[rt-devel] RT 1.1 Mailgate is functional

Jesse jesse at pallas.eruditorum.org
Wed Mar 1 23:21:59 EST 2000

erial Number: 10   Status:open Worked: 0 minutes  Queue:
      Subject: [rt-commit] CVS commit: rt
   Requestors: jesse+fsck at fsck.com
     Priority:  / 
          Due: Never
      Created: Mon Jan 18 22:14:07 2038 (Ticket->Age unimplemented
) ago)
 Last Contact: Never (Ticket->SinceTold unimplemented ago)
  Last Update: Never by 

Date: 20000302180805 (0 minutes)
Request created by jesse+fsck at fsck.com
From: jesse+fsck at fsck.com
To: cvs-commit at fsck.com
Subject: [rt-commit] CVS commit: rt  

This is a test
wow! i can create things.
Date: 20000302180934 (0 minutes)
Comments added by jesse+fsck at fsck.com
From: jesse+fsck at fsck.com
To: cvs-commit at fsck.com
Subject: [test #10] Autoreply: [rt-commit] CVS commit: rt  

This is a test
wow! i can create things.
Date: 20000302180948 (0 minutes)
Comments added by jesse+fsck at fsck.com
From: jesse+fsck at fsck.com
To: cvs-commit at fsck.com
Subject: [test #10] Autoreply: [rt-commit] CVS commit: rt  

This is a test
wow! i can create things.
Date: 20000302181210 (0 minutes)
Mail sent by jesse+fsck at fsck.com
From: jesse+fsck at fsck.com
To: cvs-commit at fsck.com
Subject: [test #10] Autoreply: [rt-commit] CVS commit: rt  

This is a test
wow! i can create things.

jesse reed vincent -- jrvincent at wesleyan.edu -- jesse at fsck.com 
pgp keyprint:  50 41 9C 03 D0 BC BC C8 2C B9 77 26 6F E1 EB 91
"Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
phasers on the Heffalump, Piglet, meet me in transporter room three"

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