[rt-devel] missing ACL's

Arthur de Jong arthur at West.NL
Thu Mar 29 10:26:31 EST 2001

What is the status of ACL's in RT2? I was looking around and found a few 
missing. Attached is a patch to implement the ShowTicketComments in the 
display of transactions of a ticket.

Other smaal issues: The Makefile is read-only in the distribution which is 
anoying if you install as a non-root user. The etc directory and all the files 
in the installation directory are also read-only (also problem when installing 

Currently the web inteface allows adding users to the pseudogroups. This is 
maybe confusing.

-- arthur de jong - arthur at west.nl - west consulting b.v. --
-------------- next part --------------
--- lib.1-3-64/RT/Ticket.pm	Thu Mar 29 09:53:10 2001
+++ lib/RT/Ticket.pm	Thu Mar 29 17:20:37 2001
@@ -2240,8 +2240,14 @@
 	$transactions->Limit( ALIAS => $tickets,
 			      FIELD => 'EffectiveId',
 			      VALUE => $self->id());
-    }	
+        # if the user may not see comments do not return them
+        unless ($self->CurrentUserHasRight('ShowTicketComments')) {
+            $transactions->Limit( FIELD => 'Type',
+                                  OPERATOR => '!=',
+                                  VALUE => "Comment");
+        }
+    }

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