[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.4/add-ldap-email-authentication, repushed

Blaine Motsinger blaine at bestpractical.com
Fri Jan 29 15:03:22 EST 2021

The branch 4.4/add-ldap-email-authentication was deleted and repushed:
       was 0d25844552b4b92481edcdf24dab918578981847
       now f0a107b699e5f9eaf1abe87a9ace08cbe71655a0

1: 2fe0f25870 ! 1: ed3ec68cfc Add LDAP email authentication
    @@ -17,11 +17,21 @@
     --- a/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm
     +++ b/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm
    +         # safely bypass the password checking later on; primarily because
    +         # it's VERY unlikely we even have a password to check if an SSO succeeded.
    +         my $pass_bypass = 0;
    ++        my $exists;
    +         if(defined($username)) {
    +             $RT::Logger->debug("Pass not going to be checked, attempting SSO");
    +             $pass_bypass = 1;
                  # Don't continue unless the $username exists in the external service
                  $RT::Logger->debug("Calling UserExists with \$username ($username) and \$service ($service)");
     -            next unless RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::UserExists($username, $service);
    -+            next unless RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::UserExists($username, $service, $session);
    ++            $exists = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::UserExists($username, $service) or next;
    ++            # TODO: we should last here if UserExists was a success
    @@ -31,52 +41,34 @@
              $session->{'CurrentUser'} = RT::CurrentUser->new();
     -        $session->{'CurrentUser'}->Load($username);
    -+        # if the LDAP search in LDAP::UserExists matched using EmailAddress instead of
    -+        # Name, load the RT user with that instead.
    -+        if ($session->{'_ldap_attr_match'} && $session->{'_ldap_attr_match'} eq 'EmailAddress') {
    ++        if ( ref $exists && defined $exists->{'EmailAddress'} && $exists->{'EmailAddress'} eq $username ) {
     +            $session->{'CurrentUser'}->LoadByEmail($username);
     +        }
     +        else {
     +            $session->{'CurrentUser'}->Load($username);
     +        }
    -+        delete $session->{'_ldap_attr_match'};
    ++        # If LDAP search found the user, and Name was returned, ensure $username is set to Name.
    ++        # We want to try and ensure the autocreated user below has Name as name and not EmailAddress.
    ++        if ( ref $exists && $exists->{'Name'} ) {
    ++            $username = $exists->{'Name'};
    ++        }
              # Unless we have loaded a valid user with a UserID create one.
              unless ($session->{'CurrentUser'}->Id) {
    -     # Request a username/password check from the specified service
    -     # This is only valid for non-SSO services.
    --    my ($username,$service) = @_;
    -+    my ($username,$service,$session) = @_;
    -     my $success = 0;
    -     if ($config->{'type'} eq 'db') {
    -         $success = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI::UserExists($username,$service);
    -     } elsif ($config->{'type'} eq 'ldap') {
    --        $success = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP::UserExists($username,$service);
    -+        $success = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP::UserExists($username,$service,$session);
    -     }
    -     return $success;
     diff --git a/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/LDAP.pm b/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/LDAP.pm
     --- a/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/LDAP.pm
     +++ b/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/LDAP.pm
    -     my $group_attr_val  = $config->{'group_attr_value'} || 'dn';
          my $group_scope     = $config->{'group_scope'} || 'base';
          my $attr_map        = $config->{'attr_map'};
    --    my @attrs           = ('dn');
    +     my @attrs           = ('dn');
     +    my $attr_match_list = $config->{'attr_match_list'};
    -+    my @attrs;
     +    foreach my $attr_match (@{$attr_match_list}) {
     +        push @attrs, $attr_map->{$attr_match}
    -+            if exists $attr_map->{$attr_match} && $attr_map->{$attr_match};
    ++            if exists $attr_map->{$attr_match} && defined $attr_map->{$attr_match};
     +    }
          # Make sure we fetch the user attribute we'll need for the group check
    @@ -96,7 +88,7 @@
     +    # loop over each of the attr_match_list members for LDAP search
     +    my $ldap_msg;
     +    foreach my $attr_match ( @{$attr_match_list} ) {
    -+        unless ( exists $attr_map->{$attr_match} && $attr_map->{$attr_match} ) {
    ++        unless ( exists $attr_map->{$attr_match} && defined $attr_map->{$attr_match} ) {
     +            $RT::Logger->error( "Invalid LDAP mapping for $attr_match, no defined fields in attr_map" );
     +            next;
     +        }
    @@ -212,15 +204,6 @@
    - }
    - sub UserExists {
    --    my ($username,$service) = @_;
    -+    my ($username,$service,$session) = @_;
    -    $RT::Logger->debug("UserExists params:\nusername: $username , service: $service");
    -     my $config              = RT->Config->Get('ExternalSettings')->{$service};
          # but there's no harm in doing this to be sure
          undef $filter if defined $filter and $filter eq "()";
    @@ -240,19 +223,34 @@
     +    my @attrs;
     +    foreach my $attr_match (@{$attr_match_list}) {
     +        push @attrs, $attr_map->{$attr_match}
    -+            if exists $attr_map->{$attr_match} && $attr_map->{$attr_match};
    ++            if exists $attr_map->{$attr_match} && defined $attr_map->{$attr_match};
     -    my $ldap = _GetBoundLdapObj($config);
     -    return unless $ldap;
    ++    # Ensure we try to get back a Name value from LDAP on the initial LDAP search.
    ++    my $name_attr;
    ++    if ( defined $attr_map->{'Name'} ) {
    ++        push @attrs, $attr_map->{'Name'};
    ++        $name_attr = $attr_map->{'Name'};
    ++    }
    +-    my @attrs = values(%{$config->{'attr_map'}});
     +    # loop over each of the attr_match_list members for the initial lookup
     +    foreach my $attr_match ( @{$attr_match_list} ) {
    -+        unless ( exists $attr_map->{$attr_match} && $attr_map->{$attr_match} ) {
    ++        unless ( exists $attr_map->{$attr_match} && defined $attr_map->{$attr_match} ) {
     +            $RT::Logger->error( "Invalid LDAP mapping for $attr_match, no defined fields in attr_map" );
     +            next;
     +        }
    --    my @attrs = values(%{$config->{'attr_map'}});
    +-    # Check that the user exists in the LDAP service
    +-    $RT::Logger->debug( "LDAP Search === ",
    +-                        "Base:",
    +-                        $base,
    +-                        "== Filter:",
    +-                        ($filter ? $filter->as_string : ''),
    +-                        "== Attrs:",
    +-                        join(',', at attrs));
     +        my $search_filter = Net::LDAP::Filter->new(
     +            '(&' .
     +            $filter .
    @@ -263,28 +261,11 @@
     +            '))'
     +        );
    --    # Check that the user exists in the LDAP service
    --    $RT::Logger->debug( "LDAP Search === ",
    --                        "Base:",
    --                        $base,
    --                        "== Filter:",
    --                        ($filter ? $filter->as_string : ''),
    --                        "== Attrs:",
    --                        join(',', at attrs));
    -+        my $ldap = _GetBoundLdapObj($config);
    -+        return unless $ldap;
     -    my $user_found = $ldap->search( base    => $base,
     -                                    filter  => $filter,
     -                                    attrs   => \@attrs);
    -+        # Check that the user exists in the LDAP service
    -+        $RT::Logger->debug( "LDAP Search === ",
    -+                            "Base:",
    -+                            $base,
    -+                            "== Filter:",
    -+                            ($search_filter ? $search_filter->as_string : ''),
    -+                            "== Attrs:",
    -+                            join(',', at attrs) );
    ++        my $ldap = _GetBoundLdapObj($config);
    ++        return unless $ldap;
     -    if($user_found->count < 1) {
     -        # If 0 or negative integer, no user found or major failure
    @@ -302,6 +283,15 @@
     -                            $username,
     -                            "More than one user with that username!");
     -        return 0;
    ++        # Check that the user exists in the LDAP service
    ++        $RT::Logger->debug( "LDAP Search === ",
    ++                            "Base:",
    ++                            $base,
    ++                            "== Filter:",
    ++                            ($search_filter ? $search_filter->as_string : ''),
    ++                            "== Attrs:",
    ++                            join(',', at attrs) );
     +        my $user_found = $ldap->search( base   => $base,
     +                                        filter => $search_filter,
     +                                        attrs  => \@attrs );
    @@ -336,11 +326,18 @@
     +        }
     +        else {
     +            # User was found
    -+            # RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DoAuth needs to be able to load by either User or EmailAddress.
    -+            # store the key that matched into the session so DoAuth can use the correct one.
    -+            $session->{'_ldap_attr_match'} = $attr_match;
    -+            return 1;
    ++            my $match = {
    ++                $attr_match => $username,
    ++            };
    ++            if ( $attr_match ne 'Name' && $name_attr ) {
    ++                my $ldap_entry = $user_found->first_entry;
    ++                my $name_value = $ldap_entry->get_value($name_attr);
    ++                $match->{'Name'} = $name_value;
    ++            }
    ++            return $match;
     +        }
     -    undef $user_found;
    @@ -353,106 +350,4 @@
      sub UserDisabled {
    -     my $base            = $config->{'base'};
    -     my $filter          = $config->{'filter'};
    -     my $d_filter        = $config->{'d_filter'};
    --    my $search_filter;
    -     # While LDAP filters must be surrounded by parentheses, an empty set
    -     # of parentheses is an invalid filter and will cause failure
    -         return 0;
    -     }
    --    if (defined($config->{'attr_map'}->{'Name'})) {
    -+    my $attr_map        = $config->{'attr_map'};
    -+    my $attr_match_list = $config->{'attr_match_list'};
    -+    my @attrs;
    -+    foreach my $attr_match (@{$attr_match_list}) {
    -+        push @attrs, $attr_map->{$attr_match}
    -+            if exists $attr_map->{$attr_match} && $attr_map->{$attr_match};
    -+    }
    -+    # loop over each of the attr_match_list members for the initial lookup
    -+    foreach my $attr_match ( @{$attr_match_list} ) {
    -+        unless ( exists $attr_map->{$attr_match} && $attr_map->{$attr_match} ) {
    -+            $RT::Logger->debug( "You haven't specified an LDAP attribute to match the RT $attr_match attribute for this service ($service), so it's impossible look up the disabled status of this user ($username)" );
    -+            next;
    -+        }
    -         # Construct the complex filter
    --        $search_filter = Net::LDAP::Filter->new(   '(&' .
    -+        my $search_filter = Net::LDAP::Filter->new( '(&' .
    -                                                     $filter .
    -                                                     $d_filter .
    -                                                     '(' .
    --                                                    $config->{'attr_map'}->{'Name'} .
    -+                                                    $attr_map->{$attr_match} .
    -                                                     '=' .
    -                                                     escape_filter_value($username) .
    -                                                     '))'
    -                                                 );
    --    } else {
    --        $RT::Logger->debug("You haven't specified an LDAP attribute to match the RT \"Name\" attribute for this service (",
    --                            $service,
    --                            "), so it's impossible look up the disabled status of this user (",
    --                            $username,
    --                            ") so I'm just going to assume the user is not disabled");
    --        return 0;
    --    }
    --    my $ldap = _GetBoundLdapObj($config);
    --    next unless $ldap;
    --    # We only need the UID for confirmation now,
    --    # the other information would waste time and bandwidth
    --    my @attrs = ('uid');
    -+        my $ldap = _GetBoundLdapObj($config);
    -+        next unless $ldap;
    --    $RT::Logger->debug( "LDAP Search === ",
    --                        "Base:",
    --                        $base,
    --                        "== Filter:",
    --                        ($search_filter ? $search_filter->as_string : ''),
    --                        "== Attrs:",
    --                        join(',', at attrs));
    -+        $RT::Logger->debug( "LDAP Search === ",
    -+                            "Base:",
    -+                            $base,
    -+                            "== Filter:",
    -+                            ($search_filter ? $search_filter->as_string : ''),
    -+                            "== Attrs:",
    -+                            join(',', at attrs));
    --    my $disabled_users = $ldap->search(base   => $base,
    --                                       filter => $search_filter,
    --                                       attrs  => \@attrs);
    --    # If ANY results are returned,
    --    # we are going to assume the user should be disabled
    --    if ($disabled_users->count) {
    --        undef $disabled_users;
    --        return 1;
    --    } else {
    --        undef $disabled_users;
    --        return 0;
    -+        my $disabled_users = $ldap->search(base   => $base,
    -+                                           filter => $search_filter,
    -+                                           attrs  => \@attrs);
    -+        # If ANY results are returned,
    -+        # we are going to assume the user should be disabled
    -+        if ($disabled_users->count) {
    -+            return 1;
    -+        } else {
    -+            next;
    -+        }
    -     }
    -+    return 0;
    - }
    - # {{{ sub _GetBoundLdapObj
2: 0d25844552 = 2: f0a107b699 Add test for LDAP attr search and match

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