[rt-devel] RT::Template not unfolding long header lines

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Sun Jan 20 09:22:13 EST 2002

Ok. After looking at it harder myself, I think that was why I wasn't 
just applying that patch. I believe that what you'll see checked in is
code that just uses MIME::Parser to do all this for us, as we should
have had it in the first place. . (Though I need to make
sure it deals properly with cases where there are no headers.)


On Wed, Jan 16, 2002 at 10:59:12PM +0100, Bruce Campbell wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> > Ok. I was wrong. the patch is not yet in the cvs copy,
> > but is noted at http://fsck.com/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=1058
> The patch referenced above ignores folded headers by only taking the first
> line of a multi-line header.  The other lines would seem to vanish into
> the ether.
> > I can't actually recall what I was waiting on, but I'll look harder
> > at it when I get back from Slovenia and Austria next week.
> Possibly that ;)
> I've found that this conflicts in some weird way with my work on #1187
> (only with folded headers), so it might bite other bits as well.  Hrm,
> think I need some sleep.  (And the latest bad-singer version of _Don't Cry
> For Me Argentina_ is getting annoying)
> -- 
>                              Bruce Campbell                            RIPE
>                                     RIPE 41                             NCC
>                        Jan 14-18, Amsterdam                      Operations
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