[rt-devel] Tentative fix to attachment bug

Daniel E. Eisenbud eisenbud at cbio.mskcc.org
Wed Apr 30 10:35:50 EDT 2003

Hmm, could PerlFreshRestart have something to do with this?  It was
turned on, I guess from following the RT2 installation instructions, but
I notice the RT3 instructions don't mention it.  Also, I had forgotten
to add the AddDefauoltCharset UTF-8 directive, and I wonder if this
helped trigger the bug (though that's more vague speculation.)  I found
some generic warnings on the web about PerlFreshRestart, but they didn't
really explain what the danger was.  Do I want to keep this turned off


> One obvious question is whether there's any chance for an old copy of
> something like this to be cached by mod_perl?  I would imagine that very
> unlikely across an apache restart, but it's hard to think of other
> explanations for what I saw.  And I'm pretty sure that I'm not just
> hallucinating.

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