[rt-devel] Re: [fsck.com #3068] Patch: DueIn is not set in html/Ticket/Create.html

Stanislav Sinyagin ssinyagin at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 5 03:02:33 EDT 2003

--- Jesse Vincent via RT <rt3 at fsck.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the patch.
> We took a variant of the Due setting fix (which uses simple ISO dates) as change #43 ,
>  but not the Starts fix, as by default, I don't think that field should be filled in with the 
> current time. 

Could you explain what's the purpose of Starts field, and what should be the default value?

> We didn't take the patch for "min" as it's not properly localized. see the RT dev style guide
> for how to localize in RT 3.0.5pre2

OK, I'll provide the localized version soon.


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