[Rt-commit] r18816 - rt/3.999/branches/config-in-db/share/html/Prefs

sunnavy at bestpractical.com sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Mon Mar 16 21:57:10 EDT 2009

Author: sunnavy
Date: Mon Mar 16 21:57:10 2009
New Revision: 18816


comment obsolete usage of customizing configs

Modified: rt/3.999/branches/config-in-db/share/html/Prefs/Other.html
--- rt/3.999/branches/config-in-db/share/html/Prefs/Other.html	(original)
+++ rt/3.999/branches/config-in-db/share/html/Prefs/Other.html	Mon Mar 16 21:57:10 2009
@@ -53,21 +53,22 @@
 <& /Elements/ListActions, actions => \@results &>
 <form method="post" action="Other.html">
-% foreach my $section( RT->config->sections ) {
-<&|/Widgets/TitleBox, title => _( $section ) &>
-% foreach my $option( RT->config->options( Section => $section ) ) {
-% my $meta = RT->config->meta( $option );
-<& $meta->{'widget'},
-    default      => 1,
-    %{ $m->comp('/Widgets/FinalizeWidgetArguments', widget_arguments =>
-            $meta->{'widget_arguments'} ) },
-    name         => $option,
-    default_value => scalar RT->config->get( $option ),
-    current_value => $preferences->{ $option },
-% }
-% }
+%# TODO: need to refactor this as jifty actions
+%# % foreach my $section( RT->config->sections ) {
+%# <&|/Widgets/TitleBox, title => _( $section ) &>
+%# % foreach my $option( RT->config->options( Section => $section ) ) {
+%# % my $meta = RT->config->meta( $option );
+%# <& $meta->{'widget'},
+%#     default      => 1,
+%#     %{ $m->comp('/Widgets/FinalizeWidgetArguments', widget_arguments =>
+%#             $meta->{'widget_arguments'} ) },
+%#     name         => $option,
+%#     default_value => scalar RT->config->get( $option ),
+%#     current_value => $preferences->{ $option },
+%# &>
+%# % }
+%# </&>
+%# % }
 % if ( RT->config->get('gnupg')->{'enable'} ) {
 <&|/Widgets/TitleBox, title => _( 'Cryptography' ) &>
@@ -92,14 +93,15 @@
 if ( $update ) {
     $preferences ||= {};
-    $m->comp( '/Widgets/BulkProcess', meta => {
-                map { $_ => RT->config->meta($_) } RT->config->options
-            },
-            store => $preferences,
-            types => [RT->config->options], default => 1, arguments => \%ARGS,
-            default_value => { map { $_ => RT->config->get($_) }
-                RT->config->options
-            }, );
+# TODO: need to refactor this as jifty actions
+#    $m->comp( '/Widgets/BulkProcess', meta => {
+#                map { $_ => RT->config->meta($_) } RT->config->options
+#            },
+#            store => $preferences,
+#            types => [RT->config->options], default => 1, arguments => \%ARGS,
+#            default_value => { map { $_ => RT->config->get($_) }
+#                RT->config->options
+#            }, );
     my ($ok, $msg) = $user_object->set_preferences( RT->system, $preferences );
     push @results, $ok ? _("Preferences saved.") : $msg;

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