[rt-devel] 1.3.27 DB Problems

Thomas Bendler ml at bendler-net.de
Mon Dec 18 14:48:07 EST 2000

Hello *,

I've got problems to get RT 1.2.37 to work. My system is a red hat
7.0 running mysql 3.23.24-beta. Perl is version 5.6, all modules
installed, perl bin/testdeps.pl results no errors. The Makefile is
(IMHO) correctly set up. The following error pop up after make

<----------------------- begin cut ---------------------->
mkdir -p /usr/local/rt2/bin
mkdir -p /usr/local/rt2/WebRT/data
mkdir -p /usr/local/rt2/etc
mkdir -p /usr/local/rt2/lib
mkdir -p /usr/local/rt2/WebRT/html
# We don't need to do this anymore. all we want to copy is config.pm
# That gets done elsewhere
#cp -rp ./etc/* /usr/local/rt2/etc
/usr/bin/perl   tools/initdb 'mysql' '/usr' 'localhost' 'root' 'rt2'
Enter the mysql password for root:

Database creation parameters:

DB_TYPE         = mysql
DB_HOME         = /usr
DB_HOST         = localhost
DB_DBA          = root
DB_DBA_PASSWORD = <hidden>
DB_DATABASE     = rt2

About to drop mysql database rt2.
WARNING: This will erase all data in rt2.
If you have an existing RT 2.x installation, this will destory all
your data.
Proceed [y/N]:y

Dropping mysql database rt2.
Use of uninitialized value in warn at tools/initdb line 52, <STDIN>
line 2.
Warning: something's wrong at tools/initdb line 52, <STDIN> line 2.

Creating mysql database rt2.
Use of uninitialized value in die at tools/initdb line 56, <STDIN>
line 2.
Died at tools/initdb line 56, <STDIN> line 2.
make: *** [database] Fehler 2
<------------------------ end cut ----------------------->

Can anybody help me?

... may the Tux be with you! =Thomas=
Thomas Bendler           \\://                      ml at bendler-net.de
Billwiese 22             (o -)             http://www.bendler-net.de/
21033 Hamburg      ---ooO-(_)-Ooo---          tel.: 0 177 - 277 37 61
Germany                                    Linux, enjoy the ride ...!

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