[rt-devel] Give function

Phil Homewood pdh at snapgear.com
Thu Oct 31 19:48:56 EST 2002

Huntley, Derek M wrote:
> I've just installed RT2 and although most of the functionality is familiar I
> have been unable to find the "give" function. Is this feature not available
> in RT2 or am I missing it?

It's been hidden, by becoming more obvious. :-) Just assign
the ticket to the new owner.

(this kind of question belongs on rt-users, not rt-devel, incidentally.)
Phil Homewood, Systems Janitor, www.SnapGear.com
pdh at snapgear.com Ph: +61 7 3435 2810 Fx: +61 7 3891 3630
SnapGear - Custom Embedded Solutions and Security Appliances

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