[rt-devel] RT 1.3.24

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Tue Nov 28 00:30:48 EST 2000

hot off the presses. 

Relative to 1.3.23:

 ticket watchers should work better. links should work
better. more things should be ACLed. various bits of code 
should be cleaner and better docced.

This version might successfully install and run on both
mysql and postgresql.

jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
70EBAC90: 2A07 FC22 7DB4 42C1 9D71 0108 41A3 3FB3 70EB AC90

After all, it's not every day you meet up with an evil power
                                               -M. Bulgakov

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