[rt-devel] IP tracking in RTIR

darren chamberlain darren at boston.com
Thu Dec 4 08:07:04 EST 2003

* Damian Gerow <freebsd at coal.sentex.ca> [2003/12/03 15:47]:
> Thus spake Damian Gerow (freebsd at coal.sentex.ca) [03/12/03 13:38]:
> > Instead, what I'd like to do, is generate links within the ticket body for
> > IP addresses found, that can take me to my RADIUS log lookup page.  And
> > include the date range around the time of the complaint only (so I'm not
> > looking at a months worth of RADIUS logs).
> Actually, what I'd *like* to do is have a menu pop up when you click on
> certain links -- so we can do nslookup, RADIUS lookup, whois lookup,
> traceroute, etc. right from the ticket body, instead of needing to
> copy/paste into the 'Tools' page.

FWIW, Net::Nslookup (<http://search.cpan.org/dist/Net-Nslookup/>) will
get you nslookup(1)-style lookups without having to shell out to another


Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with
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    -- Susan Ertz
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