[rt-devel] WEB RT - The requested URL could not be retrieved

Ludek Mokry ludek at mokry.cz
Wed Mar 21 06:32:31 EST 2001


I try to install RT 1.3.59 but have problem with HTML::Mason (I'm already
running RT 1.0.7 w/o any problem). I can't make it to work. I have added

<VirtualHost pinknt04.pink>
        ServerName rt-new.mokry.cz
        DocumentRoot /home/data/app/rt-new/WebRT/html
        ServerAdmin root at localhost
        ErrorLog logs/rt-new/error_log
        CustomLog logs/rt-new/access_log combined
        PerlRequire /home/data/app/rt-new/bin/webmux.pl
        <Location />
            SetHandler perl-script
            PerlHandler RT::Mason

section to my apache conf (1.3.14 fro RH 7.0).

When I try to access http://rt-new.mokry.cz I get this error:
The requested URL could not be retrieved
While trying to retrieve the URL: [no URL] 
The following error was encountered: 
* Zero Sized Reply 
Squid did not receive any data for this request. 
Your cache administrator is root. 

Can anybody help me?


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