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