[rt-devel] Problems with a RT2 support scenario

Jonas Liljegren jonas at liljegren.org
Fri May 11 08:23:26 EDT 2001

Jesse <jesse at fsck.com> writes:

> > I can't find out what AdminWatchers and AdminCC is supposed to be used
> > for.  I set up the support staff as AsminWatchers. 
> You set them up either as QueueCC or QueueAdminCc. there should be
> nothing labeled 'AdminWatchers.' where was it?

The same thing. It says "Current watchers, Administrative Cc" in

> > 3. A reply to a ticket via the web interface back to the requestor
> > somethimes has CRLF line endings.  I guess this showes up because at
> > least one line ending is not CRLF.
> All line endings, should, iirc, be CRLF.  Browsers are horridly inconsistent
> about what they send.

I think that the program has a responisibility to send a correct

It seems that the mail template uses LF, but the included message uses
CRLF.  Some of the headers:

Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

Some email readers may normalize the line endings.

> > 5. I winder if the dubble '/' in the templates is because the template
> > of the configuration is faulty.  Is says:
> > 
> >         $WebURL = $WebBaseURL . $WebPath. "/";
> > 
> Possibly. I'll have a look at the templates

And the answer is?

The template says:


One of the '/' should go.

>  Before submitting bug reports, it can be helpful to make sure
> that the bugs you're reporting aren't already noted at 
> http://fsck.com/rt2/NoAuth/Buglist.html

Ok. have read the list twice now..

As you can see, I have submitted over 10 bugs/suggestions now...

/ Jonas  -  http://jonas.liljegren.org/myself/en/index.html

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