[rt-devel] webmux error on Httpd start

Perry, Jeff perry at ku.edu
Wed Jun 26 15:12:10 EDT 2002

I have just installed RT on a new redhat server.  This is to be a
replacement of our older existing webRT installation.

I have run into this error (this seems to be the same problem as seen
http://lists.fsck.com/pipermail/rt-devel/2002-April/002200.html )

== Error on Httpd start
[root at kohi conf]# service httpd start
Starting httpd: Variable "$m" is not imported at
/usr/local/rt2/bin/webmux.pl line 94.
[Wed Jun 26 14:00:35 2002] [error] Global symbol "$m" requires explicit
package name at /usr/local/rt2/bin/webmux.pl line 94.
Compilation failed in require at (eval 5) line 1.

Syntax error on line 1432 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
Global symbol "$m" requires explicit package name at
/usr/local/rt2/bin/webmux.pl line 94.
Compilation failed in require at (eval 5) line 1.

== Virtual Server file from /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
<VirtualHost xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>
        DocumentRoot /usr/local/rt2/WebRT/html
        ServerName webrt.lss.ku.edu
        PerlModule Apache::DBI
        PerlFreshRestart On
        PerlRequire /usr/local/rt2/bin/webmux.pl
        <Location />
                SetHandler perl-script  
                PerlHandler RT::Mason

== Export from /usr/local/rt2/bin/webmux.pl  (with line numbers)
90.              my $type = shift;
91.              $RT::Mason::r->content_type($type);
92.          }
94.            sub CGIObject {
95.             $m->cgi_object();
96.         }

== Additional Information
I am set to "args_method => 'CGI'" in webmux.pl
i am not sure if this is related to
"rt-devel] Using RT with HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler( args_method =>
'mod_perl' )"
i.e. mod_perl vs CGI with APACHE::Request

Config wise, i'm sure the mysql db/apache/perl/config.pm are all setup
correctly.  This is the third installation of WebRt here and this seems to
be the only machine doing this.

The apache installation (config and virtual server wise) are the same
throughout all our installations so I doubt it's that either.

The difference is that this is Redhat 7.3 and the others are 7.2.. but I
can't imagine that would have much effect.

Thanks for any insite/advice you may have

Jeff Perry
Information Technology Analyst
LAN Support Services
The University of Kansas
perry at ku.edu

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