[Rt-commit] r3583 - in Test-HTTP-Server-Simple: . lib/Test/HTTP/Server t

glasser at bestpractical.com glasser at bestpractical.com
Tue Aug 2 18:23:42 EDT 2005

Author: glasser
Date: Tue Aug  2 18:23:42 2005
New Revision: 3583

THSS is now a mixin, and it does much smarter stuff with signals:
  * the parent waits for the kid to be accepting connections before it returns
    from started_ok
  * the parent kills the kid with a gentle signal that lets the kid run END
    blocks (yay for Devel::Cover)

Modified: Test-HTTP-Server-Simple/Changes
--- Test-HTTP-Server-Simple/Changes	(original)
+++ Test-HTTP-Server-Simple/Changes	Tue Aug  2 18:23:42 2005
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
 Revision history for Test-HTTP-Server-Simple
-0.0.1  Thu Jun 16 18:16:56 2005
+0.01  Tue Aug 02 18:16:00 2005
+       Change API to make it a mixin.
+       Make child signal parent when it's ready, and make the parent-killing-child
+       be much nicer than a -9.
+0.01  Thu Jun 16 18:16:56 2005
        Initial release.

Modified: Test-HTTP-Server-Simple/lib/Test/HTTP/Server/Simple.pm
--- Test-HTTP-Server-Simple/lib/Test/HTTP/Server/Simple.pm	(original)
+++ Test-HTTP-Server-Simple/lib/Test/HTTP/Server/Simple.pm	Tue Aug  2 18:23:42 2005
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
 package Test::HTTP::Server::Simple;
-our $VERSION = '0.01';
+our $VERSION = '0.02';
 use warnings;
 use strict;
 use Carp;
-use Exporter;
-our @ISA = qw/Exporter/;
-our @EXPORT = qw/started_ok/;
+use NEXT;
 use Test::Builder;
 my $Tester = Test::Builder->new;
@@ -20,12 +18,15 @@
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
+    package My::WebServer;
+    use base qw/Test::HTTP::Server::Simple HTTP::Server::Simple/;
+    package main;
     use Test::More tests => 42;
-    use Test::HTTP::Server::Simple;
     my $s = My::WebServer->new;
-    my $url_root = started_ok($s, "start up my web server);
+    my $url_root = $s->started_ok("start up my web server);
     # connect to "$url_root/cool/site" and test with Test::WWW::Mechanize,
     # Test::HTML::Tidy, etc
@@ -33,14 +34,14 @@
-This module provides functions to test an L<HTTP::Server::Simple>-based web
-server.  Currently, it provides only one such function: C<started_ok>.
+This mixin class provides methods to test an L<HTTP::Server::Simple>-based web
+server.  Currently, it provides only one such method: C<started_ok>.
 =over 4 
-=item started_ok $server, [$text]
+=item started_ok [$text]
-C<started_ok> takes an instance of a subclass of L<HTTP::Server::Simple> and
+C<started_ok> takes 
 an optional test description.  The server needs to have been configured (specifically,
 its port needs to have been set), but it should not have been run or backgrounded.
 C<started_ok> calls C<background> on the server, which forks it to run in the background.
@@ -58,24 +59,41 @@
 $SIG{INT} = sub { exit };
 END {
-    kill 9, @CHILD_PIDS if @CHILD_PIDS;
+    kill 'USR1', @CHILD_PIDS if @CHILD_PIDS;
 sub started_ok {
-    my $server = shift;
+    my $self = shift;
     my $text   = shift;
     $text = 'started server' unless defined $text;
-    unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($server, 'HTTP::Server::Simple')) {
-	$Tester->ok(0, $text);
-	$Tester->diag("$server is not an HTTP::Server::Simple");
-	return;
-    } 
-    my $port = $server->port;
+    my $port = $self->port;
     my $pid;
+    $self->{'test_http_server_simple_parent_pid'} = $$;
+    my $child_loaded_yet = 0;
+    # So this is a little complicated.  The following signal handler does two
+    #
+    #  In the parent, it just sets $child_loaded_yet, which breaks out of the
+    #  while loop below.  It's activated by the kid sending it a SIGUSR1 after
+    #  it runs setup_listener
+    #
+    #  In the kid, it sets the variable, but that's basically pointless since
+    #  the call to ->background doesn't actually return in the kid.  But also,
+    #  it exits.  And when you actually exit with 'exit' (as opposed to being
+    #  killed by a signal) END blocks get run.  Which means that you can use
+    #  Devel::Cover to test the kid's coverage.  This one is activated by the
+    #  parent's END block in this file.
+    local $SIG{'USR1'} = sub { $child_loaded_yet = 1; exit unless $self->{'test_http_server_simple_parent_pid'} == $$ };
+    # XXX TODO FIXME should somehow not have the signal handler around in the
+    # kid
-    eval { $pid = $server->background; };
+    eval { $pid = $self->background; };
     if ($@) {
 	my $error_text = $@;  # In case the next line changes it.
@@ -92,9 +110,29 @@
     push @CHILD_PIDS, $pid;
+    $Tester->diag("Waiting for child to start up...");
+    1 while not $child_loaded_yet;
     $Tester->ok(1, $text);
     return "http://localhost:$port";
+=begin private
+=head2 setup_listener
+We send a signal to the parent here.  We need to use NEXT because this is a mixin.
+=end private
+sub setup_listener {
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->NEXT::setup_listener;
+    kill 'USR1', $self->{'test_http_server_simple_parent_pid'};

Modified: Test-HTTP-Server-Simple/t/01.basic.t
--- Test-HTTP-Server-Simple/t/01.basic.t	(original)
+++ Test-HTTP-Server-Simple/t/01.basic.t	Tue Aug  2 18:23:42 2005
@@ -1,42 +1,30 @@
-use Test::More tests => 11;
+use Test::More tests => 6;
 use Test::Builder::Tester;
-BEGIN { use_ok "Test::HTTP::Server::Simple" }
-BEGIN { use_ok "HTTP::Server::Simple" }
-ok(defined(&started_ok), "function 'started_ok' exported");
-test_out("not ok 1 - bar");
-test_diag("foo is not an HTTP::Server::Simple");
-started_ok("foo", "bar");
-test_test("first arg to started_ok must be an HTTP::Server::Simple");
 test_out("not ok 1 - baz");
 test_diag("HTTP::Server::Simple->background failed: random failure");
-started_ok(THSS::FailOnBackground->new(1234), "baz");
 test_test("detect background failure");
 test_out("not ok 1 - blop");
 test_diag("HTTP::Server::Simple->background didn't return a valid PID");
-started_ok(THSS::ReturnInvalidPid->new(4194), "blop");
 test_test("detect bad pid");
-BEGIN { use_ok "HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI" }
 test_out("ok 1 - beep");
-my $URL = started_ok(HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI->new(9583), "beep");
+my $URL = THSS::Good->new(9583)->started_ok("beep");
+test_diag("Waiting for child to start up...");
 test_test("start up correctly");
 is($URL, "http://localhost:9583");
 test_out("ok 1 - started server");
-$URL = started_ok(HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI->new(9384));
+$URL = THSS::Good->new(9384)->started_ok;
+test_diag("Waiting for child to start up...");
 test_test("start up correctly (with default message)");
 is($URL, "http://localhost:9384");
@@ -47,10 +35,12 @@
 package THSS::FailOnBackground;
-use base qw/HTTP::Server::Simple/;
+use base qw/Test::HTTP::Server::Simple HTTP::Server::Simple/;
 sub background { die "random failure\n" }
 package THSS::ReturnInvalidPid;
-use base qw/HTTP::Server::Simple/;
+use base qw/Test::HTTP::Server::Simple HTTP::Server::Simple/;
 sub background { return "" }
+package THSS::Good;
+use base qw/Test::HTTP::Server::Simple HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI/;

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