[rt-devel] Queue change didn't produce the right resulting form

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Thu May 10 10:46:07 EDT 2001

Known issue. Ticket #361.

On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 02:16:16PM +0200, Jonas Liljegren wrote:
> 1.7.0 bug...
> I stand in the "basic" section of a ticket.  I change a category (from
> the global selections) and the queue.
> The submit Results says:
>     * Queue: Queue changed from Allmänt to Projekt
>     * Keyword Webb added.
> But in the resulting form (still in Basic display) still says Queue
> 'Allmänt' and the keywords only display those in that queue and not
> those for the new queue 'Projekt'.
> But klicken 'Display' shows that the wueue *was* changed.  But i had
> to go back to Basic to add keywords for the new queue.
> -- 
> / Jonas  -  http://jonas.liljegren.org/myself/en/index.html
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jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
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