[rt-devel] First attempt at importing

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Fri Jun 8 23:00:26 EDT 2001

On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 06:23:14PM -0700, Bob Finch wrote:
> >>>>> "Jesse" == Jesse  <jesse at fsck.com> writes:
>     Jesse> Weird. Incidentally, which of the three req importers did
>     Jesse> you use?
> yar2r-1.13
> Just finished importing w/ 1.3.97.  Adding an index for Users on
> EmailAddress shaved about an hour off the total time.

Urk. the pg schema was out of sync with the base schema. sorry about that.

> Merging looks good this time.  The handful of merged tickets I looked
> at were all OK.  I'll take a closer look over the weekend...
> I had to do:
>   select setval('tickets_id_seq', (select max(id) from tickets));
> in psql before I could add new tickets.  I guess since import
> explicitly sets ticket numbers, the sequence number never gets
> incremented...

*nod* I will add a note to this effect to the install instructions.

> -- Bob
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jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
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