[rt-devel] RT fixes and changes (still 1.0.1)

Marco Nijdam marco at West.NL
Mon Mar 6 06:46:51 EST 2000

Sorry, forgot the diffs. They are attached.

Kind regards,
-- Marco Nijdam,       marco at west.nl
-- West Consulting bv, Bagijnhof 80,  2611 AR  Delft, The Netherlands
--                     P.O. Box 3318, 2601 DH  Delft
-- Tel: +31 15 219 1600, Fax: +31 15 214 7889
-------------- next part --------------
Index: rt/lib/rt/database/manipulate.pm
diff -c rt/lib/rt/database/manipulate.pm: rt/lib/rt/database/manipulate.pm:1.2
*** rt/lib/rt/database/manipulate.pm:	Wed Feb  9 12:19:57 2000
--- rt/lib/rt/database/manipulate.pm	Tue Feb 15 15:55:38 2000
*** 1,4 ****
! # $Header: /source/util/REPOS/rt/lib/rt/database/manipulate.pm,v 2000/02/09 11:19:57 marco Exp $
  package rt;
--- 1,4 ----
! # $Header: /source/util/REPOS/rt/lib/rt/database/manipulate.pm,v 1.2 2000/02/15 14:55:38 marco Exp $
  package rt;
*** 228,233 ****
--- 228,256 ----
      return ($transaction_num,"Your comments have been recorded.");
+ sub change_status {
+     my  ($in_serial_num, $in_current_user, $in_new_status) = @_;
+     my ($transaction_num);
+     if (!(&can_manipulate_request($in_serial_num,$in_current_user))) {
+ 	return (0,"You don't have permission to modify request \#$in_serial_num");
+     }
+     if (!defined($in_new_status) || $in_new_status eq '') {
+ 	return (0,"Internal error: no status specified when changing status for request \#$in_serial_num");
+     } elsif ($in_new_status eq 'resolved') {
+         return &resolve($in_serial_num, $in_current_user);
+     } elsif ($in_new_status eq 'open') {
+         return &open($in_serial_num, $in_current_user);
+     } elsif ($in_new_status eq 'stalled') {
+         return &stall($in_serial_num, $in_current_user);
+     } elsif ($in_new_status eq 'dead') {
+         return &kill($in_serial_num, $in_current_user);
+     }
+     # else: change to any other status
+     $transaction_num=&update_request($in_serial_num,'status', $in_new_status, $in_current_user);
+     return ($transaction_num,"Request #$in_serial_num has status changed to $in_new_status.");
+ }
  sub resolve {
      my  ($in_serial_num, $in_current_user) = @_;
      my ($transaction_num);
*** 423,428 ****
--- 446,488 ----
  	return(0, "You can not change the ownership of a request  owned by somebody else.");
+ #change the ownership of a request, even if it is owned by somebody else.
+ sub give_with_steal {
+     my  ($in_serial_num, $in_owner, $in_current_user) = @_;
+     my ($transaction_num);
+     my $qid;
+     my $requestors;
+     if (!(&can_manipulate_request($in_serial_num,$in_current_user))) {
+ 	return (0,"You do not have access to modify request \#$in_serial_num");
+     }
+     if ($in_owner eq $req[$in_serial_num]{owner}) {
+ 	return(0,"$in_owner already owns request \#$in_serial_num.");
+     }
+     # can_manipulate_request sets req, so next this after that.
+     if (($in_owner eq '') || ($req[$in_serial_num]{'owner'} eq '') 
+     		|| ($req[$in_serial_num]{'owner'} eq $in_current_user)) {
+         return(&give ($in_serial_num, $in_owner, $in_current_user));
+     }
+     if (!(&can_manipulate_request($in_serial_num,$in_owner))) {
+ 	return (0,"$in_owner does not have access to modify requests in this queue");
+     }    
+     $qid = $req[$in_serial_num]{queue_id};
+     $requestors = $req[$in_serial_num]{requestors};
+     $in_subject = $req[$in_serial_num]{subject};
+     $transaction_num=&update_request($in_serial_num,'owner',$in_owner, $in_current_user);
+     &rt::template_mail('give',$qid,$rt::users{$in_owner}{email},"","", "$in_serial_num" ,
+ 		       "$transaction_num","$in_subject","$in_current_user",'');
+     return ($transaction_num, "Request #$in_serial_num stolen and given to $in_owner.");
+ }
  sub untake {
      my  ($in_serial_num, $in_current_user) = @_;
      return(&give ($in_serial_num, "", $in_current_user));
Index: rt/lib/rt/ui/cli/manipulate.pm
diff -c rt/lib/rt/ui/cli/manipulate.pm: rt/lib/rt/ui/cli/manipulate.pm:1.2
*** rt/lib/rt/ui/cli/manipulate.pm:	Wed Feb  9 12:19:56 2000
--- rt/lib/rt/ui/cli/manipulate.pm	Tue Feb 15 15:57:29 2000
*** 193,198 ****
--- 193,216 ----
  	    print "$message\n";
+ 	elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-accept")	{
+ 	    $serial_num=int($ARGV[++$i]);
+ 	    ($trans,$message)=&rt::change_status($serial_num, $current_user, 'accepted');
+ 	    print "$message\n";
+ 	}
+ 	elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-assign")	{
+ 	    $serial_num=int($ARGV[++$i]);
+ 	    $owner=$ARGV[++$i];
+ 	    ($trans,  $message)=&rt::give($serial_num, $owner, $current_user);
+ 	    print "$message\n";
+ 	    # only continue if transaction succeeded
+ 	    if ($trans > 0) {
+ 		($trans,$message)=&rt::change_status($serial_num, $current_user, 'assigned');
+ 		print "$message\n";
+ 	    }
+ 	}
      else {
*** 300,305 ****
--- 318,325 ----
      RT CLI Flags and their arguments
      -create		  Interactively create a new request
+     -accept <num>	  Change <num>'s status to accepted
+     -assign <num> <user>  Change <num>'s status to assigned, make <user> owner
      -resolve <num>	  Change <num>'s status to resolved
      -open <num>		  Change <num>'s status to open
      -stall <num>	  Change <num>'s status to stalled
Index: rt/lib/rt/ui/cli/query.pm
diff -c rt/lib/rt/ui/cli/query.pm: rt/lib/rt/ui/cli/query.pm:1.2
*** rt/lib/rt/ui/cli/query.pm:	Wed Feb  9 12:19:56 2000
--- rt/lib/rt/ui/cli/query.pm	Tue Feb 15 15:57:29 2000
*** 1,4 ****
! # $Header: /source/util/REPOS/rt/lib/rt/ui/cli/query.pm,v 2000/02/09 11:19:56 marco Exp $
  package rt::ui::cli::query;
--- 1,4 ----
! # $Header: /source/util/REPOS/rt/lib/rt/ui/cli/query.pm,v 1.2 2000/02/15 14:57:29 marco Exp $
  package rt::ui::cli::query;
*** 158,163 ****
--- 158,177 ----
  	       $status_ops .= " status =  \'open\'" ;
+ 	   if ($ARGV[$i] eq '-accepted'){
+ 	       if ($status_ops){
+ 		   $status_ops .= " OR ";
+ 	       }
+ 	       $status_ops .= " status =  \'accepted\'" ;
+ 	   }
+ 	   if ($ARGV[$i] eq '-assigned'){
+ 	       if ($status_ops){
+ 		   $status_ops .= " OR ";
+ 	       }
+ 	       $status_ops .= " status =  \'assigned\'" ;
+ 	   }
  	   if (($ARGV[$i] eq '-resolved') or ($ARGV[$i] eq '-closed')){
  	       if ($status_ops){
  		   $status_ops .= " OR ";
*** 259,264 ****
--- 273,280 ----
             -unowned          lists unowned requests
             -user <user>      lists all requests made by <user>
             -open             lists only the open requests
+            -accepted         lists accepted requests
+            -assigned         lists assigned requests
             -resolved         lists resolved requests
             -stalled          lists stalled requests
             -dead             lists killed requests
Index: rt/lib/rt/ui/mail/manipulate.pm
diff -c rt/lib/rt/ui/mail/manipulate.pm: rt/lib/rt/ui/mail/manipulate.pm:1.2
*** rt/lib/rt/ui/mail/manipulate.pm:	Wed Feb  9 12:19:56 2000
--- rt/lib/rt/ui/mail/manipulate.pm	Tue Feb 15 15:58:36 2000
*** 324,331 ****
          %RT SET final <num> <prio>
          will set request <num>'s final priority to <prio>.
!         %RT SET status <num> (open|closed|stalled|dead yes)
!         will set request <num>'s status to (open|closed|stalled|dead).
          %RT SET user <num> <email>
          will set request <num>'s requestor(s) to the comma-delineated,
--- 324,331 ----
          %RT SET final <num> <prio>
          will set request <num>'s final priority to <prio>.
!         %RT SET status <num> (open|accepted|assigned|closed|stalled|dead yes)
!         will set request <num>'s status to (open|accepted|assigned|closed|stalled|dead).
          %RT SET user <num> <email>
          will set request <num>'s requestor(s) to the comma-delineated,
*** 517,522 ****
--- 517,530 ----
              elsif ($status =~ /open/i) {
                ($trans,  $message)=&rt::open($serial_num, $current_user);
+             }
+             elsif ($status =~ /accept/i)  {
+               ($trans,  $message)=&rt::change_status($serial_num, $current_user, 'accepted');
+             }
+             elsif ($status =~ /assign/i)  {
+               ($trans,  $message)=&rt::change_status($serial_num, $current_user, 'assigned');
              elsif ($status =~ /resolv/i)  {
Index: rt/lib/rt/ui/web/admin.pm
diff -c rt/lib/rt/ui/web/admin.pm: rt/lib/rt/ui/web/admin.pm:1.2
*** rt/lib/rt/ui/web/admin.pm:	Wed Feb  9 12:19:56 2000
--- rt/lib/rt/ui/web/admin.pm	Tue Feb 15 16:03:41 2000
*** 1,4 ****
! # $Header: /source/util/REPOS/rt/lib/rt/ui/web/admin.pm,v 2000/02/09 11:19:56 marco Exp $
  # (c) 1996-1999 Jesse Vincent <jesse at fsck.com>
  # This software is redistributable under the terms of the GNU GPL
--- 1,4 ----
! # $Header: /source/util/REPOS/rt/lib/rt/ui/web/admin.pm,v 1.2 2000/02/15 15:03:41 marco Exp $
  # (c) 1996-1999 Jesse Vincent <jesse at fsck.com>
  # This software is redistributable under the terms of the GNU GPL
*** 234,248 ****
  sub FormModifyUser{
      my ($user_id) = @_;
        if (!&rt::is_a_user($user_id)) {
  	&page_head("Create a new user called <b>$user_id</b>");
      elsif  ($user_id eq $current_user){
        &page_head("Modify your own attributes");
!     else {
        &page_head("Modify the user <b>$user_id</b>");
--- 234,256 ----
  sub FormModifyUser{
      my ($user_id) = @_;
+     my ($can_modify_user) = 0;
+     if ($rt::users{$current_user}{admin_rt}) {
+       $can_modify_user = 1;
+     }
        if (!&rt::is_a_user($user_id)) {
  	&page_head("Create a new user called <b>$user_id</b>");
      elsif  ($user_id eq $current_user){
        &page_head("Modify your own attributes");
+       $can_modify_user = 1;
!     elsif ($can_modify_user) {
        &page_head("Modify the user <b>$user_id</b>");
+     } else {
+       &page_head("View the user <b>$user_id</b>");
*** 270,276 ****
  Real name:   
! <input name=\"real_name\" size=30 value=\"$rt::users{$user_id}{real_name}\">
--- 278,290 ----
  Real name:   
! ";
!     if ($can_modify_user) {
!       print "<input name=\"real_name\" size=30 value=\"$rt::users{$user_id}{real_name}\">";
!     } else {
!       print $rt::users{$user_id}{real_name};
!     }
!     print "
*** 278,286 ****
! <input name=\"email\" size=30 value=\"$rt::users{$user_id}{email}\">
--- 292,309 ----
! ";
!     if ($can_modify_user) {
!       print "<input name=\"email\" size=30 value=\"$rt::users{$user_id}{email}\">";
!     } else {
!       print $rt::users{$user_id}{email};
!     }
!     print "
+ ";
+     if ($can_modify_user) {
+       print "
*** 288,300 ****
  <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\" size=15><font size=\"-2\">(leave blank unless you want to change)</font>
! </tr>
! <input name=\"phone\" size=30 value=\"$rt::users{$user_id}{phone}\">
--- 311,331 ----
  <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\" size=15><font size=\"-2\">(leave blank unless you want to change)</font>
! </tr>";
!     }
!     print "
! ";
!     if ($can_modify_user) {
!       print "<input name=\"phone\" size=30 value=\"$rt::users{$user_id}{phone}\">";
!     } else {
!       print $rt::users{$user_id}{phone};
!     }
!     print "
*** 302,308 ****
! <input name=\"office\" size=30 value=\"$rt::users{$user_id}{office}\">
--- 333,345 ----
! ";
!     if ($can_modify_user) {
!       print "<input name=\"office\" size=30 value=\"$rt::users{$user_id}{office}\">";
!     } else {
!       print $rt::users{$user_id}{office};
!     }
!     print "
*** 310,316 ****
! <input name=\"comments\" size=30 value=\"$rt::users{$user_id}{comments}\">
--- 347,359 ----
! ";
!     if ($can_modify_user) {
!       print "<input name=\"comments\" size=30 value=\"$rt::users{$user_id}{comments}\">";
!     } else {
!       print $rt::users{$user_id}{comments};
!     }
!     print "
*** 336,351 ****
! 		else {
! 		    if ($rt::users{user_id}{admin_rt}) {
  			print "<b>This user is an RT administrator</b><br>\n";
  		    foreach $queue_id (sort keys %rt::queues) {
! 			print "<b>$queue_id:</b>\n";
  			if (!&rt::can_display_queue($queue_id,$user_id)){
! 			    print "No Access\n";
! 			elsif ((&rt::can_admin_queue($queue_id,$user_id))== 1){
  			    print "Admin\n";
  			elsif ((&rt::can_manipulate_queue($queue_id,$user_id))==1){
--- 379,396 ----
! 		# Only display queue information of yourself
! 		elsif  ($user_id eq $current_user){
! 		    if ($rt::users{$user_id}{admin_rt}) {
  			print "<b>This user is an RT administrator</b><br>\n";
  		    foreach $queue_id (sort keys %rt::queues) {
! 			# Don't display queues that you are not allowed to see
  			if (!&rt::can_display_queue($queue_id,$user_id)){
! 			    next;
! 			print "<b>$queue_id:</b>\n";
! 			if ((&rt::can_admin_queue($queue_id,$user_id))== 1){
  			    print "Admin\n";
  			elsif ((&rt::can_manipulate_queue($queue_id,$user_id))==1){
*** 361,372 ****
  		    print "<BR>\n";
  	print "</TD></TR></TABLE>\n";	
! <input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"Update User\">
      if ($rt::users{$current_user}{admin_rt}) {
  	print "<TD ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=33%>
--- 406,424 ----
  		    print "<BR>\n";
+ 		else {
+ 		    print "Not visible.<BR>\n";
+ 		}
  	print "</TD></TR></TABLE>\n";	
! ";
!     if ($can_modify_user) {
!       print "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"Update User\">";
!     }
!     print "&nbsp;
      if ($rt::users{$current_user}{admin_rt}) {
  	print "<TD ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=33%>
*** 386,391 ****
--- 438,444 ----
  sub FormModifyQueue{
      my ($queue_id) = @_;
      if (!&rt::is_a_queue($queue_id)) {
  	&page_head("Create a new queue called <b>$queue_id</b>");
*** 410,416 ****
  <tr><td>Queue name:</td><td>$queue_id</td></tr>
! <tr><td>mail alias:</td><td><input name=\"email\" size=30 value=\"$rt::queues{$queue_id}{mail_alias}\"></td></tr>
  <tr><td>Initial priority:</td><td> ";
      print "</td></tr>
--- 463,475 ----
  <tr><td>Queue name:</td><td>$queue_id</td></tr>
! <tr><td>mail alias:</td><td>";
!     if (&rt::can_admin_queue($queue_id, $current_user)){
! 	print "<input name=\"email\" size=30 value=\"$rt::queues{$queue_id}{mail_alias}\">";
!     } else {
!         print $rt::queues{$queue_id}{mail_alias};
!     }
!     print "</td></tr>
  <tr><td>Initial priority:</td><td> ";
      print "</td></tr>
*** 454,467 ****
      print "<hr><H2>Areas</h2>\n";
!     print "Delete the area <select name=\"delete_area\">
  <option value=\"\">None ";	
      foreach $area ( keys % {$rt::queues{$queue_id}{areas}} ) {
  	print "<option>$area\n";
      print "</select>\n";
!     print "<br>Add an area called <input size=\"15\" name=\"add_area\"><br>
--- 513,533 ----
      print "<hr><H2>Areas</h2>\n";
!     if (&rt::can_admin_queue($queue_id, $current_user)){
! 	print "Delete the area <select name=\"delete_area\">
  <option value=\"\">None ";	
+     } else {
+ 	print "Available areas:<BR><select size=\"4\">";
+     }
      foreach $area ( keys % {$rt::queues{$queue_id}{areas}} ) {
  	print "<option>$area\n";
      print "</select>\n";
!     if (&rt::can_admin_queue($queue_id, $current_user)){
! 	print "<br>Add an area called <input size=\"15\" name=\"add_area\">";
!     }
!     print "<br>
*** 478,483 ****
--- 544,553 ----
      foreach $user_id (sort keys %rt::users) {
+ 	if (! &rt::can_admin_queue($queue_id, $current_user) &&
+ 		  &rt::can_display_queue($queue_id, $user_id) != 1){
+ 	    next;
+ 	}
  	my $escaped_user_id = $user_id;
  	$escaped_user_id=~s/ /%20/g;
        print "<A HREF=\"$ScriptURL?display=Modify+the+User+called&user_id=$escaped_user_id\">$user_id</a>:";
*** 601,606 ****
--- 671,678 ----
      my ($user_id, $queue_id) = @_;
      my $flag = 0;
+     if (&rt::can_admin_queue($queue_id, $current_user)){
  	print "<select name=\"acl_". $queue_id . "_" .$user_id. "\">\n";
  	print "<option value=\"admin\"";
*** 622,633 ****
  	print "<option value=\"none\"";
! 	if (! $flag && !&rt::can_display_queue($queue_id,$user_id)){
  	    print "SELECTED";
  	print ">No Access\n";
      print "</select><br>\n";
--- 694,722 ----
  	print "<option value=\"none\"";
! 	# Changed for West: if user has no display rights, but is admin,
! 	# set SELECTED anyway, otherwise nothing would be selected,
! 	# and the display would have "admin" as default selected.
! 	# Thus when submitting the form, all admins will be member of
! 	# the queue, and we don't want that.
! 	if (! $flag && (&rt::can_display_queue($queue_id,$user_id) != 1)){
  	    print "SELECTED";
  	print ">No Access\n";
      print "</select><br>\n";
+     } else {
+ 	if ((&rt::can_admin_queue($queue_id,$user_id))== 1){
+ 	    print "Admin\n";
+ 	} elsif ((&rt::can_manipulate_queue($queue_id,$user_id))==1){
+ 	    print "Manipulate\n";
+ 	} elsif ((&rt::can_display_queue($queue_id,$user_id))==1){
+ 	    print "Display\n";
+ 	} else {
+ 	    print "No Access\n";
+ 	}
+ 	print "<br>\n";
+     }
Index: rt/lib/rt/ui/web/forms.pm
diff -c rt/lib/rt/ui/web/forms.pm: rt/lib/rt/ui/web/forms.pm:1.3
*** rt/lib/rt/ui/web/forms.pm:	Wed Feb  9 12:19:57 2000
--- rt/lib/rt/ui/web/forms.pm	Tue Feb 15 17:13:11 2000
*** 1,6 ****
  #jesse at fsck.com
! # $Header: /source/util/REPOS/rt/lib/rt/ui/web/forms.pm,v 2000/02/09 11:19:57 marco Exp $
  package rt::ui::web;
--- 1,6 ----
  #jesse at fsck.com
! # $Header: /source/util/REPOS/rt/lib/rt/ui/web/forms.pm,v 1.3 2000/02/15 16:13:11 marco Exp $
  package rt::ui::web;
*** 16,22 ****
      print ">
! <table>
  <td valign=\"top\">
  <font size=\"-1\">
  <b>Status</b>: <SELECT NAME=\"q_status\" Size=1>";
--- 16,22 ----
      print ">
! <table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1>
  <td valign=\"top\">
  <font size=\"-1\">
  <b>Status</b>: <SELECT NAME=\"q_status\" Size=1>";
*** 24,29 ****
--- 24,33 ----
      print "<OPTION> any" if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_status'} ne "any");
      print "<OPTION SELECTED> open" if (($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_status'} eq "open" ) or  (!$rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_status'}));
      print "<OPTION> open" if (! (($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_status'} eq "open" ) or (!$rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_status'})) );
+     print "<OPTION SELECTED> accepted" if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_status'} eq "accepted");
+     print "<OPTION> accepted" if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_status'} ne "accepted");
+     print "<OPTION SELECTED> assigned" if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_status'} eq "assigned");
+     print "<OPTION> assigned" if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_status'} ne "assigned");
      print "<OPTION SELECTED> stalled" if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_status'} eq "stalled");
      print "<OPTION> stalled" if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_status'} ne "stalled");
      print "<OPTION SELECTED> resolved"  if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_status'} eq "resolved");
*** 65,75 ****
      $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_unowned'} = '' if ! defined $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_unowned'};
      $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_owned_by'} = '' if ! defined $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_owned_by'};
!     print "CHECKED" if $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_unowned'};
      print "> None ";
      print "<INPUT TYPE=\"checkbox\" NAME=\"q_owned_by\" VALUE=\"true\"";
!     print "CHECKED" if $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_owned_by'};
    print "> <select name=\"q_owner\">";
--- 69,79 ----
      $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_unowned'} = '' if ! defined $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_unowned'};
      $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_owned_by'} = '' if ! defined $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_owned_by'};
!     print " CHECKED" if $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_unowned'};
      print "> None ";
      print "<INPUT TYPE=\"checkbox\" NAME=\"q_owned_by\" VALUE=\"true\"";
!     print " CHECKED" if $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_owned_by'};
    print "> <select name=\"q_owner\">";
*** 106,122 ****
     $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_user'} = '' if ! defined $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_user'};
!    print "CHECKED" if (!$rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_user'}) || (!$rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_user_other'});
      print "> Any ";
      print "<INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"q_user\" VALUE=\"other\"";
!     print "CHECKED" if $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_user_other'};
      print "> <INPUT SIZE=8 NAME=\"q_user_other\"";
      print "VALUE=\"$rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_user_other'}\"" if $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_user_other'};
      print "> 
! </td><td valign=\"top\">
  <font size=\"-1\"><b>Refresh:</b><SELECT name=\"refresh\">
  	if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'refresh'} == -1 ) { print "SELECTED ";}
--- 110,131 ----
     $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_user'} = '' if ! defined $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_user'};
!    print " CHECKED" if (!$rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_user'}) || (!$rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_user_other'});
      print "> Any ";
      print "<INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"q_user\" VALUE=\"other\"";
!     print " CHECKED" if $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_user_other'};
      print "> <INPUT SIZE=8 NAME=\"q_user_other\"";
      print "VALUE=\"$rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_user_other'}\"" if $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_user_other'};
      print "> 
! </td>
! <td valign=\"top\">&nbsp;
! </td>
! </TR>
! <TR>
! <td valign=\"top\">
  <font size=\"-1\"><b>Refresh:</b><SELECT name=\"refresh\">
  	if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'refresh'} == -1 ) { print "SELECTED ";}
*** 153,160 ****
  <center><input type=\"submit\" value =\"Update Queue Filters\"></center>
--- 162,183 ----
+ </td>
+ <td valign=\"top\">
+ <font size=\"-1\"><b>Show:</b><SELECT name=\"q_showage\">
+ ";
+     print "<option";
+     if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_showage'} eq "date") { print " SELECTED"; }
+     print ">date\n";
+     print "<option";
+     if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_showage'} eq "age") { print " SELECTED"; }
+     print ">age\n";
+     print "<option";
+     if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_showage'} eq "both") { print " SELECTED"; }
+     print ">both
+ </select>
+ </font>
  <center><input type=\"submit\" value =\"Update Queue Filters\"></center>
*** 214,219 ****
--- 237,262 ----
  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do_req_give\" value=\"true\"></FORM>
+ sub FormSetAssign{
+     print "
+ <form action=\"$ScriptURL\" method=\"post\">
+ <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"serial_num\" value=\"$serial_num\" >
+ <input type=\"submit\" value =\"Assign to\"><select name=\"do_req_give_to\">
+ <option value=\"\">Nobody ";	
+     foreach $user_id ( sort keys % {$rt::queues{$rt::req[$serial_num]{queue_id}}{acls}} ) {
+ 	if (&rt::can_manipulate_queue ($rt::req[$serial_num]{queue_id}, $user_id)) {
+ 	    print "<option ";
+ 		print "SELECTED" if ($user_id eq $rt::req[$serial_num]{owner});
+ 		print ">$user_id\n";
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     print "</select>
+ <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do_req_give\" value=\"true\">
+ <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do_req_assign\" value=\"true\"></FORM>
+ ";
+ }
  sub FormSetArea{
      print "
  <form action=\"$ScriptURL\" method=\"post\">
*** 342,347 ****
--- 385,396 ----
      print "<option value=\"open\" ";
      if ($rt::req[$serial_num]{status} eq 'open') { print "SELECTED";}
      print ">open\n";
+     print "<option value=\"accept\" ";
+     if ($rt::req[$serial_num]{status} eq 'accepted') { print "SELECTED";}
+     print ">accepted\n";
+     print "<option value=\"assign\" ";
+     if ($rt::req[$serial_num]{status} eq 'assigned') { print "SELECTED";}
+     print ">assigned\n";
      print "<option value=\"stall\" ";
      if ($rt::req[$serial_num]{status} eq 'stalled') { print "SELECTED";}
      print ">stalled\n";
*** 376,381 ****
--- 425,436 ----
      print "<option value=\"open\" ";
      if ($rt::req[$serial_num]{status} eq 'open') { print "SELECTED";}
      print ">open\n";
+     print "<option value=\"accept\" ";
+     if ($rt::req[$serial_num]{status} eq 'accepted') { print "SELECTED";}
+     print ">accepted\n";
+     print "<option value=\"assign\" ";
+     if ($rt::req[$serial_num]{status} eq 'assigned') { print "SELECTED";}
+     print ">assigned\n";
      print "<option value=\"stall\" ";
      if ($rt::req[$serial_num]{status} eq 'stalled') { print "SELECTED";}
      print ">stalled\n";
*** 422,428 ****
  <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Create request in queue\"><select name=\"queue_id\">\n";
      foreach $queue (sort keys %rt::queues) {
  	if (&rt::can_create_request($queue, $current_user)) {
! 	    print "<option>$queue\n";
  #	else {
  #	print "<!-- $current_user can't make a req in $queue\n\n-->";    
--- 477,488 ----
  <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Create request in queue\"><select name=\"queue_id\">\n";
      foreach $queue (sort keys %rt::queues) {
  	if (&rt::can_create_request($queue, $current_user)) {
! 	    print "<option";
! 	    if (defined ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_queue'}) &&
! 		    $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_queue'} eq $queue) {
! 		print " SELECTED";
! 	    }
! 	    print ">$queue\n";
  #	else {
  #	print "<!-- $current_user can't make a req in $queue\n\n-->";    
*** 478,483 ****
--- 538,545 ----
  <TD align=\"right\">Status:</TD>
  <TD><select name=\"status\">
  <option value=\"open\">open
+ <option value=\"accepted\">accepted
+ <option value=\"assigned\">assigned
  <option value=\"stalled\">stalled
  <option value=\"resolved\">resolved
Index: rt/lib/rt/ui/web/manipulate.pm
diff -c rt/lib/rt/ui/web/manipulate.pm: rt/lib/rt/ui/web/manipulate.pm:1.2
*** rt/lib/rt/ui/web/manipulate.pm:	Wed Feb  9 12:19:57 2000
--- rt/lib/rt/ui/web/manipulate.pm	Tue Feb 15 17:11:13 2000
*** 1,4 ****
! # $Header: /source/util/REPOS/rt/lib/rt/ui/web/manipulate.pm,v 2000/02/09 11:19:57 marco Exp $
  # (c) 1996-1999 Jesse Vincent <jesse at fsck.com>
  # This software is redistributable under the terms of the GNU GPL
--- 1,4 ----
! # $Header: /source/util/REPOS/rt/lib/rt/ui/web/manipulate.pm,v 1.2 2000/02/15 16:11:13 marco Exp $
  # (c) 1996-1999 Jesse Vincent <jesse at fsck.com>
  # This software is redistributable under the terms of the GNU GPL
*** 34,39 ****
--- 34,46 ----
  sub InitDisplay {
+   my($restore_result) = -1;
+   if (! (defined($rt::ui::web::FORM{'display'}) &&
+ 	 defined($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_status'}))) {
+     # Only restore if not explicitly setting a new query pattern
+     $restore_result =  &restore_queue_options;
+   }
    if (!($frames) && (!$rt::ui::web::FORM{'display'})) {
      if ($serial_num > 0 || $rt::ui::web::FORM{'do_req_create'}) {	
*** 41,51 ****
!       #display a default queue
!       #$rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_unowned'}='true';
!       #$rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_owned_by_me'}='true';
!       $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_status'}='open';
!       $rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_by_date_due'}='true';
        $rt::ui::web::FORM{'display'} = "Queue";
--- 48,61 ----
!       # If there was no cookie from which to restore results.
!       if (! $restore_result) {
! 	#display a default queue
! 	#$rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_unowned'}='true';
! 	#$rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_owned_by_me'}='true';
! 	$rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_status'}='open';
! 	$rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_by_date_due'}='true';
!       }
        $rt::ui::web::FORM{'display'} = "Queue";
*** 58,63 ****
--- 68,78 ----
+     if (defined($rt::ui::web::FORM{'display'}) &&
+ 	$rt::ui::web::FORM{'display'} eq 'Queue') {
+       &save_queue_options;
+     }
*** 70,77 ****
    if (($frames) && (!$rt::ui::web::FORM{'display'})) {
--- 85,90 ----
*** 143,148 ****
--- 156,164 ----
      elsif  ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'display'} eq 'SetMerge'){
+     elsif  ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'display'} eq 'SetAssign'){
+       &FormSetAssign();
+     }
      elsif  ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'display'} eq 'SetGive'){
*** 266,271 ****
--- 282,293 ----
        if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'do_req_status'}){
+ 	if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'do_req_status'} eq 'accept') {
+ 	  ($trans, $StatusMsg)=&rt::change_status ($serial_num, $current_user, 'accepted');
+ 	}
+ 	if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'do_req_status'} eq 'assign') {
+ 	  ($trans, $StatusMsg)=&rt::change_status ($serial_num, $current_user, 'assigned');
+ 	}
  	if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'do_req_status'} eq 'stall') {
  	  ($trans, $StatusMsg)=&rt::stall ($serial_num, $current_user);
*** 281,286 ****
--- 303,316 ----
+       if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'do_req_accept'}){
+ 	($trans, $StatusMsg)=&rt::change_status ($serial_num, $current_user, 'accepted');
+       }
+       if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'do_req_assign'}){
+ 	($trans, $StatusMsg)=&rt::change_status ($serial_num, $current_user, 'assigned');
+       }
        if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'do_req_stall'}){
  	($trans, $StatusMsg)=&rt::stall ($serial_num, $current_user);
*** 310,316 ****
        if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'do_req_give'}){
! 	($trans, $StatusMsg)=&rt::give($serial_num, $rt::ui::web::FORM{'do_req_give_to'}, $current_user);
  	if (($trans == 0 ) and 
  	    ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'do_req_give_to'} eq $current_user) and 
--- 340,348 ----
        if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'do_req_give'}){
! 	# Note West: we want everybody to take/give requests to everybody
! 	# directly. So use give_with_steal() instead of give().
! 	($trans, $StatusMsg)=&rt::give_with_steal($serial_num, $rt::ui::web::FORM{'do_req_give_to'}, $current_user);
  	if (($trans == 0 ) and 
  	    ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'do_req_give_to'} eq $current_user) and 
*** 361,366 ****
--- 393,460 ----
+ # Save the query options for displaying the queue to a cookie.
+ # Writes out the cookie header, so it must be called before
+ # the HTTP header is ended.
+ # It will only write the cookie if this was a request to
+ # display the queue, and query options were set.
+ sub save_queue_options {
+   my($queue_params, $set_query);
+   if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'display'} eq 'Queue') {
+     $queue_params = '&' . $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} . '&';
+     $queue_params =~ s/q_sort=(.*?)\&//;
+     $queue_params =~ s/q_reverse=(.*?)\&//;
+     $queue_params =~ s/display=(.*?)\&//;
+     $queue_params =~ s/\&\&/\&/g;
+     $queue_params =~ s/\&\&/\&/g;	# Maybe there are trippled &.
+     $queue_params =~ s/^\&//g;
+     $queue_params =~ s/\&$//g;
+     if ($queue_params eq '') {
+       return;
+     }
+     use CGI::Cookie;
+     $set_query = new CGI::Cookie(-name => 'RT_QUERY',
+     				 -value => "$queue_params",
+ 				 -expires => '+6M');
+     if (($rt::web_auth_cookies_allow_no_path =~ /yes/i) and
+         ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'insecure_path'})) {
+       $set_query->path('');
+     }
+     print "Set-Cookie: $set_query\n";
+   }
+ }
+ # Restore query options for displaying the queue from a cookie.
+ # Will not overwrite options that were set via the query form.
+ #
+ # Note: It should be possible to always call this method, even if
+ #	you're not ging to display the queue. The q_* form variables
+ #	should not be used in other forms. This can be used to change
+ #	the way forms are displayed, based on the last query.
+ #
+ # Return: 0 if no cookie available or value in cookie is empty,
+ #	  1 if parameters extracted from cookie.
+ sub restore_queue_options {
+   my($queue_cgi);
+   my(%queue_vars);
+   my($key);
+   if (!($rt::ui::web::cookies{'RT_QUERY'}) ||
+       !($rt::ui::web::cookies{'RT_QUERY'}->value)) {
+     return 0;
+   }
+   use CGI qw/:cgi-lib/;
+   $queue_cgi = new CGI($rt::ui::web::cookies{'RT_QUERY'}->value);
+   %queue_vars = $queue_cgi->Vars;
+   foreach $key (keys %queue_vars) {
+     if (!($key =~ /^q_/)) { next; }
+     if (!exists($rt::ui::web::FORM{$key})) {
+       $rt::ui::web::FORM{$key} = $queue_vars{$key};
+     }
+   }
+   return 1;
+ }
  sub display_queue {
    my ($owner_ops, $subject_ops, $queue_ops, $status_ops, $prio_ops, $user_ops, $order_ops, $reverse, $query_string);
    local($^W) = 0;		# Lots of form fields that may or may not exist give bogus errors
*** 588,594 ****
    print &queue_header('status',"Status");
    print &queue_header('timestamp',"Told");
    print &queue_header('area',"Area");
!   print &queue_header('age',"Age");
    print &queue_header('last',"Last");
    print &queue_header('date_due',"Due");
    print &queue_header('user',"Requestor");
--- 682,693 ----
    print &queue_header('status',"Status");
    print &queue_header('timestamp',"Told");
    print &queue_header('area',"Area");
!   if (defined($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_showage'}) &&
!      ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_showage'} eq 'age')) {
!     print &queue_header('age',"Age");
!   } else {
!     print &queue_header('age',"Created");
!   }
    print &queue_header('last',"Last");
    print &queue_header('date_due',"Due");
    print &queue_header('user',"Requestor");
*** 598,603 ****
--- 697,725 ----
    for ($temp=0;$temp<$count;$temp++){
+     ($wday, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, $TZ, $year)=&rt::parse_time($rt::req[$temp]{'date_created'});
+     my($date_created)=sprintf ("%s %s %4d %02d:%02d", $mday, $mon, $year, $hour, $min);
+     ($wday, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, $TZ, $year)=&rt::parse_time($rt::req[$temp]{'date_told'});
+     my($date_told)=sprintf ("%s %s %4d %02d:%02d", $mday, $mon, $year, $hour, $min);
+     $date_told = 'never' if ($rt::req[$temp]{'date_told'} <= 0);
+     ($wday, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, $TZ, $year)=&rt::parse_time($rt::req[$temp]{'date_acted'});
+     my($date_acted)=sprintf ("%s %s %4d %02d:%02d", $mday, $mon, $year, $hour, $min);
+     $date_acted = '' if ($rt::req[$temp]{'date_acted'} <= 0);
+     if (defined($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_showage'})) {
+       if ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_showage'} eq 'age') {
+         $date_created = $rt::req[$temp]{'age'};
+         $date_told = $rt::req[$temp]{'since_told'};
+         $date_acted = $rt::req[$temp]{'since_acted'};
+       } elsif ($rt::ui::web::FORM{'q_showage'} eq 'both') {
+         $date_created .= " (" . $rt::req[$temp]{'age'} . ")";
+         if ($date_told ne 'never') {
+ 	  $date_told .= " (" . $rt::req[$temp]{'since_told'} . ")";
+         }
+ 	$date_acted .= " (" . $rt::req[$temp]{'since_acted'} . ")";
+       }
+     }
     my $wrapped_requestors = $rt::req[$temp]{'requestors'};
     $wrapped_requestors =~ s/,/, /g; 
      if ($temp % 2) {
*** 639,645 ****
! <font size=-1>$rt::req[$temp]{'since_told'}</font>
--- 761,767 ----
! <font size=-1>$date_told</font>
*** 647,657 ****
! <font size=-1>$rt::req[$temp]{'age'}</font>
! <font size=-1>$rt::req[$temp]{'since_acted'}</font>
--- 769,779 ----
! <font size=-1>$date_created</font>
! <font size=-1>$date_acted</font>
*** 703,708 ****
--- 825,831 ----
    for ($temp=0; $temp < $total_transactions; $temp++){
      ($wday, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, $TZ, $year)=&rt::parse_time($rt::req[$serial_num]{'trans'}[$temp]{'time'});
      $date=sprintf ("%s, %s %s %4d", $wday, $mon, $mday, $year);
      $time=sprintf ("%.2d:%.2d:%.2d", $hour,$min,$sec);
*** 794,800 ****
    my $temp;
        print "
!      <DIV ALIGN=\"CENTER\"> ".
  &fdro_murl("display=SetComment","history","Comment",0). " | " .
--- 917,923 ----
    my $temp;
        print "
!      <DIV ALIGN=\"CENTER\"> " .
  &fdro_murl("display=SetComment","history","Comment",0). " | " .
*** 803,814 ****
  	print " | ". 
  &fdro_murl("do_req_give=true&do_req_give_to=$current_user","summary","Take",0) ;
        if ($rt::req[$serial_num]{'status'} ne 'resolved') {
  	print " | ". 
        if ($rt::req[$serial_num]{'status'} ne 'open') {
  	print " | " . 
--- 926,947 ----
  	print " | ". 
  &fdro_murl("do_req_give=true&do_req_give_to=$current_user","summary","Take",0) ;
+       if ($rt::req[$serial_num]{'status'} ne 'accepted') {
+ 	print " | ". 
+ &fdro_murl("do_req_accept=true","summary","Accept",0);
+       }
+       if ($rt::req[$serial_num]{'status'} ne 'assign') {
+ 	print " | ". 
+ &fdro_murl("display=SetAssign","summary","Assign...",0);
+       }
        if ($rt::req[$serial_num]{'status'} ne 'resolved') {
  	print " | ". 
        if ($rt::req[$serial_num]{'status'} ne 'open') {
  	print " | " . 
Index: rt/lib/rt/ui/web/support.pm
diff -c rt/lib/rt/ui/web/support.pm: rt/lib/rt/ui/web/support.pm:1.2
*** rt/lib/rt/ui/web/support.pm:	Wed Feb  9 12:19:57 2000
--- rt/lib/rt/ui/web/support.pm	Tue Feb 15 17:12:01 2000
*** 214,225 ****
  sub header {
      if ($header_printed) {
      print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
      print '<HTML>
! <head><title>WebRT</title>
  <BODY  bgcolor="#ffffff">
--- 214,232 ----
  sub header {
+     my($title) = "WebRT";
      if ($header_printed) {
+     if (defined($rt::ui::web::FORM{'display'})) {
+       $title .= " " . $rt::ui::web::FORM{'display'};
+     }
+     if (defined($rt::ui::web::effective_sn)) {
+       $title .= " for request " . $rt::ui::web::effective_sn;
+     }
      print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
      print '<HTML>
! <head><title>' . $title . '</title>
  <BODY  bgcolor="#ffffff">

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