[Bps-public-commit] RT-BugTracker branch, rt5, repushed

? sunnavy sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Thu Feb 25 13:38:26 EST 2021

The branch rt5 was deleted and repushed:
       was d9fa0243c3e149dc0042729d1ee2b47a0c0bbf51
       now b9c9dbc9d3508dcbf80dd37eac2f77fd5da005a1

 1:  714e8c4 =  1:  714e8c4 Update BPS copyright
 2:  bb7c538 =  2:  bb7c538 Update Makefile and POD for 4.2 and 4.4
 3:  11d8416 =  3:  11d8416 Rename html/NoAuth to static
 4:  51f3168 =  4:  51f3168 Migrate deprecated template uses to current
 5:  169b609 =  5:  169b609 Add distro name regex config, replace explicit CPAN regex
 6:  abbfd48 =  6:  abbfd48 Use RT::BugTracker Elements, not RT::BugTracker::Public Elements
 7:  c4f0a1e =  7:  c4f0a1e Use WebDomain instead of hardcoded rt.cpan.org
 8:  297c3d7 =  8:  297c3d7 Add Severity, Broken in, Fixed in CFs to initialdata
 9:  457b41a =  9:  457b41a Add general BugTracker functionality and setup documentation.
10:  81a04c3 = 10:  81a04c3 Update distribution files
11:  3eeaef3 = 11:  3eeaef3 Make BugTracker_CustomFieldsOnUpdate configurable
12:  2136b95 = 12:  2136b95 Make BugTracker_SearchResultFormat configurable
13:  984cd92 = 13:  984cd92 Make BugTracker_HideBrowseDistributions configurable
14:  73117cb = 14:  73117cb Add BugTracker_ShowAllDistributions config setting
15:  d98de58 = 15:  d98de58 Silly HTML tag fix
16:  6b32066 = 16:  6b32066 Clean up POD errors
17:  f829759 = 17:  f829759 5.4 releng
18:  65a708f = 18:  65a708f Avoid breaking self-service UI
19:  f76f067 = 19:  f76f067 5.5 releng
20:  8d444d8 = 20:  8d444d8 Update M:I
21:  defa384 = 21:  defa384 Add "." to @INC for perl 5.26+
22:  323a2a8 = 22:  323a2a8 Update rt_too_new to 5.2 as we are going to support 5.0
23:  5e32d94 = 23:  5e32d94 Bump minimal RT to 5
24:  7e50e84 ! 24:  672ee8a Migrate to RT 5 elevator themes
    @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     +if ( $Status =~ /__active__/i ) {
     +    $status_text = loc('Active');
    -+elsif ( $Status =~ /__active__/i ) {
    ++elsif ( $Status =~ /__inactive__/i ) {
     +    $status_text = loc('Inactive');
     +else {
25:  d9fa024 = 25:  b9c9dbc Update manifest

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