[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.6/custom-date-ranges-config-in-web-ui, created. rt-4.4.4-724-gcb661b4f78

Michel Rodriguez michel at bestpractical.com
Tue Feb 4 13:59:49 EST 2020

The branch, 4.6/custom-date-ranges-config-in-web-ui has been created
        at  cb661b4f789d4ba8e8f243423c5613c4fa0a7678 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 699237332b7943142b5c8c6309fa396d384d4bf6
Author: michel <michel at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Mon Feb 3 14:56:10 2020 +0100

    Move CustomDateRanges to the Features section of the web config editor.

diff --git a/etc/RT_Config.pm.in b/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
index bc6f947b02..22bb840505 100644
--- a/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
+++ b/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
@@ -1757,119 +1757,6 @@ For C<RT::Asset>: C<Basics>, C<Dates>, C<People>, C<Links>
 Extensions may also add their own built-in groupings, refer to the individual
 extension documentation for those.
-=item C<%CustomDateRanges>
-This option lets you declare additional date ranges to be calculated
-and displayed in search results. Durations between any two core fields,
-as well as custom fields, are supported. Each custom date range is
-added as an additional display column in the search builder.
-Set C<%CustomDateRanges> to a nested structure similar to the following:
-    Set(%CustomDateRanges,
-        'RT::Ticket' => {
-            'Resolution Time' => 'Resolved - Created',
-            'Downtime' => {
-                value => 'CF.Recovered - CF.{First Alert}',
-                business_time => 1,
-            },
-            'Time To Beta' => {
-                value => 'CF.Beta - now',
-                format => sub {
-                    my ($duration, $beta, $now, $ticket) = @_;
-                    my $days = int($duration / (24*60*60));
-                    if ($days < 0) {
-                        $ticket->loc('[quant,_1,day,days] ago', -$days);
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        $ticket->loc('in [quant,_1,day,days]', $days);
-                    }
-                },
-            },
-        },
-    );
-The first level keys are record types. Each record type's value must be a
-hash reference. Each pair in the second-level hash defines a new range. The
-key is the range's name (which is displayed to users in the UI), and its
-value describes the range and must be either a string or a hashref.
-Values that are plain strings simply describe the calculation to be made.
-Values that are hashrefs that could include:
-=over 4
-=item value
-A string that describes the calculation to be made.
-The calculation is expected to be of the format C<"field - field"> where each
-field may be:
-=over 4
-=item * a core field
-For example, L<RT::Ticket> supports: Created, Starts, Started, LastUpdated,
-Told or LastContact, Due and Resolved.
-=item * a custom field
-You may use either C<CF.Name> or C<CF.{Longer Name}> syntax.
-=item * the word C<now>
-Custom date range calculations are defined using typical math operators with
-a space before and after. Subtraction (-) is currently supported.
-If either field and its corresponding fallback field(see blow) are both unset,
-then nothing will be displayed for that record (and the C<format> code
-reference will not be called).  If you need additional control over how
-results are calculated, see L<docs/customizing/search_result_columns.pod>.
-=item from and to
-When value is not set, C<from/to> will be used to calculate instead.
-Technically, C<Resolved - Created"> is equal to:
-    { from => 'Created', to => 'Resolved' }
-=item from_fallback and to_fallback
-Fallback fields when the main fields are unset, e.g.
-    {   from        => 'CF.{First Alert}',
-        to          => 'CF.Recovered',
-        to_fallback => 'now',
-    }
-When C<CF.Recovered> is unset, "now" will be used in the calculation.
-=item business_time
-A boolean value to indicate if it's a business time or not.
-When the schedule can't be deducted from corresponding object, the
-C<Default> one defined in C<%ServiceBusinessHours> will be used instead.
-=item format
-A code reference that allows customization of how the duration is displayed
-to users.  This code reference receives four parameters: the duration (a
-number of seconds), the end time (an L<RT::Date> object), the start time
-(another L<RT::Date>), and the record itself (which corresponds to the
-first-level key; in the example config above, it would be the L<RT::Ticket>
-object). The code reference should return the string to be displayed to the
 =item C<$CanonicalizeRedirectURLs>
 Set C<$CanonicalizeRedirectURLs> to 1 to use C<$WebURL> when
@@ -4538,6 +4425,127 @@ Set( %ServiceBusinessHours, );
+=head2 Custom Date Ranges
+=over 4
+=item C<%CustomDateRanges>
+This option lets you declare additional date ranges to be calculated
+and displayed in search results. Durations between any two core fields,
+as well as custom fields, are supported. Each custom date range is
+added as an additional display column in the search builder.
+Set C<%CustomDateRanges> to a nested structure similar to the following:
+    Set(%CustomDateRanges,
+        'RT::Ticket' => {
+            'Resolution Time' => 'Resolved - Created',
+            'Downtime' => {
+                value => 'CF.Recovered - CF.{First Alert}',
+                business_time => 1,
+            },
+            'Time To Beta' => {
+                value => 'CF.Beta - now',
+                format => sub {
+                    my ($duration, $beta, $now, $ticket) = @_;
+                    my $days = int($duration / (24*60*60));
+                    if ($days < 0) {
+                        $ticket->loc('[quant,_1,day,days] ago', -$days);
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        $ticket->loc('in [quant,_1,day,days]', $days);
+                    }
+                },
+            },
+        },
+    );
+The first level keys are record types. Each record type's value must be a
+hash reference. Each pair in the second-level hash defines a new range. The
+key is the range's name (which is displayed to users in the UI), and its
+value describes the range and must be either a string or a hashref.
+Values that are plain strings simply describe the calculation to be made.
+Values that are hashrefs that could include:
+=over 4
+=item value
+A string that describes the calculation to be made.
+The calculation is expected to be of the format C<"field - field"> where each
+field may be:
+=over 4
+=item * a core field
+For example, L<RT::Ticket> supports: Created, Starts, Started, LastUpdated,
+Told or LastContact, Due and Resolved.
+=item * a custom field
+You may use either C<CF.Name> or C<CF.{Longer Name}> syntax.
+=item * the word C<now>
+Custom date range calculations are defined using typical math operators with
+a space before and after. Subtraction (-) is currently supported.
+If either field and its corresponding fallback field(see blow) are both unset,
+then nothing will be displayed for that record (and the C<format> code
+reference will not be called).  If you need additional control over how
+results are calculated, see L<docs/customizing/search_result_columns.pod>.
+=item from and to
+When value is not set, C<from/to> will be used to calculate instead.
+Technically, C<Resolved - Created"> is equal to:
+    { from => 'Created', to => 'Resolved' }
+=item from_fallback and to_fallback
+Fallback fields when the main fields are unset, e.g.
+    {   from        => 'CF.{First Alert}',
+        to          => 'CF.Recovered',
+        to_fallback => 'now',
+    }
+When C<CF.Recovered> is unset, "now" will be used in the calculation.
+=item business_time
+A boolean value to indicate if it's a business time or not.
+When the schedule can't be deducted from corresponding object, the
+C<Default> one defined in C<%ServiceBusinessHours> will be used instead.
+=item format
+A code reference that allows customization of how the duration is displayed
+to users.  This code reference receives four parameters: the duration (a
+number of seconds), the end time (an L<RT::Date> object), the start time
+(another L<RT::Date>), and the record itself (which corresponds to the
+first-level key; in the example config above, it would be the L<RT::Ticket>
+object). The code reference should return the string to be displayed to the

commit 20a5d34e03f3e036bc7284a36f2bcd177f10f5cd
Author: michel <michel at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Tue Feb 4 17:28:33 2020 +0100

    First stab at displaying both types of CustomDateRanges in the config tab.

diff --git a/lib/RT/Config.pm b/lib/RT/Config.pm
index 9a71a48b81..46a57e81c5 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Config.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Config.pm
@@ -1190,6 +1190,8 @@ our %META;
     CustomDateRanges => {
         Type            => 'HASH',
+        WidgetArguments => { Hints  => 'Custom Data Ranges in the data base can be edited through the query editor', }, # loc
+        Dual  => 1,
         PostLoadCheck   => sub {
             my $config = shift;
             # use scalar context intentionally to avoid not a hash error
diff --git a/share/html/Admin/Tools/Config/Elements/Option b/share/html/Admin/Tools/Config/Elements/Option
index 41617d0b44..4879cc7519 100644
--- a/share/html/Admin/Tools/Config/Elements/Option
+++ b/share/html/Admin/Tools/Config/Elements/Option
@@ -72,6 +72,18 @@ return if $name =~ /Password/i && $name !~ /MinimumPasswordLength/;
 my $has_execute_code = $session{CurrentUser}->HasRight(Right => 'ExecuteCode', Object => RT->System);
 my $raw_value = RT->Config->Get( $name );
+if ( $meta->{Dual} ) {
+    my $attribute = RT->System->FirstAttribute( $name );
+    if ( $attribute ) {
+        # this actually does not work for CustomDateRanges when they have all been deleted
+        # since the top level ('RT::Ticket') may still exists, even though it's empty
+        if ( my $value_in_attribute = $attribute->Content ) {
+            $raw_value = { 'In Config Files'  => $raw_value,
+                           'In Data Base'     => $value_in_attribute,
+            };
+        }
+    }
 my $val = $stringify->($raw_value);
 my $doc_url = "https://docs.bestpractical.com/rt/$doc_version/RT_Config.html#$option->{Help}";
 my $widget = $meta->{'Widget'} || '/Widgets/Form/Code';

commit 5f7cad77500578c21afd10b8fdd8fe8f79db626a
Author: michel <michel at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Tue Feb 4 19:56:45 2020 +0100

    Display Dual values in Config display page

diff --git a/share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html b/share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html
index 1cc1ed7899..5e91a01751 100644
--- a/share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html
+++ b/share/html/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ foreach my $key ( RT->Config->Options( Overridable => undef, Sorted => 0 ) ) {
     else {
         $description = loc("core config");
-    }
+    } 
   <div class="form-row <% $index_conf%2 ? 'oddline' : 'evenline'%>">
@@ -105,6 +105,31 @@ foreach my $key ( RT->Config->Options( Overridable => undef, Sorted => 0 ) ) {
 % }
+# dual options live both in the config files _and_ as an attribute
+# display the attribute
+my $dual_value;
+if ( $meta->{Dual} ) {
+    my $attribute = RT->System->FirstAttribute( $key );
+    if ( $attribute ) {
+        $dual_value = $attribute->Content;
+        $index_conf++;
+        $description = loc("database");
+    }
+% if ( defined $dual_value ) {
+  <div class="form-row <% $index_conf%2 ? 'oddline' : 'evenline'%>">
+    <div class="col-md-4 collection-as-table value"><% $key %></div>
+    <div class="col-md-4 collection-as-table value">
+      <% stringify($dual_value) |n %>\
+    </div>
+    <div class="col-md-4 collection-as-table value">
+      <% $description %>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+% }
 % }

commit cb661b4f789d4ba8e8f243423c5613c4fa0a7678
Author: michel <michel at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Tue Feb 4 17:34:01 2020 +0100

    Hide the [Custom Data Ranges] menu entry for users who don't have the rights.

diff --git a/lib/RT/Interface/Web/MenuBuilder.pm b/lib/RT/Interface/Web/MenuBuilder.pm
index 41b6b4c2c3..56d525fe1e 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Interface/Web/MenuBuilder.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Interface/Web/MenuBuilder.pm
@@ -547,7 +547,8 @@ sub BuildMainNav {
         $current_search_menu->child( advanced =>
             title => loc('Advanced'),    path => "/Search/Edit.html$args" );
         $current_search_menu->child( custom_date_ranges =>
-            title => loc('Custom Date Ranges'), path => "/Search/CustomDateRanges.html" ) if $class eq 'RT::Tickets';
+            title => loc('Custom Date Ranges'), path => "/Search/CustomDateRanges.html" )
+                if $class eq 'RT::Tickets' && $current_user->HasRight( Object=> RT->System, Right => 'SuperUser');
         if ($has_query) {
             $current_search_menu->child( results => title => loc('Show Results'), path => "/Search/Results.html$args" );


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