[Prophet] Prophet and SD 0.74

Christine Spang spang at bestpractical.com
Sun Jan 3 02:04:38 EST 2010

Hey Prophet and SD users,

I'd like to announce the first Prophet and SD releases of the new year!
0.74 contains mostly bugfixes and especially an important fix for users
of Mouse > 0.40. If your SD mysteriously stopped working properly after
a Mouse upgrade, this release should fix that for you.

Some new features also snuck into this release, including shell
tab-completion, an experimental Lighthouse sync for SD, announcing
project names via Bonjour, saving usernames/passwords for foreign syncs,
and an --as <alias> switch for the clone command.

The new releases are available via the CPAN, as usual:


The following people other than myself contributed to this release, many
in larger ways than me:

Alex Vandiver, Florian Ragwitz, Jesse Vincent, Kevin Falcone, Pedro
Melo, Sam Vilain, sunnavy, Ruslan Zakirov, Shawn Moore, Franck Cuny

Rock on, everyone. Every patch helps.

As usual, you can find contributors on #prophet on irc.freenode.org --
drop by if you need help or have a question, or just want to say hi.
Bugs can also be reported via http://rt.cpan.org/. Enjoy!

Christine Spang
for the Prophet/SD developers

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