[rt-devel] Re: [rt-users] Replying using the Web UI

Andrew Yager andrew at rwts.com.au
Wed Aug 29 09:32:38 EDT 2001


yep... just kinda forgot to hit reply all last time

Should be working now... i have done that (I did finally find it in the 
doco - i've been looking for it for about three days...) - but

in fact... it just did work... that was my problem.

thanks heaps...

On Wednesday, August 29, 2001, at 11:29  PM, Mitchell Wright wrote:

> Good Morning!
> You must be attached to your computer like I am.
> A couple things... One is just a note. For the mailing list to work it's
> best, you should hit reply all so that others can learn from the 
> process you
> are undertaking. Not only the subcribers now, but those how search the
> archives at a later date. It is good to send to the original too 
> though, as
> it can take a little time for the whole list to receive the note and 
> sending
> directly to me as well will come through much faster.
> Two... I know it can be tedious when reading documentation before 
> having a
> sense of the software as the context to which the information is 
> intended is
> obscured. However, with applications of even mild complexity, this in
> particular ranking pretty high on that scale, you really need to read it
> through. All of it in fact... Somethings will make sense later that 
> don't
> make sense at the time.
> Anways, sorry for taking a pedantic tone it is just very good advice (on
> both points) that I have received myself in the past. The scrips are 
> named
> fairly logically. I have my testing queue set to transmit replies with 
> the
> following:
> OnCreate AutoreplyToRequestors with template Autoreply
> OnCorrespond NotifyRequestors with template Correspondence
> OnTransaction NotifyOwner with template Transaction
> There are probably a few more that I will need to add but I have only
> started the testing process. The first one sends an auto reply with a 
> new
> message comes in creating a ticket. The second sends the response 
> through
> the UI to the original message. The third lets the Admin know of further
> message in a queue's thread. I suppose I should Ad another to alert the
> admins when a note is added to the queue so our representatives only 
> have to
> log in when there is something new and not to check things out.
> Mitchell
> On 8/29/01 9:18 AM, "Andrew Yager" <andrew at rwts.com.au> wrote:
>> How do I do that?
>> Andrew
>> On Wednesday, August 29, 2001, at 11:15  PM, Mitchell Wright wrote:
>>> Another thing to try is to double check that you have your scrips
>>> properly
>>> set up to transmit the reply.
>>> On 8/28/01 10:01 PM, "Mitchell Wright" <wright at nimm.com> wrote:
>>>> What error are you getting?
>>>> I had similar trouble a couple days ago and I needed to upgrade my
>>>> CGI. CPAN
>>>> told me it was up to date but after forcing an install things seemed
>>>> to run
>>>> smoothly.
>>>> For me the upgrade goes like:
>>>> (as root)
>>>> perl -MCPAN -e shell;
>>>> force install CGI
>>>> (watch all the funny text fly by)
>>>> exit
>>>> Stop and start apache and try again.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Mitchell
>>>> On 8/28/2001 08:23 pm, "Andrew Yager" <andrew at rwts.com.au> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> ... not to just keep bugging or anything... but I'm still having
>>>>> trouble
>>>>> getting reply from the WebUI to work... i'm not a greatly 
>>>>> experienced
>>>>> unix user so if people can tell me what they need to know then I can
>>>>> get
>>>>> that info for them.
>>>>> Andrew
Andrew Yager
Real World Technology Solutions
Real People Real SolUtions™
ph: (02) 9945 2567 fax: (02) 9945 2566
mob: 0405 15 2568
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