[rt-devel] Quick question

Harald Wagener hwagener at hamburg.fcb.com
Mon Feb 24 04:24:24 EST 2003

Am Freitag, 21.02.03 um 15:29 Uhr schrieb Art Morales:

> Quick question for those of you that have RT3 running,
> I'm trying to set up rt as a test install, and I'm trying to install it
> as part of another server (therefore not in the root of the server).
> I can see the login page and enter the username and password, but it
> does not work (password incorrect (root:password))  I don't see any 
> logs
> being created other than the httpd access logs...

I experience the same. Are You using apache 2.0.x by any chance? it 
does not seem to play nice.


PS: I could not test against Apache 1.3.x yet.

Harald Wagener * FCB/Wilkens * An der Alster 42 * 20099 Hamburg

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